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00 š¯““š¯“Ŗš¯“»š¯“´ 00

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Posts posted by 00 š¯““š¯“Ŗš¯“»š¯“´ 00

  1. 10 hours ago, Drake Man said:

    - Support


    - DDOS Threats are a Very Serious Thing that Shouldn't be Taken Lightly


    Also Racism is a very serious thing that shouldn't be joked about.


    Why Would You even Joke about things like that? It's not something that's taken lightly. I understand you might have thought that they were your friends and you were joking about it but still. Those things should not be joked around about. Some Advice for next time. Don't assume People are your friends and say stuff like that. Because they might take it seriously and get offended by it.

    Not acceptable behaviour to have on the communityĀ 

  2. -SupportĀ 

    -no formatĀ 

    -job wouldnā€™t get used a lotĀ 

    -not needed

    -Dogs are neutral classes they donā€™t need to have a job to control them (what would they do? Just pick up dogs? Then no one would play on the dog job)

  3. 12 hours ago, Tonymontana said:


    Very active

    Knows his stuff

    I went on a ride with him when I was a CPLĀ and was thinking how professional he is the entire time

    Shows the right disciplinary actions

    SM Tonyy


    14 hours ago, jackyman21 said:


    i have seen you on when Iā€™m on

    youā€™re a good leader

    you are a nice guy

    (not important) but makes good promotional media)

    Also not important but gets his car stolen wayyyy too muchĀ 

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 2/16/2021 at 10:24 PM, John Kyle said:

    Huge + support




    Been SM for quite a long time


    Very good at communicating issues to LC when they are brought to him

    (surprised he wasnā€™t field promotedĀ to LT)

    Good luck!


  5. 2 hours ago, Drippy said:


    There seems to be a whole lot of confusion on whether you need to advert assist or not if you're family member is being shot at, and it really needs clarification.

    I would say its perfectly fine, and you were in the right to do so. It's much like defending yourself, you would obviously shoot back if you're being shot, so why not defend a family member who is being shot/killed? You have the same family name for a reason.Ā I don't see a reason to advert assist to shoot someone. (Unless they're being arrested or something along those lines.)

    This is the closest rule I could find pertaining to engaging in combat with /advert assist "If your family was involved in committing a crime and a family member is actively being arrested you may type /advert assist to assist that family member, you must follow all rules with NLR and FailRP."

    No where else in the MOTD does it stateĀ you're required to advert assist to defending a family member. This whole "required to advert assist to defend family" thing popped up out of no where. It wasn't a thing, and no one did it a few months ago, I'm not sure why people are thinking its a rule now. I personally have never adverted assist to engage in a gunfight with people attacking family, members and I know a bunch of other people haven't either.Ā With that being said I feel this warn should be removed.

    in my opinion its like FearRP if shots are fired you dont need to advert unless its to break them out.

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