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The CI Zero

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Posts posted by The CI Zero

  1. Right after the file size lower a lot of models became broken.

    Either they are errors or they are just missing textures. (And sarkic has a messed up face)

    I have resinstalled gmod, verified the files, downloaded and uninstalled the content pack and still nothing.

    Here are some screenshots









    Thats all the current things that broke after the file changes. I hope you know how to fix this cause it makes me very uninspired to play on the server.

  2. In-game name: Zero 

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:214372897 

    Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer): A CPT and a Proven researcher in Chaos insurgency 

    How long have you been a Event Team Member: For about 2 and a half months 

    Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): No 

    How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): About 6 weeks 

    How well do you know the SCP lore in general?:  About a 7/10. I am not incredibly knowledgeable but I am able and willing to learn about new SCPs to find potential events. 

    Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?: I would like to become a senior member of the event team because with SET I am able to push beyond the barriers that stop me from making more enjoyable and high quality events making the overall enjoyment from events on the server increase. I will also be able to train new ET showing them all the magic of being a part of the event team. I will also be able to be someone for all trainees and members for advice on how to host events and how to make it the most enjoyable it can be. I also want to make it not only enjoyable for the server but also for ET making the event. With access to pretty much all the entities I will be able to make scenes more immersive and enjoyable for the bunch. 

    Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?: I have been trusted with the ability to be command with CI and I have not or plan on abusing it. When it comes to events I only do what I feel like will be the best experience for all sides. I may only play CI but I care a lot about others general enjoyment on the server. With an unhappy community makes people not encouraged to get on which will hurt the server more in the general. I am able to also take up a command role when it comes to the promoting and punishing as I have a lot of experience in doing so.  

    Have you mastered ULX?: I have about an 8/10 with ULX. I have messed up here and there but that is also a teaching tool to make me have more experience with ULX. I know what to mess with and what not to mess with. With things that carry on past death I try my best to make sure it is fixed. Either by writing down the names of people with those changed stats or actually physically looking for people I make sure rp is returned back to normal after an event. 

    Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: Yes. Me and Neo planned CI’s first mega event with the engineer. We hyped up the event for CI while also doing a lot of planning for the event when it happened. When things went wrong him and I were able to quickly find a way to make it work out as smoothly as possible. 

    Give an example of a mega event: A time machine goes critical in the year 1968 cause time to shatter and rifts to appear all around the globe. The worst points are all the SCP facilities due to its anomalies and how delicate reality is in those areas. With these time rifts appearing multiple timelines start to converging. People from all across time start being released and head towards the site. These people are cowboys with revolvers and Winchester carbines, samurais with a katana and more armor, German soldiers from WW2 with MP40’s and a couple with grenades and medkits. All of these will be D class all in a form of a GOI raid but they will also be told that anyone besides their era of time are considered hostiles creating a way for a giant 4 way battle between all of them. Waves will continue to come allowing D class to play multiple time eras. A couple soldiers from the future appear with the alien disintegrator to support the foundation with defending against all of these soldiers and restore order to time. This role will be given to ET as they are the most trusted with the weapon. During all of this research will be teleported back to 1968 when everything went wrong. They will meet the mad scientist who built it and learn how to stop it. They will find out how to close the time rifts and share with MTF. Completing this will close the time rifts but with all the pressure from nowhere to release all of this energy a giant time tear will open releasing Chronos the personification of time. MTF and CI will have to team up and defeat this boss. Once he is defeated time will return to normal. MTF will clean up all the stragglers and research will be teleported back and that will signal the end of the event. 

    What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: The Engineer mega event due to it’s complexity and potential. 

    What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?: 21 but I also help a lot with events learning things that generally improve all of my events. 

    How active can you be: I am usually really active on the server and on CI so I can usally be active a lot on both ET and CI. I can be on ET when I am taking a break from CI and host a couple events in that span of 1-2 hrs. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Coltable said:

    The point of posting a suggestion on the forums is to get the "Community's" opinion on a matter, you not only get Gensec and Dclass mains but CI,MTF,Utility etc, Everyone gets to give their own personal stance on how they feel the situation should be handled. Now i understand that it is a nice gesture for new players or current command members to consider talking to HCMD first on a suggestion but it is not required one bit, if anything i would be worried that it could seem like i'm trying to hide peoples suggestions/opinions by forcing them to speak to me first... Sadly we are a democracy not a dictatorship lmao...👀

    +/- Support While I do think riot control has moved from "Controlling riots" to a more "total domination of Dclass", I still believe they should in someway be able to over come most Dclass including CC.

    I think a more fitting change could be in shape of a rule change for when riot control can either flag up/Enter Dblock or Go passed the blue line. A change to either of these situations could allow for a more fair change while not as much "nerfing" Riot control. Keep in mind Riot control in real life is used when situations are becoming chaotic and out of control, I don't see why Riot control should be passed the blue line/in Dblock if there is no riot. Maybe asking riot control to leave Dblock entirely is an extreme measure but i do think they shouldn't be allowed passed the blue line unless its partial lock-down which in the case of a Dblock riot happening it would be.



    I really agree with Colt's statement here. Yes riot control are really annoying but seeing them be more of a kind of E11 type of deal where they extend during an actual riot makes a lot of sense and It wouldn't make either side too powerful. So in the end I am agreeing with colt and his +/- Support

  4. From what I can see Rookie Banned you and I kinda wanna hear what he has to say. (Or Zeus but... yeah)


    From what I can see you have A LOT of warns for Diss, Minging, RDM, Failrp, and mass player/staff diss. I get you were younger and we do stupid stuff when we are young but from your amount of bans it's kinda hard to seem like you deserve a second chance. But on the other side you were young and didn't know better (I am hoping) and you may be a changed person. You seemed to have no intent to rp. So in the end I am going to lean a bit more towards -Support due to how serious and how many warns you have. I can see if your perma ban was changed to a temp ban but thats up to SMT. I hope you find yourself as a changed person as you were.



