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Average Pipebomb enjoyer

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Posts posted by Average Pipebomb enjoyer

  1. - support 
    Its your own fault that you got banned for sending a discord crasher and you are responsible for everything you send i think this ban should stay

  2. 56 minutes ago, Echo Romeo said:

    Alright, so you were also removed from Nu-7 for Mass Toxicity, and you still frequently diss people behind their back. I don't see you fit for command, sorry.

    Times change that was a while ago most people have noticed considerable amount of changes in my behavior since then it really isnt anything big anymore

  3. Your name on the roster: Lucas


    Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): SSGT


    You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: Yes i wanted to become command in gensec so i know a fair bit about command 


    Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: 2 Very old warns about me saying that dclass are bad at aiming and calling a dclass bad at the game 




    Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): I think I'm pretty trustworthy in most peoples eyes and i try to help the branch as much as i can I'm very friendly and always have people around me asking me questions about the branch and i always try to improve on past mistakes i made I'm in love with this branch and this server and i always try to push myself to be better I'm always available for if I'm needed i know when how to promote i think i can be trusted with most things I'm very familiar with command due to me always being with command i also try not to minge most of time and try and keep a serious mood when needed 


    Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): i think i deserve a WO slot is because i have been trying to prepare myself for command for ages now and i think I'm ready to apply and i am very good at creating a good mood for the branch and i have worked very hard for this branch and I'm trying to work harder every day i always try to provide help for the branch i think I will be a decent command member i always try to be the best of the best and i think i could contribute a lot to resolving issues that may arise within the branch i think i will fit in well with command and i think a couple command member agree with me and i have shown strong leadership in this branch 


    Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): i have risen through the ranks and i think i have shown great leadership skills and i think i could be a good addition to command i am one of the hardest working Nu7 members i also think that i am ready for a command position since i have been in this server for years




    You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: i would give them a verbal warning telling them to stop disrespecting others and if they continue i would contact a higher up to ask about what punishment should be handed out


    You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: i would explain CoC and tell them to stop and if they continue i would contact a higher up about what disciplinary actions should be taken

  4. Lore Name: Lucas
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 173

    Question / Idea: can SCP 173 be terminated using explosives and .50 Caliber APIT rounds
    Background Research: SCP 173 is made out of concrete and steel APIT rounds are armor piercing incendiary tracer rounds and explosives cause mass damage to steel and concrete  
    Hypothesis: SCP 173 would sustain heavy damage and collapse terminating the object  

    Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP 173 took heavy damage and expired soon after due to it being broken apart SCP 173 seems to be more resistant to explosives then normal concrete 
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 173 has been terminated due to explosives breaking down its structure
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

  5. In Game Name: Lucas

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:519092403

    Job applying for (O5 Logistics - MEDIC +/ADEPT + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | O5 Research - Research/CI RND Researcher+): Red Right Hand

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: O5-1 or OL-5 but I'm willing to guard any

    How many Warns do you have? 2

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team:  The reason i want to join O5 staff is because i like most of the O5s and i like to guard people 

    Why should we accept you: Personally i think i'm good at combat, i also know how the amnestics guide works. I'm a Nu7 SGT i was a Gensec MSGT I'm currently in CI as a RCT Since i rejoined but i was a CPL I'm also very active i try to help whenever needed i can quickly respond to most situations I follow orders very well since a good commander/officer commands without doubt i trust most O5s and O5 Staff i can can work with almost anyone I'm good with teamwork i can build teams i can show strong leadership i learn from past mistakes very quickly i know most tactics and know most formations i feel like i have gained enough experience overtime to apply and that is why i am applying i also know a lot of the Red Right Hand members and have been told a bit about how RRH works I'm almost always available

    (No there isnt a word requirement BUT write how much you think will be needed to get your app accepted)

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