Name: Neo
Rank & Callsign: RnD SR (SR01)
SteamID: https:/
Discord: Neo#2337
Divisions: RnD
Activity: 8/10
Suggestions: A lot of times when I join as RnD hoping to do a test or interrogation, I find many of the other members of CI just running D-Block raids. (which I cannot take part in) and not bringing SCP's back. Which tends to drop my activity considering there was close to no point for me being on at that time. I feel RnD should be alerted whether they are flagged in or not via Discord. Or maybe Military can do some more raids for SCP's or make hostages for interrogation a bigger priority. I also understand this could just be me being stubborn and not joining Military as well, but it would be helpful if the RnD team had more of that in the CI base.