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Posts posted by Toasty

  1. 19 minutes ago, Alexxx said:

    -Support On the HP Buff of HSU and the Halo weapons, I personally believe that the Halo weapons will be Overpowered and ruin the combat experience and The HP buff to 300 is just a no for me y'all dont need that much HP

    I understand your view on the HSU HP buff but one thing I would like to add is that this job is a 2 slot job that is unlocked by default by the heads of HSU, as for other people they have to be hand picked so this job will be a very limited to who has it. We are also decreasing the armor by 25 and moving it to HP. For the Halo weapons, I have tested them and they are on par with the current weapons on the server. If you have any questions/concerns regarding the update feel free to DM me on discord and I can explain further.

  2. =======================================

    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Commander 


    Add Models: models/player/fwhykay/cod_black_ops/jason_hudson_npc.mdl



    Remove Models: models/mw2/skin_03/MW2_Soldier_05.mdl, models/arachnit/HDTF/characters/soldier/soldier_player.mdl


    Job Slots: 10->4

    New Weapons: tfa_vikhr, tfa_m29satan

    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_nova, tfa_csgo_deagle


    Extra Info/Notes:

    Needs to be able to whitelist “MTF Nu-7 Trainer”


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Commander Model 1

    Commander Model 2




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Officer 


    Remove Models: models/bread/bo2_sealscp_masked.mdl



    Extra Info/Notes:

    Needs to be able to whitelist “MTF Nu-7 Trainer”




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Shadow Unit -> MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark I


    Job Description: The Hammer and Sickle Unit specializes in the rapid containment of any breached SCP and stopping enemy groups of interest from causing chaos in the facility. HSU are hand picked. This class has a Clearance Level of 4.


    Add Models: models/player/suno/hunk/hunk.mdl

    Job Slots: 3->6

    New Weapons: tfa_csgo_nu_7_frag, tfa_csgo_xm1014

    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_nova


    Extra Info/Notes:

    We are merging both 'MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Shadow Unit' & 'MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Apex Unit' into one job so this will be the main HSU job.




    Job Update


    Job Name:  MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Apex Unit -> MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II


    Job Description: The Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II are units that have been handpicked from HSU: Mark I. They are designated with the task of ensuring all threats towards the facility are dealt with in a swift manner be that from hostile GOI or breached SCPs. HSU: Mark II are granted level 4 clearance in the facility.


    Add models: models/valk/H5/unsc/SPI/Spi.mdl

    Remove models: models/player/suno/hunk/hunk.mdl

    Armor: 175 -> 200

    Job Slots: 3->2

    New Weapons: weapon_doom3_chainsaw, tfa_csgo_nu_7_smoke, tfa_hr_swep_shotgun, tfa_hr_swep_assault_rifle, tfa_hr_swep_srs99

    Remove weapons: tfa_csgo_smoke, tfa_csgo_nova, aw_bal27, tfa_csgo_awp


    Extra Info/Notes: 

    Needs to be able to whitelist “MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark I

    (tfa_hr_swep_srs99) Increase Clip Size: 4 -> 8

    (tfa_hr_swep_assault_rifle) Buff Damage

    We are turning this job into a senior version of HSU that will be unlocked automatically by HSU Head+ and will be a hand selected job for other ranks.

    Can only flag up on Code Orange+ but may stay flagged up during Code Yellow and must flag off once Code Blue


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Halo Weapons

    HSU: Mark II Model




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Rifle Guardian (65+)

    New Weapons: tfa_vector, tfa_hr_swep_dmr

    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_scar20


    Extra Info/Notes:

    (tfa_hr_swep_dmr) Increase Clip size & Buff Damage


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Halo Weapons




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Behemoth

    Add Models: models/player/cellassault3player.mdl

    Remove Models: models/player/ai_soldiers.mdl

    New weapons: tfa_browningauto5

    Remove weapons: tfa_mossberg590


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Enforcer, Behemoth & Goliath Models