  5. 10 hours ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:


    Ignis was a good person to be apart of CI. Never did anything that broke SOP and always followed orders without complaining. He definitely is willing to RP and follow rules, but his speech patterns got the best of him. I can relate to his slip up as I say things that may be seemed as offensive around my close friends IRL. He probably felt comfortable with his server friends that he forgot who he was playing with (That's just my theory). I'm pretty good at controlling what I say because of my work environment, however its not easy to adapt to. Ignis definitely deserves a second chance to try and prove he didn't say what he said just to piss people off, but because it was a legitimate accident. I'm sure he will be extra careful on what he says while on the server if he is given his shot at redemption. 

    For the people that are gonna come in and post "he said a racist remark and should not be tolerated!" because i know some will, you need to understand that the speech you develop growing up with school friends, or friends in your neighborhood, sticks with you. Especially if you grew up in low income areas like I did, where gang violence is hard to get away from. You pick up on how language is spoken to fit in. Then it sticks. Yes, these slurs should not be said at all, but they are in everyday life. We can't change that unfortunately..

    Everytime I spoke with Ignis on the server, there wasn't a single second where he gave off a hostile vibe. He was always very friendly and chill to play with. I genuinely think he deserves a second chance to play on SCPRP.


  6. Post name: “General Suggestion: Small buff to the Winchester carbine

    What are you suggesting?: Add a small dmg buff to the Winchester carbine (tfa_winchester73) allowing it to be more viable at medium ranges.

    How would this change better the server?: After all the Nu7, E11, and Gensec branch updates I think there should be a small buff to the carbine. With this small DMG buff it would allow D class to have a chance at mid ranged combat. Currently the only viable way to use the carbine is hitting consistent headshots (which is a pain with the sights) and not getting shot in the process. This will also allow it to be a viable weapon for ET to use for certain loadouts, GOI. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - If it is buffed to much it may change the meta but other than that I don't see much of a disadvantage. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - D class cc's as well as ET.

  7. On 2/16/2021 at 1:12 AM, Loaff said:


    -is command 

    -is ET so knows ULX commands 

    -is indeed very active, I rarely get on without seeing him 

    -overall great guy, would make a great addition to the staff team

    -executed me as d class when I said his name when he was on OR, got gunned down 10/10 would reveal O5 staff's identity again


  8. On 2/14/2021 at 2:51 PM, Loaff said:


    -Great maintenance 

    -Never had a bad experience with him 

    -Only one warn for a relatively minor offense that is easily done by mistake 

    -Never mingey, always cordial and professional

    Would love to see you make staff.

    Good luck Goodman!

  9. On 2/14/2021 at 8:27 AM, OWNED said:


    While you do seem eager, there are some problems

    - you have literally been on the server for 3 days, that is not nearly enough time to trust someone with ET

    - the event idea has already been done before, and kinda contradicts your philosophy of an event "for everyone" considering this is basically an MTF only event.

    - doesnt really affect view on application, but favorite SCP is a little bland

    - your first reason on why you would be a good ET is kinda null cause if you read guidelines you'd know how ET works with that kind of stuff

    I wish you best of luck with your application



  10. +/- Support

    -Doesn't meet minimum word requirement 

    -Not very detailed.

    -Had some good interactions with on D class and seems to have a good attitude.

    If he were to fix the app I would +support

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, NeoID said:

    + Support (With being stationed at checkpoints, not gates)
    - Ok, so recently, this has been an issue I've seen in Foundation comms whilst on the ET/Maynard job. + Support on not camping gates. Recently, as soon as CI does their Flag Up adverts for raids, I've seen some MTF say in Foundation Comms "Moving to EZ/HCZ, no guards stationed there" and then they run from D-Block.

    - I think they should be able to watch checkpoints, but not gates. I mean, theres a whole point of it having a window. It's a security checkpoint.

    - So  + Support on them being stationed at checkpoints, but they can't be running from D-Block as soon as adverts start happening. They need to start being at the checkpoints more often, not running back and forth depending on current ooc adverts.

    I need to do better getting more evidence when this happens. I failed to get any last time, for reasons I don't remember. But it does need to stop. Metagame is becoming a slightly bigger issue in the sense of current adverts. 


  12. Altair you were and still are one of my best friends in CI. I'm glad you were here with us while you were but that doesn't make it any less sad. You are always welcome to talk to me about anything. If you ever wanna vent, talk about something, or just hang out lemme know. I hope your stuff gets better and I hope you don't forget about us. I will always cherish the moments we had. You were a big part of this community and don't tell yourself otherwise. 

    Take care good friend.


    "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” — Winnie The Pooh“

  13. On 1/29/2021 at 2:40 PM, NeoID said:

    - Support

    - Format's tripping me up
    - Idea is bland
    - Proper RP rank isn't listed
    - Even though those warns are old, those are still some big worrisome offences.



    On 1/29/2021 at 12:06 AM, The Apple said:


    • I don’t even know who you are

    • Application is short and meh at best

    • The event is unoriginal and just kinda bland

    I would recommend getting more aquatinted with people on the server and maybe thinking up a more interesting / rp related event

    I have to really agree with these lads.

    You seem nowhere fit for ET


  14. Can you please elaborate on the glitch?

    If you're referring to the vampire going invisible that's a part of the class...

    Otherwise I either don't see any problem or just don't understand due to you not having any examples/proof.

  15. Name: Zero

    Rank: Member

    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 1/29/2021 - 2/2/2021

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Burnout and discouraged to hop onto the server

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