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Average Pipebomb enjoyer

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Posts posted by Average Pipebomb enjoyer

  1. -Support

    -Backpacks and hats what is this a Roblox SCPRP server

    -The confetti gun would cause a lot of lag

    - We already have a flashlight item in game to deal with SCPs i don't see why we would need another flashlight when its already on most classes due to 280 

    - We already have a binoculars item on the server and they are so loud and bad paying money to buy them would be a waste 

  2. -Support 

    - The SCP wiki has no real canon Meaning in one canon there could be a micro and in another one there isn't.

    - This basically makes alpha unit a beefy D4 with nothing unique about it accept HP.

    - The micro is there to keep balance between SCPs and MTF instead of having to nuke every time the site goes to shit.

    -The weapon is Heavily restricted by site administration to the point that you need O5/Ethics perms to use it so people don't just use it every time the site goes to shit  and its only used when absolutely necessary.

    -  The micro HID (Inferno) may do a lot of damage but it also has a charge and it slows you down when you hold it making it easy to be targeted by SCPs.

    - The ethereal only does 150 damage and considering that SCPs have over 5k HP its not as good as you think.

    - Removing the rule on killing SCPs with a micro makes no sense since t
    he micro is only authorized to use against SCPs. Using it against humans is prohibited.

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