More or less a request than a suggestion, but still equally as important. A few additions were recently made to CI base, so I wanted to address them, and I highly suggest, not placing anything new, but some simple repairs. -First off, the benches in the training room are destructible. Enough shots/fire destroys them. -Second, there is a wooden table in the interrogation room next to the testing chamber. Which is also destructible. Same fix is needed there. -Third, Sawbones spawn should be placed in Medbay. Just makes sense. -Fourth, the chair in the interrogation room, not the metal one but the black arm-chair is bugged, if you stand up on it, it sends whoever sits on it into the ceiling. I think it just needs moved like a couple inches back from the table and it should fix that issue. -Fifth, CI Heavy's spawn point is set inside the table in the interrogation room from before it was an interrogation room. This is slightly problematic, and it should be moved into normal CIs spawn. -Sixth, in the Delta/Gamma spawn rooms, there are several wooden props, all of which can be destroyed by fire and gunshots. Thank you for reading this. I hope these additions be made, as its just a quality of life sort of thing! (And no, it wasn't intentional that this looks like a pride flag, I just decided to roll with it)