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Everything posted by BigBarbecueTime

  1. You have been an amazing member of this community, we will miss you
  2. I will be resigning from commander. Mainly because I have just become burnt out of gmod. However, my experience here has been amazing and you all have been great! I have come to see many of you as friends and will continue to show up from time to time on the server.
  3. Name: Augustus Rank: Commander Length: 1 week Reason: Trying to avoid becoming burnt out with gmod.
  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) and your SteamID Purge Commander Augustus - STEAM_0:1:121976942 2. What Regiment are you VCMDR+ in? Purge 3. Why do you want to stay as a (vice) commander of this branch? Because I enjoy leading my battalion and still have work to do improving it. 4. How active are you on the server (include timezone)? Almost every day 11AM-12PM EST 5. How active would you say your battalion is? If it is inactive, what are you doing to fix this? Active, but we can always do better
  5. until
    A base on Florrum will be attacked, and some secrets will be uncovered. (off map event)
  6. until
    PVE sim on deathstar
  7. until
    Troops will attack hoth, and have the ISD attacked
  8. until
    ISB will send troops on a mission to hoth
  9. until
    PVE Sim in turbolasers
  10. until
    Some Rebels will invade the ISD (depending on what happens, might invade hoth)
  11. until
    A rouge AI will torment the bridge. (passive)
  12. until
    The ISD will park on a rebel hyperspace lane and capture a rebel cruiser.
  13. until
    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1clkrfLoGwJgow7REf8aCoEfvVqiv4rSiPVcSeeC_Eqc/edit (Made for Luci cause he couldn't)
  14. +Support because its just the lore that 9th is tall.
  15. until
    ISB arrives with a rebel base location, mission is to find the hyperspace route to another base
  16. until

    postponed to 10pm
  17. until
    An ISB will arrive and have the 31st install an interdiction module to the ISD, a cr90 will be captured and boarded and the location of a rebel base will be found.
  18. until
    The troops will be sent to hoth to protect a small outpost there
  19. until
    An ISB will arrive and investigate the troops
  20. until
    A rebel strike team will break into the ISD
  21. until
    The troops will be sent on a strike mission to hoth and recover any data or artifacts the rebels have.
  22. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Purge HTO MAJ Augustus 0360 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge Troopers 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? One of the primary reasons I want to be a Vice Commander is to help Commander Luci, currently we only have one Vice Commander, this situation is putting more work and stress on our current Vice Commander and Commander. One of my objectives as a Vice Commander would be to clear out the Purge Trooper whitelist as it is full of former purge members. This branch means literally everything to me. I have no 2nd life on the server since I joined Purge, I have grown very attached to this battalion and want to help it flourish. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 211 Hours 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Vice Commander is to be the right-hand man of the Commander and assist him in running the battalion. This assistance can come in many forms, for example... Organizing the troops during events when the commander is not on, and ensuring the Ground Command/The Commanders orders are being followed by our Purge Troopers. Another purpose of a Vice Commander is to ensure that the SOP, Roster and other documentation is updated and easy to use. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I cannot say that I am for a fact considered “trustworthy”, this ultimately will depend on the individual reading this and their interactions with me. I would however like to think that my actions as a captain have at least created the foundations for long lasting trust as a VCMDR. If your currently do not trust me, I hope that I can eventually earn your trust. 7. How often can you be Online? : Almost every day, 10AM - 12AM EST 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No warnings. Please give me your full and honest feedback, I need to know my mistakes so I can improve.
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