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Tactical Response Team 


    New Weapons: tfa_val, tfa_m416

    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_mac10, tfa_honeybadger




    Job Update


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Field Expert 


    New Models: models/valk/MGSV/MSF/SneakingSuit/SneakingSuit_Male.mdl

    Remove Models: models/KSS/TSRemastered/field_expert.mdl

    New weapons: tfa_csgo_xm1014

    Remove weapons: tfa_csgo_nova


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Field Expert Model




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Senior Operative


    Add Models: models/player/commando1player.mdl

    Remove Models: models/bread/bo2_sealscp_masked.mdl

    New Weapons: tfa_luger


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Operative, Senior Operative & Trainer Models




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Operative


    Add Models: models/player/commando4player.mdl

    Remove Models: models/bread/bo2_sealscp_masked.mdl

    New Weapons: tfa_csgo_galil

    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_m4a4


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Operative, Senior Operative & Trainer Models




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Enforcer (Gold+)


    Add Models: models/player/cellassault4player.mdl

    Remove Models: models/bread/bo2_sealscp_masked.mdl

    New Weapons: tfa_m16a4_acog, m9k_sticky_grenade, tfa_intervention

    Remove Weapons: tfa_l85, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_awp


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Enforcer, Behemoth & Goliath Models




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Goliath (Platinum+)


    Add models: models/player/cellassault2player.mdl

    Remove models: models/player/ai_soldiers.mdl

    New Weapons: tfa_csgo_awp

    Remove Weapons: tfa_intervention


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Enforcer, Behemoth & Goliath Models




    Job Update


    Job Name: SCP 7101-GL (Level 65+)


    HP: 1000->1250


    Extra Info/Notes:

    Increase Max Health Regeneration: 500 -> 625




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Quartermaster (Level 100+)


    Add Models: models/tfusion/playermodels/mw3/mp_gign_b.mdl

    Remove Models: models/players/krieg_custom.mdl

    New Weapons: tfa_auga3

    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_aug


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Quartermaster Model




    New Job


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Trainer 


    Job Description: The Nu-7 Field Training Officer is tasked with recruiting new members into the ranks of MTF Nu-7. They have security clearance of level 3 but are given a level 4 keycard for the ease of zone transition during training.


    Add Model: models/player/commando3player.mdl

    HP: 175

    Armor: 175

    Slots: 2

    Salary: $150

    Weapons: weapon_physgun, weapon_doom3_flashlight, Keys, guthscp_keycard_lvl_4,  tfa_m416, weapon_cuff_elastic


    Extra Info/Notes: 

    Needs to be able to whitelist “MTF Nu-7 Operative”

    Spawns in LCZ Armory Shooting Range


    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Operative, Senior Operative & Trainer Models




    Job Update


    Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Covert Agent 

    MTF Nu-7 Covert Agent Job Update Forums Post




    Post Update


    Removed Armor Buff for 'MTF Nu-7 Commander'

    Redistributed HP & Armor for 'MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II'

    Specified restrictions for 'MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II'

    Removed HP Buff for 'MTF Nu-7 Rifle Guardian'

    Removed Armor Buff for 'MTF Nu-7 Behemoth'

    Removed HP Buff for 'MTF Nu-7 Field Expert'

    Removed HP Buff for 'MTF Nu-7 Enforcer'

    Lowered HP Buff for 'SCP-7101-GL (Level 65+)' Down to 1250 & Health Regeneration Down to 625

    Updated the HP & Armor for 'MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II' to accommodate for the new HP & Armor update

    • Like 4
  3. In-Game Name: Toasty

    Steam Name: [GL] Toasty

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:462304249

    What is your staff rank and the server you work in?: SCPRP Senior Admin 

    How often are you online on the forums?: Id say pretty often. Whenever I tab out from Gmod I'll brows through the forums to see what's going on and to be kept up to date with stuff.

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? Throughout my time in Gaminglight and as a staff member I always try to help improve the community through multiple different things like quality of life updates for my branch in the server or ensuring that people follow rules to keep the server a friendly place for people to enjoy. I believe that being a Forums Diplomat is the next step in my journey as staff and make even more of a positive impact on the community. 

