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Posts posted by Toasty

  1. - Support 

    The class is a MTF sub-class so why should it be balanced around D-Class? At the moment D-Class can destroy security and that alone isn't balanced but nurfing an MTF sub-branch a class that is supposed to deal with SCPs and CI so that its more balanced with D-Class would just ruin the balance the server has at the moment. In my opinion D-Class shouldn't even be able to win against security as easily as they do now, D-Class are a bunch of prisoners and should have an extreme struggle to just get past security let alone MTF.

    • Like 1
  2. Name: Toasty

    Rank: Member

    Reason: Cant make the ET every week, I'm trying to focus on Staff and Nu-7 and cant find the time to host events. It was really fun being ET and I'm thankful I was given the opportunity to experience being apart of ET. I wish you all the best of luck and I'm looking forward to all the cool events you guys are going to make in the future. 

  3. 2 hours ago, gamikzone said:

    Thank you for bringing this up with us (SMT) and the community.

    As for the issue about Rang not getting involved, Us Head admins as well as Rookie are heavily involved with tasks that cannot all be done my the manager. We try to keep our work balanced so no SMT gets overwhelmed. We all have parts in this server to help keep it running. Not just SMT but everyone on the staff team plays an important role.

    At the end of the day our goal is to make sure the server is running smoothly and all players are treated fairly. Being able to point out issues even if it is the Manager is always a must when an issue has been noticed and needs to be resolved. The thing that is most important for me is that all players are having fun on the server and that there is no bias or other issues. I understand where the issue is arising from and this issue will be resolved soon. I will do my best to get involved in this situation and assist in any way I can. For Luxxy she is a good staff member who works hard and helps new staff members immensely. She does a great job assisting players as well and being patient with them. Lets try to keep negativity out of this situation as it just adds fuel to the fire. I will not + or - Support, only state my observations and speak with the community on how we can resolve this. I was not too familiar with the REDACTED job as I never played on it or asked what it was. Remember we are all one community here.

    Well said, I only want the best for the server and I hope everything can be resolved. I cannot agree with that statement about Luxxy after seeing the player report against her, I've only had good experiences with her but after watching the video in the player report I cant support her actions and I do believe she shouldn't of gotten SA after that whole scenario went down, watching that video sickened me and I don't believe that is a way a staff member should be handling a RDM situation. 

  4. Edit: I hope that people read my post and not just dislike all because I said -Support, while I cant stop you from doing it I hope that people read over the posts so this doesn't cause more problems then that already happening. Also the only encounters I have had with Rang have been Admin to Manager nothing more so I'm saying all this with a unbiased opinion.

    - Support

    In my experiences with Rang have been good, he has been very helpful when needed and he is a very nice guy, I have seen him a good amount of times Rang hopping from TS channel to channel communicating with players of the server and seeing how the players are doing and seeing if they are enjoying the server. On the subject of the [REDACTED] job, the job isn't a inner circle thing since all JMT+ get access to the job just like all SMT+ get access to the ethics committee job, I believe if you ask him there is a chance to be forced onto the job since I have been on it once during off hours all because I just asked if I can play on it for a little bit of time and idk if it changed since then but the job spawns with 200 HP and 150 Armor, yes it spawns with a lvl 5 key card but like I said its a JMT+ job so its basically a staff job and staff get omni cards anyways, the omni card and lvl 5 are the same thing, lastly about it having the strongest guns isn't true since the job doesn't spawn with guns since JMT+ can just spawn them in their selves so if the gun is op then its just someone spawning it in or buying it from armory. If the job is too much then yes I don't see a problem removing it but other then that its just a job that's kind of just there since I have barley seen people on the job. In my opinion I don't see a problem with him messing around a little with friends as long as its not causing damage to the server, yes people in higher positions should be more professional but at the end of the day its a game so why cant someone have some fun with friends in a game. I respect everyone's opinion and I believe that if we start to argue with each other and other stuff like that then it would hurt the server since there would be a divide between the players, I joined this community and love it all because of the amazing people on it and how everyone is nice to each other and it saddens me seeing a divide in the server happen such as this. I understand that this is a unpopular opinion and in parts of my post it might seem like I'm being hostile but I mean well and just wanted to voice my opinion on the matter, most of you will dislike me for it but I hope some of you will understand where I'm coming from and hope that we as a community can overcome something like this. Thanks for reading my opinion on the matter and I hope it doesn't ruin friendships I have made on this server all because I have a different view on the matter. Hope you all have a good day and that this can be resolved soon. 

    • Like 7
    • Dislike 5
  5. In Game Name: Toasty

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:462304249

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: Nu-7 Colonel | HSU | DHFTO

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: O5-5 (Hoovy)

    How many Warns do you have?  0 Warns  image.thumb.png.a8921ed73ea6b0f1eb44264b1a2ceb14.png

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: The reason I want to join the RRH Guardians is I believe it would be an amazing experience to be apart of a redacted mobile task force. Something I have wanted to do ever since I joined the server was to make my way up in the ranks in order to work with the high ranking individuals such as high command, site admins, and O5 themselves. Being in RRH would open more opportunities that I wouldn't experience through normal means such as RP and other combat situations. 

    Why should we accept you: When it comes to activity I am online mostly every day throughout the week to ensure that I'm available when needed, the times I'm not online I still make sure I'm reachable. Throughout my time on the server I have been in command in several branches gaining experience on how to deal with various difficult situations that would require someone to keep a level headed mindset. Whenever the site gets into a Code Red situation I ensure to neutralize any situation that could be a threat towards the HVT/O5 I'm escorting to ensure their safety. When it comes to PVP I believe I'm above average being able to take on multiple combatants with the odds stacked against me and still coming out victorious. I have been with this community for around 7 months being able to become acquainted with various members of the community, I believe becoming RRH will allow me to meet many more. 

