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Average Pipebomb enjoyer

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Posts posted by Average Pipebomb enjoyer

  1. 2 hours ago, [GL] Bacon/Buck said:

    Massive +support 

    While things were getting out of hand with HP, a CI alpha operative should not have 175 / 175 and be able to solo 2 Nu7.

    It also has rewarded people who bought the golf club heavily making it feel pay to win. I can understand lowering the HP/AP but decreasing damage by 40% is kinda shit. It renders many guns useless and makes this a melee only fight.

    another factor that nobody is mentioning is SCP. If 682 was hard enough to get to tranq before think about now. We can barely kill a d class. So how do we kill a giant fucking lizard with 7.5K HP. This also includes scp(s) 098, 2191, 035, 610, 1048, 1265, 966, 5208, 194, 939 and so many others 

    even if the HP stays the same, please just fix the gun damage 


  2. 37 minutes ago, Phillers said:


    If he had disconnected and immediately reconnected, I'd fully agree that that's a stupid move, but from the looks of it he left and did not come back. 
    That's not LTARP IMO, that's just deciding you've had enough of the server for one day and leaving before comming back tommorow, and I believe that punishing someone for that is wrong. 


  3. 5 hours ago, Sprink said:


    Just because you waited your NLR doesn't mean you didn't still hop onto d-class to kill Security and MTF after you died in the raid.

    This has been stated as a no no at multiple CI, MTF, and Command Meetings.


  4. 7 minutes ago, Biggie Cheese1 said:


    Pretty active on my time zone (GMT) and is very good at RP jobs, for example Maintenance and E11 and he has personally helped me on the server before and i think he would fit the role of RRH Engineer very well


  5. What are you suggesting? -  Specifying in MOTD that D4 can cuff 049 without fearrp

    How would this change better the server? - It would prevent a lot of sits and staff discretion issues 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A its already a thing that D4 can do

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - D4

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  6. i had some lets just say arguments with you but i still wish you well hope to see you return someday and thank you for making research a great branch you were one of the best Research HCMD and also really fun to be around sometimes 


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