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Kieran ♡

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Posts posted by Kieran ♡


    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
    31st Captain & Head Field Training Officer Kieran 4132

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?
    31st | Vice-Commander

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
    I would like to be the Vice-Commander of this regiment to not only assist RJ in the background Administration of 31st, But Improve Training & Tryout Standards to another Level, My Activity shown with 18 Tryouts per week should be done across and I would like to improve that. Along with that, I'd like 31st to do more in-depth Trainings with the current 8+ 31st per day. Also I would like to decrease the Load placed upon RJ & Take some of it, As being a alone Commander has it's downsides, I don't want him doing everything when people can attain such a position and assist him.
    I would also like to find ways of enticing new & old ST's / Other Battalions into joining 31st & Making us stand strong among the rest & gain popularity.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?
    I currently have 4 Weeks, But I am currently working up on it.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?
    The main purpose of Commanding a Branch is to not only over-see the Regiment, But induct Trainings, Punishments, and elect Commanding NCO's for your Regiment as you see fit. You are to attend weekly Commander Meetings with the Vice-Commanders / Commanders and talk about the progression of the regiment, Status on Higher-Command / Officers / NCO+'s, and do promotions & demotions accordingly, You are to work with the Higher-Command of the ISD to improve the regiment as seen possible, Making the Tryouts significantly easier on the Standard Stormtrooper with not much knowledge. En-sure all information in SOP's is written how it should do and make sure the Roster is updated accordingly.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
    I should be trusted with this position as I was previously Vice-Commander of another Regiment "Royal Guard Vice-Sovereign" Along with that, I am also a Senior Moderator in the Staff Team. I've been playing for over 6 Months now and I believe I am dedicated & Trusted as accordingly. Also holding a High Commanding Officer Rank "LTC / Lt.Col" In Purge. 

    7. How often can you be Online? :
    Basically everyday for several hours.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    I have 1 Warning, Given a while ago.

    Have a good day ~ Kieran

    Just for proof of "Activity" :- unknown.png

  2. On 11/26/2020 at 6:56 PM, Viking said:


    The current E11D test has a numerous amount of flaws, many of which are not present on the other E11D model. Issues such as an extended reload time,  visibility issues/glitches, overall poor accuracy are things that we

    have to deal with on the current E11D test. 

    TL;DR: The E11D test version has alot of issues, the E11D doesn't.


  3. 9 minutes ago, Blitz said:

    - Support

    In my opion i do not beleive you are ready to hold another type of staff position, From my history with you (Past few days and the On and Off i got on) The things I have saw from you were not Professional, Lets start when you were a TMOD, When you were a TMOD I would get on the server and you would Constantly Hover, Fly through and Around RP areas while being told multiple times. In the past few days there have been worse things. I got into a Sit with you and a PVT for "RDA" You IMMEDIANTLY assumed that the PVT was lying and said "A Reserve LTCOL RDA'ing?, Yeah i doubt that" Treating the ST like he was a Massive minge when it was his first time on the server. Treating players like that wather it be because he was an ST, or if you personally did not like that is Unacceptable. That ST had ZERO warnings from what he told me and he was treated like he was a Liar because i was an Reserve LTCOL. You need to treat people fairly. Little did you know, He had 0 Warns and I had 14. After that i said due to the fact I may have gotten the wrong person you Instantly unnarested him and ended the sit, Without event checking logs to make SURE he did not commit the crime.


  4. 4 hours ago, Parry said:

    - Support
    - He was already banned for a week for Exploiting

    - He only has like 20-30 warns on PoliceRP and you need 40 for a perm ban 

    - If he keeps on doing this sort of stuff he will meet requirements and be perm banned then

    No need to remove him now  


  5. 19 hours ago, DeltaBlueWolf said:

    Massive + Support

    - Great leading skills

    - Very trust worthy

    - Has command experience (Directer of research)

    - Amazing guy

    i love this man he has shown time and time again that he is dedicated, trust worthy and outgoing i have witnessed him study on other servers to improve research ive seen him learn how to use blender just to make one model just to improve research ive never seen him lose his temper once in all my time on this server hes has even made custom pictures for tryout pings he is the definition of a good guy and i hope to serve under him as my vice commander soon.


  6. On 11/18/2020 at 3:36 AM, 0xEmma said:

    +/- Support


     Active | I see you around a fair bit

    Has Potential | from what I’ve seen and heard from you I belief you have the potential to be a good gamemaster


    Application wasn’t filled out seriously

    Tendency’s to minge



    Overall I see the potential in you to be a great gamemaster however you are just not there yet. If you stop with the minging and be more serious you could be a great addition to the gamemaster team.

    Best of luck with your application!

    image.thumb.png.d60050269226334ebb8804ea270cad05.pngYou also +Supported your own app.... 😐

  7. 51 minutes ago, [GL] Deez said:



    -Good Guy


    For the how to give yourself is !give ^ [weapon] and to give other people i suggest doing it like this stand infront of them and do this !give @ (weapon)


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