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00 š““š“Ŗš“»š““ 00

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Posts posted by 00 š““š“Ŗš“»š““ 00

  1. 2 hours ago, Conrad said:

    I love satisfying the players.

    lmao ^

    2 hours ago, John Newsom said:




    -Event Idea sounds funĀ 

    -No warnsĀ 

    I believe you will be a great member of event teamĀ 

    Very activeĀ 

    Fun to be around

    would be a great addition to the teamĀ 

  2. 10 hours ago, Drake Man said:

    - Support

    - Low Fourms Activity

    - Barely See You In Game

    - High Warns

    - App Could Use Some Work.


    If You Just Work On this some more I will gladly give you a + Support

    Couldā€™ve at least not included the Admin+ only questions

  3. 1) STOP ARGUING! This is not the place.

    2) @BaestplaceĀ If you have video or other type of proof of the FailRP / Mugging please post it. Also thats not a reason to start MRDMing in spawn.

    3) With the evidence shown at the time of posting this reply I will be giving this a + SupportĀ but i also beleave the others should be punished ( Booster UMC at least). Even if you story is true Baestplace its not a reason to start MassRDMing in spawn. I understand that this was in minge hours but there is a line. When im on at that time my rule is if you are going to RDM make sure you know the other person, make sure they are ok with it, know when to stop, do it somewhere hidden so you dont ruin the RP of others and NEVER do it in spawn.Ā 

  4. 7 hours ago, Will said:


    I was performing some pursuit tests with the PD that were on, and I noticed you and your pal were trying to interfere with the pursuit PD had with myself and another low command member, even getting out of the car at one point and discharging a firearm to get their attention. Because of this, I decided to warn you for the reasons above.

    On top of this, you were being rather rude and disrespectful in ooc towards other people, I felt that a mute was required in this situation on top of the warn.

    After seeing Will's side im going to give this aĀ -SupportĀ as that is most definitely copbaiting and if you are being rude a mute is sometimes the best option for everyone's enjoyment of the game.

  5. On 2/13/2021 at 1:14 PM, BruceyBoyo said:


    -Active, mature, knows what he's doing and does it correctly

    -Trains cadets a lot (like, a lot)

    -Has a positive attitude towards others of all ranks

    -Always willing to seek advice and accept feedback

    -Overall the type of person we want in LC

    Good Luck!


  6. 2 hours ago, Chip&Dail said:

    I am very Sorry for this happening, I did not mean to warn killer for ARDM, but someone else. Could SMT Please remove that ARDM Warn.Ā 


    1 hour ago, MiniEpic said:


    Admin said it was false ^^^^


    54 minutes ago, OG ICE said:

    Mistakes happen


  7. On 2/13/2021 at 1:47 PM, SupremeChow said:

    I dont like when cake is too sweet, so I prefer less frostingĀ 

    big fax but like ice cream cake or red velvet with a lil bitĀ of frosting on top is rlly goodĀ 

  8. Your In-game: Dark


    Your SteamID:Ā STEAM_0:1:160659387


    The player's name in-game:Ā Ā Ronny Deee / indian customer serviceĀ 


    The player's steam ID (required):Ā STEAM_0:1:567753487


    What did the player do:Ā 

    Staff Diss | RDM x2 | NITRP | Running From a Sit | NCWS | Giving Death Threats to Staff


    Evidence (REQUIRED):Ā https://imgur.com/a/riyvh45Ā ,Ā https://medal.tv/clips/44168041/d1337DyDaeJk


    What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 month ban


    Any extra information: 4 hour ban was given would need an extension | meant to tell him the new warn was for running from a sit (would of told him after the warn)

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