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The CI Zero

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Posts posted by The CI Zero

  1. In-Game Name: Zero 

    SteamID STEAM_0:0:214372897 

    What is your ULX Rank: Silver 

    What is your RP Rank: 2LT (CI) SR (RnD) 

    What is your time zone: Pacific standard time. 

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10):  

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it):  No, I do not but I am willing to learn and expand. 

    How Active are you? (1/10): 10 

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member: When I joined this server, I instantly fell in love with both the RP and the combat? For the first while on the server I focused more on the combat aspect but still loved the RP aspect to a high degree. Now is when I want to make that move into the more RP situations and scenarios different from standard server RP. With becoming event team, I will be able not to only better my RP but also make RP that others hopefully enjoy. If I were to have the ability of event team, I would be able to set up dynamic and story filled events for the server to enjoy on top of their normal RP outside of events. If I become event team, I will be able to be a part of the server more rather than being isolated to one or two branches in the server. Allowing to be part of an amazing team of hard-working event makers allows me to better experience the server while also helping other people have a fun time on the server new or old players. With each event I host I will better and better not only my RP knowledge and skill but others at the same time. When it comes to combat events, I know how to lead a group of soldiers into battle with no problem. I will try to be as fair as possible when doing PVP events unless told otherwise. In conclusion I hope to join event team to not only become more invested in this server as a whole but also help make the experience on the server better for others. 

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): Two portals spawn in both LCZ and CI base leading to some sort of “Alternate reality” with both CI and Foundation being able to enter this “Alternate reality”. This reality will house more of a 1900’s feel to it. This reality will house new non seen SCPs that both CI and Foundation can try to get into their custody. CI and Foundation will spawn on opposite sides of this reality hopefully not alerting the other side of their presence. As they move closer to the center, they have a much higher chance of alerting each other and possibly making a combat scenario or a scenario where they work together to explore this new landscape. The portal will gradually start to become increasingly unstable until it eventually closes, and anyone left in that reality when the portal closes will trigger a new and extremely dangerous SCP to hunt them. If they manage to kill the SCP, they will get a lot more lore about this place. Once the portal starts to close all the SCPs brought out of this reality, they will try to make it back into the portal at any cost. If they fail the SCP starts to die and deteriorate rapidly killing it in a matter of seconds. This will signify the end of the event and the event poll letting the server go back to normal. 

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines: Yes, and I fully accept and understand them and I fully accept the punishments I may receive if breaking these rules. 

    What is your favorite SCP? Why: My personal favorite SCP is SCP-079. The reason the computer is my favorite SCP is because of the amount of lore and potential it has is amazing. The computer if s given access to the facility the amount of knowledge and power it may have is insane. But with the computer being sentient it also has the ability to talk with other sentient SCPs such as 682 or 049.  079 is also open to many RP scenarios if played right. Some examples may include: Breach, Interview, Nuke (certain cases), Help D class escape, and much more if the situation is right. 

  2. On 12/4/2020 at 11:24 PM, Starstep said:

    Whilst you are a Command member,
    You can get incredibly disrespectful to those around you;
    Along with minging on various occasions.
    If you are able to be respectful, and stop letting minor things get to you, then I'd give my support.
    However, even the most paltry of things could get you infuriated, causing you to act irrationally.


  3. +Support

    When I host raids as CI I always try to go easy on the lights and at least wait one full raid before turning off lights but this would help with Maynard just messing with lights. So I would just like to see this mainly be a change for Maynard and less of CI as a whole.  But from what I can tell it's just one Maynard doing it so I don't think it's a huge problem for CI military. But still this would be a addition that will better help with Maynard trolling. 

  4. Just now, Domo775 said:

    Grade: 94/100

    Efficiency: 25/25

    Insight: 20/25

    Presentation: 25/25

    Writing: 24/25

    you didn't really get a lot of info out of him just his name and rank not much about what he does.

    Well I was on site and I didn’t t have much time to get a good amount of info out of him.

  5. In Game Name: Zero 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:214372897 

    Job applying for:  Red Right Hand 

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Kevi, Neo, Noble, Consario, and I would be honored to protect a 05 council. 

    How many Strikes do you have: 

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I have been involved in CI for a long time and I thought it should be time to side with foundation with a role I have been looking to fulfill for a long while. I would also like to take a new and big step into something I have been working my way up to. To be part of something like this would be a complete privilege that I willing to push myself to perform the best, I can. With me joining I will also better my combat skills which will help me in the long run even outside of RRH. 

    Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I have been a hard-working soldier on this server ever since I joined, climbing ranks and obeying orders without question. This does not exclude me taking leadership roles as well which I have done many times. I may only be a junior command but that means I have proven that I have the maturity, the combat skills, the rp knowledge, and the command experience they are looking for to put on the trial period. Even if I do fail the trial period it won’t stop me on proving myself again to be given that second chance. If I do succeed this trial period, I will still be dedicated to climbing the ranks into command and showing CI the ideal way to play within combat and act in rp. Not only am I in junior command I have also proved myself in a way to be in [REDACTED] Forces. I have mainly been in combat branches so I have the combat skills to protect the highest of high of the foundation without a sweat broken. This does not say I have no rp knowledge I am still capable of playing in rp to the highest degree making it fun for both parties. I will be obligated to sacrifice my life in order to keep the ones of higher ranking alive no matter what the cost which shows that I have the mental mindset to prove that I can protect the [REDACTED] staff. With each fall on any job, I look back on what I could have done better to improve my skills in both combat and tactics. If I get the job, I do not plan on leaving the side of those I am ordered to protect and serve as if I let them die, I have failed at my job and that would be the biggest loss out of them all. 

    • Like 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, Eaten said:

    +/- Support Leaning towards -.

    These are my reasons.
    -Most of the times I have encountered you have been negative
    -Has been generally toxic to me and other Nu7 on SCP's
    -Encouraged people to break rules on SCP's, I have witnessed this once.

    You have changed a bit to be which is a positive.
    Not sure how you are in PvP but thats ok.

    I may change my mind if I see more change, but for now its a -support.



  7. 13 hours ago, Catsro said:

    I mean you can already defend yourself if the dclass hit you first but generally you could just call a staff sit for rdm or ardm which would easily solve this problem. Option #2 if you pull out a weapon to kill them then you are kos'd by gensec for pulling out a weapon and they are also killed lose-lose. Not sure why this would need a change cause 1 you have no nlr as dclass and 2 you could just call staff to handle the case.


  8. +/- Support

    This is a new and weird topic but I can see it being changed

    -It would make more sense against the weaponized SCPs

    -It may trigger a force of habit of pulling out riot shields on other SCPs

    I just think it would be a neat addition but still may need to smooth the edges but for this i'm lean towards +Support for the time being

  9. Name:  Zero

    Rank:  PD

    Callsign:  XA23/ZER0 (It may be changed due to me requesting a new callsign prior to this)

    Date of LOA Leave/Return: 11/22/2020-11/25/2020

    Reason (if private write N/A):  Going to visit family and won't have access to my computer for the entire LOA. 

  10. We may have all called you inactive but to see you go is a sad sight I hope you find great experiences later on just don’t forget us! Go kick ass cogs!


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