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The CI Zero

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Posts posted by The CI Zero

  1. 3 hours ago, Domo775 said:

    i’m completely serious with this reply


    i’ve  seen way worse stuff go down during the countdown.

    although it is against the rules it’s during the countdown and it’s not gonna affect rp since the server is restarting in 60 seconds

    I got to agree with Funk here it just seems like a little bit of minor minging that didn't disturb any rp in the end.

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/23/2021 at 9:07 AM, PryingTree5796 said:


    It is always annoying to scroll down just to find it everytime you are trying to do your crewmate tasks. Also new people that just joined the server don't know what to do when they call a sit for something that isnt a player report. For example you need XP but don't know what to do when you are forced to choose a player and don't know the "other" even exists.

    It Is just a large inconvenience to maintenance, D-class, and Researchers when they have to scroll all the way down, mostly with 100+ players on and it can be easily fixed.


    • Like 1
  3. During this I couldn't hear anything from voice chat and I didn't see him or anyone else type nothing. We talked about this in a sit and I was left off with a verbal I acknowledged and agreed to.

    I use voicemod and if anyone else has used the program before they know that when you play something on a soundboard it plays on your end too and you hear it. With the song I was playing it was louder end and I could not hear anything happening in game.

    1 hour ago, Fallender Femboy said:

    Zero was t-bagging when being told to stop

    Whenever I Tbag it is always to the song and never directed at a player and when I was doing so I couldn't hear you like stated before.


    1 hour ago, Fallender Femboy said:

    he not only blamed me

    I did not blame you I told you next time to type it in chat so I can see that you wanted me to stop.

    1 hour ago, Fallender Femboy said:

    he admitted this during our sit

    I did not admit to hearing you telling me to stop rather I was stated I heard you saying something but I could not understand it.


    Another note I would like to add: I was not planning to mic spam the entire raid and as you could see in the clip I only did so at the of the raid on our way to Gate A and once we got into the facility I would cut the music.

    1 hour ago, Fallender Femboy said:

    didn't even have his weapon out while we were fighting

    This is something I do admit to but my reasoning for such is due to the large amount of MTF ambushing us and without me having a longer ranged weapon I would not be able to attack effectively.

    Zer0 ops has:

    Kriss Vector

    SG 553



    Due to my limited arsenal I was not in a good spot at all to fight and ended up dying in the fight either way.


    Another note:

    The admin himself claimed that CI does mic spam a lot during the start of raids which is why I turned on the music in the first place.

    One more note to this response:

    I was in CI Operations TS at the time which I could hear a lot more clear due to the audio being higher quality and louder and you didn't seem to mention anything there.🤷‍♂️

    • Laughing 1
  4. +/- support


    I did fall for the crasher myself but I get where he's coming from. If he only had it on his phone and didn't know that's understandable but then it raises the question:

    You haven't looked at the same video on PC?


    In the end its a maybe for me as it could be an honest mistake.

  5. On 5/12/2021 at 8:53 AM, NeoID said:

    Honestly +Support

    I’ve taken 4 sits in the past 3 days that involved SCP-939, 3 out of 4 of those sits, the involved person(s) were incredibly argumentative with my punishment/decision for the sit. Problem is, with 939, it always comes down to Staff Discretion, considering the rules aren’t exactly clear on what IS considered a sound, and when the effect of that sound is “no longer in effect”



  6. On 6/13/2021 at 2:26 PM, Warren Talos said:


    nena you got denied for the same suggestion i dont think copying and pasting the same thing is eveantually going to get accepted it means have a better idea and better restrections and i think you you just waited couple of weeks and did the same thing again , my points stands 


  7. Neo you we're such a good person in RnD that helped me a lot in CI and with it's hardships. It really sucks to see you go dude. You were a living legend and it sucks that you didn't get to your o5 council goal that you talked about. I honest wish for the best with you as you absolutely deserve it more than anyone. I was honestly really hoping you would get to general but alas here we are. You made RnD into where it is now it's in a better spot than it has ever been ever. I hope for the best for you and whatever endeavors you go forth on. It was an absolute honor. o7



    "In the end
    As you fade into the night
    Who will tell the story of your life?

    In the end
    As my soul's laid to rest
    What is left of my body
    Or am I just a shell?