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? Whenever I am tasked with making a decision on stuff be that a staff sit, a promotion, or a punishment in game I ensure that I keep a clear mind in order to remove any sort of biased I would have in the situation. I leave satiations that directly involve myself, my branch, or my friends up to other staff members to resolve to eliminate any sort of biasness. Situations I have experienced that would require me to make are difficult decision would be during staff sits that involve RDM or other forms of rule braking that could involve me having to issue a warn/ban, I will gather all evidence to ensure I have a full understanding of what's going on and the proper punishments are administered.  

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? I will start to hide all the spam post and inform the individual that if they continue to spam then I will gather up all the evidence needed and report it to a Head Diplomat for a proper warning or ban to be issued, in the case that a Head Diplomat is unavailable I will contact SMT and inform them about the current situation.

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? I will remind everyone that the comment section should remain civil and all comments should be simply a +/- support and failure to do so will lead to the post being locked and left to SMT to decide on the outcome without the input of other players. After letting them know to keep it civil or informing a Head Diplomat on the situation I will procced to hide all offensive and off topic comments to keep the post clean. 

  4. Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Covert Agent

    Remove Model: models/KSS/TSRemastered/recon_specialist.mdl

    Add Model: models/blacklist/merc1.mdl

    Remove Job Description: The Nu-7 Covert Agents are individuals trained within the ranks of Nu-7 to perform reconnaissance  mostly around the facility and locate threats from distance while themselves remaining in a safe position, equipped with a remotely controlled drone.

    Add Job Description: Mobile Task Force Nu-7 “Hammer-Down” Covert Agents were created by Dr. Thaddeus Xyank when he began his work in the fields of time travel and teleportation. Given unknown anomalous properties that even they could not begin to understand, Nu-7 has transformed them into the horror of many raid parties as they see their assailants disappear in the blink of an eye. Covert Agents are highly skilled in stealth operations to the point that they don't require cloaking technology. 

    HP: 175 -> 200

    Salary: 150 -> 175

    Remove Weapons: tfa_intervention

    Add Weapons:  blink, tfa_csgo_decoy, tfa_svu

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Blink Swep (Will need a 10 second cooldown per use)

    • Dislike 1
  5. 8 hours ago, ShadowPL said:


    No Format

    Dosen't matter if you didn't direct it to anyone, It's still not allowed.

    - Support 

    Based on the replies and warns you currently have is seems you don't care much.

    • Like 2
    • Dislike 1
  6. On 8/27/2021 at 8:34 PM, Nydekore said:

    +Support to allowing this for maintenance as they are no real threat to any combatants and/or SCPs anyways, kind of a dick move to be killing them during repairs imo.


    -Support to SCPs, while waiting for staff sucks, having an SCP OOC for that duration of time would be harmful to gameplay/RP, MTF would have to wait around forever to get the site back to fully functioning, even though the SCP is causing minimal harm. Also, not every SCP player I've seen is honest with actually waiting the time of breaking so I could see them using it as an excuse to be OOC even if the door breach is invalid, thus keeping them out longer and possibly getting MTF killed another way. Of course maintenance could be using it is an OOC excuse but if they were to get caught doing that, that could always be a branch punishment.


  7. - support

    While its a good idea the reason I - support is because it will most likely cause lag. From knowledge is have on how sweps work in GMOD is that the script will have to constantly keep checking if the player is looking at 096 and that will require the swep to be constantly ticking and it will cause lag since the scrip is going to have to be constantly be updating, that's the reason why fire makes the server lag since its always checking to see if the player is on fire or not. If they manage to make the swep in a specific way to have in not require to constantly tick then it would be a great idea and I would of + supported it. I might be wrong since I'm not an expert with GMOD sweps, this is just based on my knowledge of them.

  8. - Support

    The Ethereal is a gun that is locked to only SCMD+ on combatant jobs and HCMD+ on non combatants, if anyone is selling the gun to people below the restrictions then they will just get removed from the job since if someone breaks rules on level 100 jobs they just get blacklisted from the jobs. I understand where your coming from but like orange said the gun is new so there is a lot of hype behind it so in a couple weeks you will barely see it around.

  9. Not just me but everyone else in Nu7 is going to miss you and hope we get to see you around so we can still hang out and play some games. If you ever want to play some games just message me on discord and we can play. Wish you the best of luck and hope to see you around.

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