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Everything posted by royalderg

  1. royalderg

    whats ur rank?

    Mobile Task Force Unit: Nu-7, designated "Hammer Down": Deputy Head of Field Training Officers, Deputy Head of Field Experts, Deputy Head of Recon Specialists, Deputy Head of Behemoth Units, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Robinson M9R2 DS3, MS3, FS3 (Authorized to use Grenadier and SCP-7101-GL) Also my other job Security Overseer of Field Training Officers, Wardens Commisioner (Codename: Diocletian, Callsign: N3K0), Director of Research and Security Warmercarp AS3, MS3, FS3 (Trained for Canine Unit, Riot Control and Sniper. Authorized to use Juggernaut.)
  2. + Support Active. Good Pick for Jug, We need more Jugs and individuals playing Jugs like this, Again beat me to level 55 ;-;
  3. + support This man beat me to 55 ;-; Active, and overall good at being an NCO!
  4. (- support) if this is for the maglight that some people spawn with that's because no gensec classes that I'm aware of (maybe wardens?) spawn with that..and 173 is literally right next to d-block letting him basically go on a rampage even if you can see him by using your (f) key flashlight. (+support) if this is for the (f) key flashlight.
  5. Just for clarification.. you mean the (F) button flashlight not the maglight that some classes spawn with right?
  6. +support This has been an unspoken "rule" for a while now.. I like the idea of splitting up the lines to be different things.. Though medical check up line might be RARELY used.. and getting the D class to actually follow this idea will be interesting. Also if this is accepted then security will have to be retrained so they don't take from the wrong lines. Also Also what is a d class gonna do if they're meant for a medical checkup but they get diverted to say 106's cc for a femur.. is that a staff issue orr? Just some thoughts!
  7. They weren't there yesterday ;-; but I see them now so consider my point moot
  8. What are you suggesting? - Adding back the cans that spawned at those purple vending machines scattered across the map that would give you a reward every 24 hrs or so. How would this change better the server? - It would reset it back to how it was before... Before the cans got removed... And give someone a benefit for playing daily.. also always fun getting a side arm you already have from it Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I mean sometimes you can get like some dual berretta's or c4 or something sorta OP ish.. but it doesn't carry after you die or change class so. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Literally Everyone, for logging unto the server daily Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2437167931 (Machines they spawned by and or from)
  9. -Support Just uhhhhhhhhhhh don't drink floor drinks.. and report any abusers to staff.. At this point we should remove the c o o m command from the machine cause its erp related.
  10. + support (Another SCP-RP gmod server had something like this where it would auto highlight anyone in red that looked at your face..so you could track them... 096 also WOULDN'T leave rage till they were dead "much like the actual 096 in lore") It was pretty neat.. 173 had a blinking mechanic, but those are actually a pain and a half...to deal with..normally. Other than that..ye.
  11. +support Even though.. Chaos doesn't even do this even on a "Chaos" raid..or at least I've never seen them do it.. If it truly does open up ALL cc's it should be 75+ (or even more cause funny "assists")
  12. Your in game name: SEC FTO MSGT Royalderg Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155729124 The player's in game name: D Class Kosh The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:242684957 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 3/27/2021 (Time: 12:55 AM PST) What did the player do: Said /me rapes him in chat (Just to clarify I'm reporting what happened in the chat..not the kill the d class got on me while I was taking a screenshot) Evidence (required): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2437110613 What do you believe should happen to the player: Probably a ban Any extra information: Made a sit no admins on.. late at night
  13. Fun fact the cuffs the Sarkic's actually use is a Collar/Leash that is why you can shoot when you cuff someone.. But also.. hehe collaring people is funni
  14. That's true you can hear it from Safe Class SCP containment in LCZ so its AoE based for sure... Let's make it so Chaos can hear it as well make them get some motivation for rescuing D-Class
  15. + Support The reason why though is because its supposed to broadcast to the WHOLE site (in lore) when you flick on the sound override. That's to make sure that 106 hears it from anywhere in the site.
  16. "Give 343 the swep thats play a sound of Morgan Freeman saying "I can smell you" - Morgan Freeman never said that its just a really good impersonator that was playing a game called "The Hidden". Other than that.. +Support
  17. What are you suggesting? - Add all Custom Class and Other models to the !workshop command list. How would this change better the server? - Make it so people don't have to link hunt and can just go !workshop, and then subscribe all and have all the models Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? - Literally everyone, Combatant classes especially so they don't have to fight errors Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - I will list the classes that are currently errors for me (yes I am subscribed to all of the !workshop items) (I am using the change models select from when you hover over the class from left to right in the F4 menu) ((Yes some of these might not be errors but they appear to be errors in the F4 menu so better safe than sorry)) Medical Command- First and Second models Senior Medic- First model Medical Researcher- First model The Administrator- Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Ninth model Ethics Committee- Third model O5 Research Team- Second and Third model O5 Logistics Team- First model Director Of Task Forces- First model Director Of Logistics- Second model Foundation Doctor- Second and Last model Hazardous Materials Researcher- First model Research Intelligence Guardian- Second model Security K9 Unit- First model Security Juggernaut- First model Security Sniper + Riot Control have missing textures on the armor not the faces Security Heavy- First model MTF Nu-7 Grenadier- First model CI Infiltrator- First Model CI BioEngineer- First Model Ci Slueth- First Model and Tenth Model SCP-035-1 - First Model SCP- 912 - First Model SCP-5208-GL - Third Model SCP- 610 - First Model MTF Stealth Operative- First Model MTF Tau 5 Soldier - First Model SCP- 1265-A - First Model D-0007 - First Model D-2357 - First Model Doom Guy- First Model Gordon Freeman - First Model Harleen Frances Quinzel- First Model Invictus Sentry- First Model Isaac Watchthorne- First Model MTF Commando- First Model MTF E11 Inferno Mk85- First Model MTF Lambda-5 'Silent Night'- First Model MTF Zeta-19 'Hellbringers'- First Model RTF Lambda-5 'Reality Keepers'- First Model Secondary Tactical Assistance Response Squad- First Model Skin Man- First Model Task Force 141- First Model Vladmir Putin- First Model That is all I could find I might of missed some and or I might have chose some that aren't actual errors, either way better safe than sorry and I'm only one person!
  18. Name: Royalderg Rank: SGT SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:155729124 Current Sub-Branches your in: Sniper Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Nope
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