    And I have fought
    And with flesh and blood, I commanded an army
    Through it all
    I have given my heart for a moment of glory"

  8. ok


    fr tho goodbye you did stuff to get to LTCOL so gj on that

    (I didn't know you very well)


  9. 2 hours ago, Spud said:


    Coolcaz, you are by far the oldest and most experienced Low Command member in security. You were in the WO group right after my own, and you've been in command for almost 6 months. Throughout that time you have built a strong presence among the Low Command ranks, and have done plenty of promotions, PTs, etc. The only drawback I can see is that you have some problems with activity, but that can always be improved and isn't a major issue in SCMD since we have more of an administrative role than LCMD. Overall, I think you are the most trustworthy member of LCMD and the most deserving of a spot in SCMD. Also, Security Janitors. Good luck ❤️.


  10. +Support


    I mean I may be a CI main but coint has some good combat skills and dedication.

     (until he gets bored and leaves the server for 2 months then comes back and repeats the process)

    In the end Coint would be a good and chill chaos nu7.... yes nu7.

    • Like 1
  11. Post name: “General Suggestion - Create a physical line for both research tests and medical checkups

    What are you suggesting? - Utilize the two side lines by having a sign for each of them one stating "Line up here for a medical checkup" and the other being "Line up here for testing".

    How would this change better the server? - Currently the D class wanting to go to a test is messy due to D class not knowing where exactly to line up allowing other D class to attack the person collecting. Making the physical lines instead of an option would most likely make it more organized.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I think about at this current time

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Research, Gensec, Medical, and D class

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - This is kinda a follow up to my last accepted suggestion 


  12. Name: Zero

    Rank: ET Member, CI Military CPT, CI RnD PR

    Duration: 3/20/2021-3/27/2021 (May extend/End early)

    Reason: I have recently been feeling a lot of burnout and disappointment in myself regarding the server. I need a break from the server to collect myself again.

    Extra: Sorry if this is sudden but I rather not force myself to get on.

  13. 10 hours ago, Krieg666 said:

    - Support

    -uh, i just dont see how it improves roleplay

    -and even if its just for combat, no interesting mechanic, just a nerfed 682.

    -also i didn't find this Scp on the wiki, do you have a link? SCP-4731 in the wiki refers to a safe class circular pit..

    -Constantly advertising seggustion on discord

    -Seems more or less like a reskin and weaker 682

    I just don't see the need for it personally but the constant asking of people to look at this on discord is gonna make me put a 



  14. 3 hours ago, BruceyBoyo said:

    My first ever life as D-class ended when I joined the server during a riot and punched a juggernaut in the face. My second ever life ended when I punched the Head of Security in the face. Is this how you D-class?

    You can play D class in many ways and this is to improve those ways.

    7 hours ago, pixalgamer99 said:

    -CI are not your friend get them out of the way they always attract MTF and I have never followed CI when I escape the facility and the only times I have followed CI I didn’t make it out, it’s best to go near CI but not directly following them so they can attract the MTF, 

    With recent branch updates and more advanced tactics CI can usually safely escort D class out but if they leave the protection of CI yes they meet less MTF potentially but have little to no protection from them so in the end CI will usually be the best option if you want to escape.

  15. Hope you are the entire reason I am where I am ever so grateful. You decided to train me one night when nobody else was on and train me along with 3 other d class. I was the only one that passed. You could have easily called it a night but you took the time out of your day to train me. All because of you I am apart of this wonderful branch and community. You promoted me to PVT after an entire two days or so and promoted me countless other times. You kept me active and I looked up to you for that. I looked up to you for advice, how to do a raid, how to be a great FTO and countless other things. You trained me for FTO allowing me to bring in countless generations of new CI. Once I hit command you were still someone I looked up to greatly.

    Without you hope I would have never been here. Without you hope I would have probably never joined CI. Without you hope I don't think I would be in the community in the first place.


    “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

    Take good care hope we will miss you.

  16. Panda I saw you grow all the way from a RCT to a 2LT. You made me proud and I endorsed you for PD. You had a lot of character to you and I am proud of you. I hope you take it easy man.



    “Good friends never say goodbye. They simply say “See you soon.”



    We still will be playing Genshin together whether you like it or not 😠


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