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The CI Zero

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Posts posted by The CI Zero

  1. You were a honest to god great person to have around CI even after your whole incident. Shame to see a great HCMD go but I honestly hope for the best in your future man. I'm real glad to have trained you even if it was only a subbranch or two. 

    Keep in touch my man



  2. 18 hours ago, recon said:

    + support for weapon changes Sarkic needs a gun change and has needed it for a while.

    +/- Support for utilization I think it is interesting idea for sarkic to utilize people but the whole point of capturing someone is for the xp.

    - Support for increasing sarkic slots Sarkic already has enough slots and shouldn't be as powerful as a whole MTF force.



    Agree with this

  3. 2 hours ago, Yato Sensei said:

    Toxic comment? I literally pointed all the BIAS you keep pushing out against CI. You don't believe me? Look back at your 2 suggestions that were clearly targeted against CI so you could get the branch to do less and less in the foundation. Stop getting mad for the fact that we raid, it's fully within lore and RP. And the fact that you got so much - reps is because people found your suggestions to be bad. 

    Also if we talk about toxicity, lets talk about that time you were with 912 at gate A. We killed you. You said something and Ignis pointed out that it wasn't funny and you proceeded to call him "Bald Fuck". I understand that he was on a job with a playermodel that is indeed bald but that doesn't give you the right to add in the second comment.

    - Support

    Ty yato



  4. On 7/6/2021 at 1:39 PM, Empey said:

    recent bought a csgo knife and rarely use it can somebody show me how to level up my usability of it


    Crouch spam and doge as much as you can


    Go for only right clicks and get as many backstabs as possible (80dmg! from what I remember)


    Csgo knives are broken


    Another pro tip: Bind your knife take out to one of your mouse buttons makes it easy to use in a pinch


    This clip can be used to demonstrate what im saying as I use it halfway through the video in a tight situation



    Good luck with the most broken melee in the game 👍 

    • Like 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

    Zero - Sorry I always declined your invites to play other games. It wasn't because I didn't like you. I was always afraid I gave off that impression. It was mostly because I just don't like playing games that much. I got depressed and stopped playing games all together back in 2016. After a 3 year break SCP RP was the only thing that was able to reel me back into gaming. Even then, that was literally all I wanted to play. I hope you never felt like I was avoiding you.

    I never got that impression dude you we're always a really chill dude just to talk to or be around and it was a joy experiencing this rp server with you. You were the HCMD I trusted the most and I looked for your guidance when I was CMD. I still remember when originally offered me a spot on Zer0 ops it meant a lot cause that showed I was seen rather than just another NCO or enlisted. It was amazing to see you shoot all the way up to HCMD and how much you did for the branch. I hope you take it easy and hope the future brings forth the best.



  6. 2 hours ago, NeoID said:

    - There's an entire branch that uses them. The vast majority of R&Ds Delta/Gamma Command uses them. Not to mention Military's Gamma Command as well. You'll Need to find another one, it would become way too frustrating. Theres no reason you can't. -Support

    - Secondly, an added approximate filesize total of your new playermodels is a 60+ MB. I'm pretty sure all of R&Ds models combined are lower then that. -Support

    - MTF Spotter. I like the Binoculars. Cool addition. Though the model still seems a bit much. I'd also keept the HP and armor the same. Same with the Marksman. Heres my way of thinking about it. Yes, E11 is Militarized, but scouts are meant to be mobile, not heavily armored and entirely ready for close-quarters combat. +/-Support

    - The FoxTrot Unit seems like an ok of an Idea, but it will need some reworking. HP is a bit much, even for a silver job. I'd also think it would be better if it we're lowered to 3 slots, considering most Donator Branch Jobs are restricted to such. Unless it was also a whitelisted job. +/-Support

    - The Ethereal Update might be doable. However, I recommend doing 160-175 Damage AT MOST. I would not like a disintegrating gun able to take out more SF in 2 shots. I know it's "intended purpose" but lets be honest. Things happen. +/-Support

    - The Rapid Care Unit I'm fine with, its a Military Medic, and they're expected to enter the fray. Armor increase seems fine. +Support

    Anything's else not listed, I would also +Support. I hope you take my response into consideration, and wish you luck with your update.

    Agree with neo here^^^

  7. 8 minutes ago, Ya Boi Sawrunner said:

    Alright, I am sick of being fuckin' professional and polite. Are you incapable of basic human decency??? Is it so fucking hard? THIS IS GMOD! FUCKING GARRY'S MOD!
    Do you have ANY FUCKING CLUE how GODDAMN PATHETIC it is to watch two grown ass adults harass and berate a child? Your fucking cell is a small room on a giant map YOU DONT FUCKING OWN. That is a fucking CHILD playing a goddamn VIDEO GAME. Fuck a goddamn removal, you two deserve a blacklist. Not only doing this in D block where others can hear and make a spectacle of it, but doing it so harshly? I have SEEN people rdm d class in their cells, I just go "hey man, cant be doing that. You can attack pretty much anybody else but d class, aight?" Its that simple. That sentence takes all of 10 seconds to say. How did this affect you? How? The kid is right, why are you so angry? You are two adults, how the FUCK IS A CHILD MORE MATURE THAN YOU?! TELL ME FUCKING HOW??????? 

    You dont fucking belong on staff, you dont belong on scp-rp, you dont belong being around this community at all, I would hesitate to say you two should hold any form of power or anything of the sort anywhere, borderline to the point of being limited in social interaction at all. That experience will stick with that kid for ages, that shit does NOT go away. Did you forget being harassed as a child by players in a game? Did you ever forget that one time or that incident? He certainly won't, if I was him I would wave a banner to never come to the server or the community, I would be disgusted, and I certainly am right now.

    Fuck both of you. You two are goddamn MONSTERS. 

    Took the words out my mouth

  8. 13 minutes ago, Dumb Bitch Syndrome said:

    I was mixed on the whole situation regarding all this, with luxxy, noah, and all. But this has completely changed my entire views on all this.

    This is not how a senior admin should be acting at all.



  9. 13 hours ago, Cloaker said:


    Rules Violated:

    1. No roleplaying.
    2. Cloak yourself at all times.
    3. Treat all players with respect at all times.


    I see her uncloaked and hanging around D block constantly and sometimes getting in the way of security and D class 



    • Heart-Eyes 1
  10. On 7/2/2021 at 8:28 PM, The Gaming Goat said:


    Honestly the main problom with this is the 096 could abuse it by lying about their timer. But other then that its a good suggestion.



  11. 7 hours ago, Cloaker said:


    While it has been a while since you got staff restricted I'm not sure that you've changed since the incident. When you were Staff you violated a lot of rules, I believe that you can become a better Staff Member then you once were. I was once Staff Blacklisted myself, but I've changed and I believe you can too.

    I have personally seen you staff abuse on multiple occasions (https://medal.tv/clips/45108870/d1337NULuxBa Heres one for example)

    You can and may have changed but I think it's been too soon and you broke many rules on staff.


  12. How to escape:


    Step 1: Log onto Gaminglight SCPRP

    Step 2. Hop on your favorite D class job

    Step 3: Decide to entertain people by playing music.

    Step 4: Walk out of D block unharmed aiding those who followed behind.

    Step 5: Gain more followers

    Step 6: Turn around and witness the escape you have created.

    Step 7: Enjoy the chaos you have implemented onto the server.



    March 28th 2021 "The vibe train incident"



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