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Everything posted by NeoID

  1. NeoID

    Dect's Ban Appeal

    -Support -Though, yes. I’m sure you regret your actions, and I would hope you’re more careful next time. I think its fair to say you should wait out your punishment. I have nothing against you, rest assured, I quite honestly think you’re lucky it wasn’t permanent. Most servers wouldn’t be so forgiving with their punishments, ESPECIALLY when it comes to exploits. So I think the remaining 5 days is a very fair punishment that should not be revoked. Just my opinion on a non-bias standpoint. Have a good one Dect. I look foward to seeing you come back.
  2. +Support Though, I have only seen you work in R&D, I am still aware of your work in Medical, and I hear good things! Never had an issue with minging or toxicity for you. Always seemed to take things most professionally Never disobeyed any order, and did a brilliant job following rules and SOP I wouldn't have an issue working alongside you, as a matter a fact, I look forward to it! Keep it up, and best of luck to you!
  3. -Support -Definitely unfit for the position -Little Effort put into the app -Didn't even answer the "How many strikes" question -Has had many accusations placed upon them regarding minging, and toxicity, from multiple branches Sorry man, you got a lot of improvement to do before this could be considered by most.
  4. More or less a request than a suggestion, but still equally as important. A few additions were recently made to CI base, so I wanted to address them, and I highly suggest, not placing anything new, but some simple repairs. -First off, the benches in the training room are destructible. Enough shots/fire destroys them. -Second, there is a wooden table in the interrogation room next to the testing chamber. Which is also destructible. Same fix is needed there. -Third, Sawbones spawn should be placed in Medbay. Just makes sense. -Fourth, the chair in the interrogation room, not the metal one but the black arm-chair is bugged, if you stand up on it, it sends whoever sits on it into the ceiling. I think it just needs moved like a couple inches back from the table and it should fix that issue. -Fifth, CI Heavy's spawn point is set inside the table in the interrogation room from before it was an interrogation room. This is slightly problematic, and it should be moved into normal CIs spawn. -Sixth, in the Delta/Gamma spawn rooms, there are several wooden props, all of which can be destroyed by fire and gunshots. Thank you for reading this. I hope these additions be made, as its just a quality of life sort of thing! (And no, it wasn't intentional that this looks like a pride flag, I just decided to roll with it)
  5. NeoID

    Dan's LOA

    Alright man, get better dude! If you need to talk, we're here for you too!
  6. NeoID


    Alright! Best of luck to you! Looking forward to seeing you come back!
  7. All good man. Repentance requires two things, an apology, and effort. You have recently, and I wish you continue to do better. So I doubt you have any reason to worry. To me, you are forgiven. I doubt anyone else has any reason, nor is it their place to condemn you. So continue the good work, and you have to reason to fear.
  8. NeoID

    Pog moment!

    Happy late Birthday Snugglekins (just saw this, I sent my wishes on snapchat)
  9. NeoID

    Zero's LOA

    Take it easy man! Looking forward to you coming back!
  10. NeoID

    Eem's LOA

    Hi! Sorry to inform you that you had already been removed from R&D 62 hours prior to the making of this LOA, due to having failed to be promoted to Researcher after 7 days. There also needs to be a set-date of return, as for future notice! You may return in-game as a D-Class, or apply on the Forums at any time to attempt training again. Good luck, and take it easy!
  11. We Miss you Skela! Enjoyed you as our General, you'll do great things for Gaminglight! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n_EueG5qlBsKioTO2a_1C2SKt_ZMZq8vZQlSMh8RV2U/edit?usp=sharing
  12. +Support -Has better Experience then most. -Has been a high status leader in the Research Field for ages. -HAS 05 Staff Experience as OM3. -Never had an issue working with her. -Absolutely one of the best candidates for this position! (Honestly, she shouldn't even NEED to apply, she's already 05 Staff, has better experience then most people wanting, and admittedly, even on the 05 Staff team!)
  13. No, sadly if he leaves R&D, his sleuth whitelist will be taken away. Other members of R&D could certainly join you though!
  14. Sad to see you leave. Take care!
  15. LOAs need to be 3+ days long. Have a good break anyhow!
  16. NeoID

    dans LOA

    LOAs need to be 3 days+ so you likely won’t get listed as On LOA on Roster. Take it easy though!
  17. NeoID

    Corners LOA

    Alright! Take care!
  18. NeoID

    Zerks LOA

    Alright! Take it easy man!
  19. Gotchya! Don’t leave us hanging too long!
  20. NeoID

    hope's quick LOA

    Alright man! Take it easy!
  21. Alright man! Stay strong! See you soon.
  22. Alright, have a good LOA. Love you UwU
  23. NeoID

    Cog's LOA

    Take it easy man! We got you covered here! Get school out of the way and get your stuff together!
  24. Quick sidenote, just for next time you write a log, MAKE SURE that if you add any other CI person(s) in the log, (like Zero) to get their verbal permission to do so! Just as some people feel insecure about that, you need to always ask!
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