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Everything posted by LilThinMints

  1. Name- Thin Steam ID- STEAM_0:0:419502660 Discord Name- Try Hard Pengu#3573 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- CI SGT List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- 29 Warns, warn limit bans. Why do you want to join Delta-5? I want to join D5 so i can have a job to assist the foundation with a combative playstyle. Why should we let you into Delta-5? Im very experienced at pvp and have been around the server for a while. Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!
  2. What are you suggesting? - Give enoch cake again How would this change better the server? - thicc thighs save lives Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 0 Who would this change mostly benefit? - every man woman and child on earth Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - n/a
  3. +support Give homie a chance and if he fucks up he's gone. No downside to second chances!
  4. Imagine -supporting because broke!!! -support for applying but I'm down for having an alternative to donating even though zeep wouldn't let it pass
  5. +support Some guy posted a straight school shooting and nothing happened this is tame
  6. -support Medics are inactive and im not relying on one mid firefight
  7. I just mean actual music. Not someone screaming the hard r for 10 seconds. Like if its music i dont see a problem with it unless its genuinely racist.
  8. What are you suggesting? - That people can play songs that contain the n word. How would this change the server? - Less people would be banned and it would attract more people who aren't stuck up Are there any disadvantages? - It would make people feel as if their rights are being infringed upon if you deny the suggestion Who would this change mostly benefit?- People who have been banned for unjust reasons and people who didnt read motd that well Playing audio that has the n word doesnt hurt anyone, ask other black people who are on the server about it, like Don Ceech and they wont mind it. Its just music, and at the end of the day, it hurts nobody.
  9. +support Never had a problem with the homie Based and redpilled
  10. If cosmic gets JMT I stop minging
  11. -Support I dont even gotta explain
  12. Okay i can record it with a different weapon if it helps
  13. The RE45 is a TFA as far as I know, might be wrong. It uses a hitbox though. The No Feelings shown was using a bounding box. also this
  14. Heres a video of the No Feelings compared to a re45 that uses hit box. I am 100% down to weapon test the other guns with you and record it as well
  15. Dawg you dont even know me or know what happened
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