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Kieran ♡

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Posts posted by Kieran ♡

  1. On 10/7/2020 at 8:55 PM, Shock STFAL COL Sully said:


    -SF Activity is great and sometimes we cannot fly during events, so having a sub-branch like this would really help us I believe.

    -SF doesn't have any sub-classes that you can switch onto, so it would motivate more SF to try harder. 


  2. Questions

    1. Your In-game: Kieran


    2. Your SteamID: 501st MAJ Kieran 4132


    3. The player's name in-game: ST PVT Ben 8008 / STEAM_0:1:526963886


    4. The player's steam name (If you know it):  perplex101


    5. What did the player do: Homophobia - Called me a f*g


    6. Evidence (REQUIRED): "ST PVT Ben 8008 ➞ Stormtrooper user: fag" : https://prnt.sc/uqcs34

    Proof was Given by Trial-Game Master Silver


    7. What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe that's sufficient for a week's ban


    8. Any extra information: Negative.

  3. On 8/18/2020 at 5:29 AM, fenndarr1 said:

    good person and shock
    very active
    great potential
    could definitely see him leading

    This app is very underwhelming 
    Very low effort
    seems that the sentences are cut off in a couple answers



  4. 5 minutes ago, Echo Romeo said:


    What do you mean you only meme during promotions?

    Also I'm pretty sure there is no official off hours?

    Just for clarification, Blunt should of told you this. There is no such thing as Downtime / Off Hours. Minging, Pissing about will be dealt with. Don't try and use that excuse as we don't tolerate it within Command.

  5. Hi @Comrade Boekhom

    I'm afraid the two spots you've applied for have been taken by others, However if this is to be accepted you will most likely get the option of a Darth / Master Rank. So, Good Luck!


    + Somewhat Detailed

    = Doesn't really have experience as a Commanding Position.
    - Could do with some more Detail, Add some more!

    - Temple Guard Commander Cin Drallig A.K.A  Kieran

  6. On 8/27/2020 at 11:34 PM, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:


    -Immature, Constantly talks bad about SMT/Management

    -Not serious at all, You've been removed & put on a DNT on Multiple Battalions on ImperialRP, and was removed from one by SMT because you sent him a picture of their face and made a remark about it.

    -Just yesterday you were warned for Harassment and was Harassing one of my naval, because you didn't get to fly

    (even though, There's a rule saying when 3+ SF are online, They have priority in flying, but instead of following it you decided to spam PM naval with threats.)

    -Constantly minging on your CC 

    -Not serious at all



  7. 36 minutes ago, RJ_ said:

    Major Support +
    Good experience 
    Former JMT
    Good application
    Was active before he left

    Good luck Badaim!

    However, Zeeptin did say that "- Please do not ask when staff apps are opening up. We are going to hand select the starting staff on the server." 

    So I'm not sure what's going on here.

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