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Kieran ♡

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Posts posted by Kieran ♡

  1. 13 minutes ago, vSquishyv said:


    I think that whenever there is more than 10 gensec in D-Block, MTF should be called at last resort. E.g partial lockdown failing and D Class breaching into LCZ.

    Also you have to admit that it isn’t really fair for Class D to fight hordes of 5 MTF+.

    It has also come to my attention that MTF often tend to be sitting in LCZ on Defcon 4-5 without valid reasons.


  2. 16 hours ago, Shock STFAL COL Sully said:


    -When NCO's become Pilot Officer they should get something new

    -SF has been so active recently, it'd be cool to get more stuff

    -Permission given by CC-Owner.
    - Will need restrictions, Especially during events as it does tend to get laggy with 1-2 up.



  3. -Support

    - Clear Evidence provided.

    - I don't even have to explain my screenshot, It clearly states "Common Offenses", This isn't a Common Occurance.

    Even if you are a well respected Member, You are treated with the same respect as the rest, Along with that. You admitted you did it.

  4. On 11/5/2020 at 2:14 PM, [GL]Brendan said:

    I’m sorry but I can’t + support you at this time, You have been Inactive on medical and only come on when medical is in dire need. So for me personally I don’t think you are fully ready, I would say get activity up and be more involved with medical and you’ll have a + support from me


    -Inactive on medical

    -Not involved in medical

    -Doesn’t help me that much

    -Wouldn’t  fill the role of  Commander

    -Needs more experience 


  5. 18 hours ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:


    This is your second suggestion regarding JT needing more/better guns

    Also, Only your Commander (In this case your VCMDRs) can post these type of suggestions, with approval from General+, I hate when people do this without following the proper steps and procedures too actually do something like this
    (The EE3 does more then 70 damage per shot.... No battalion even has this gun, Its way too OP for a Stormtrooper) 




  6. 13 hours ago, Blizzard said:

    It was a honor to work with you. I appreciated all the moments me and you had together from being Senior Commanders to working as Army HC. You were a great General and a great man as a whole!

    /me Salutes to General Felix


    Salute GIF by CBS




  7. On 10/17/2020 at 5:53 AM, Blackbeard said:


    This dudes been apart of the community for some time star wars related, so he knows his stuff for sure.

    Great staff member already, he's a helpful dude, and no doubt in my mind will he assist in creating fun and interactive events for the player base.

    Just overall would be a great pick in my opinion to add to GM's, he for sure knows his stuff and has proven that with his time on the server.

    and lastly his application looks pretty damn good to me!



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