    I would like to thank you for reading over my application and considering me for RRH Guardians. 

    • Like 1
  6. + Support 

    For me personally I see no problem with allowing Behemoths into D-Block. At the moment behemoth doesn't have that much HP and Armor and considering how much damage a D-Class can do in the first place would make Behemoth die just as fast as any other class that are currently allowed in D-Block. The Auger is also a fairly weak gun so if its the Auger the reason that's its keeping it out of D-Block then the security Jugg wouldn't be allowed in either since it has a LMG, the auger is basically a LMG that looks like a minigun. This will also help boost Behemoth activity since people would be allowed into D-Block to help riots instead of being forced outside and just waiting for the 1 or 2 occasional D-Class to get past security, this would also benefit security in the attempts to keep D-Class in D-Block since its fairly easy for D-Class to get out and start causing trouble. It would also benefit the non combatant branched due to the fact that when the codes start going into orange and worse then they cant leave bunks and their RP experiences are ruined, giving Behemoth the ability to help more during Mass Riots by going into D-Block will help tremendously. If it does seem too overpowered for people then Behemoths they can follow the same rules that Wardens have to follow, that being they aren't allowed into D-Block unless its Hands Up/Partial Lockdown and they need permission from a SEC CPT+ to be in D-Block during Hands Up. In conclusion I believe this will benefit the server a lot.

  7. Post name: SCP Decals 

    What are you suggesting? - One thing I have noticed that happens a lot is people hopping on SCPs and not following the rules and playing them how they believe they should be played. I'm suggesting that there to be a Decal in every SCPs cc stating the specific rules on how to play the SCP so the player doesn't have to look through the MOTD to find the rules for that specific SCP

    How would this change better the server? - I believe that if this was added to the server then it will cut down on the Fail RP and RDM sits that are made on new SCP players because they don't look at the MOTD. Also it would help a lot for new players to understand the SCP more and how to play them.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - The only disadvantages I think this would have is making someone have to create a decal for every SCP and put it in their CCs, the other disadvantage would be it could cause some lag having so many decals around the map but I'm not too sure if it would cause lag. Other then that I believe it would be beneficial to the server.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - This would benefit mainly everyone, SCP players wouldn't break rules for not reading the MOTD and help prevent them from getting warns. This will also help every other player on the server from getting RDM or other various Fail RP situations happening to them. 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Demon Dice said:


    I have had nothing but good experiences with this guy, he is a very capable member of command and I have put my trust in him time and time again and he's never disappointed me and not to mention he's very active, so if anyone deserves rrh its this guy


  9. On 7/17/2021 at 7:06 AM, Nydekore said:

    Overall +Support

    -Great dude

    -Extremely active

    -No recent warns (only warn is from 5 months ago)

    -Listens well to command in Nu7

    -Great at combat

    -Only an NCO

    -"Why you want to join" section could be longer

    While the things I point out in orange are something to consider, I think the positive things I pointed out outweigh the negatives.


  10. Name : Toasty
    ET Rank : Member
    Donator Rank : Diamond 
    How Active are You? (1-10): 10
    Are you Interested in being an SET : Not at the moment due to other responsibilities I have. Will look into it later on though 

    How do you intend to bring more RP into Events? : one thing I do for events is I make up a SCP for the researchers to study and let them name it and give it a code so they have a better RP experience as if they are the first to study it.

  11. Hope to still see you around on the server since your in CI. Now I'm going to have to stop you from causing trouble in the facility from now on. Wish you the best of luck!

    • Thanks 1
  12. Hello everyone, this is something I have been thinking about recently and while I would like to stay I thought this would be for the better. I felt like it wasn't right holding a command position while not being active and helping out with the branch so I decided to resign so someone more active can take up the spot I was in.

    - Thankyou to all the friends I made in the branch for making it extremely fun to play everyday,

    - Thankyou to all the people who made it an amazing experience being apart of the Chaos Insurgency. 

    - Thankyou Gamma command for giving me the opportunity to move up the ranks and get to where I was. 

    Thanks for reading this, while it is short I felt it would be wrong to leave without saying anything. Hope everyone the best of luck, Goodbye.

  13. - Support 

    TBH I don't see a reason on why maintenance would have to leave the cell and come back if the SCP is in the cell self breaching, if they had to leave and come back 5 min later or sit there wouldn't affect the outcome since the rolls would still be 5 min apart. Another reason I think it wouldn't really make sense is that when someone goes to fix a SCP cell when its broken why would they just leave the broken cell if they failed to fix it, especially when a SCP is on a NLR and would get out again why would we just leave it and let it escape to just cause more damage that we are trying to stop.

  14. - Massive support 

    D-Class don't need that, every day D-Class are running wild for hours on end due to them having access to the tec-9 from the supplier. For the most part D-Class are stronger then security, yes there is security CCs but every other job is fairly weak when it comes to HP and Armor since they are supposed to fight D-Class. In my opinion D-Class should have a hard time escaping from the facility but at the moment they just destroy security enlisted and NCOs and once they get to armory and get good guns they are also a problem for MTF and MTF already has to deal with all the SCPs trying to breach and CI raiding they don't need D-Class constantly rioting making it impossible to grab a D-Class for feeding a SCP. Another reason this wont benefit the server is that it will cause the site to be constantly code red so researchers and maintenance cant do their thing, if research and maintenance cant play then it will most likely kill the branches due to the players being unable to actually play and nobody wants to sit in bunks all the time, this will also kill security activity since no one would want to just spawn die over and over because D-Class have guns from the armory. Also since D-Class have no NLR it would make it incredibly more overpowered if they had access to armory guns.

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