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Everything posted by Novah

  1. Granted Contact a V+ to receive training
  2. Granted Contact a V+ to receive training
  3. Granted Contact a V+ to receive training
  4. Granted Contact a V+ to receive training
  5. Granted Contact a V+ to receive training
  6. +Support -Very kind and welcoming to new naval -Experienced and smart -Professional I think you'd make a great Fleet Admiral, Goodluck!
  7. Granted! Contact a V+ to get your training.
  8. Novah

    Turds gm Application

    Denied Normally I don't provide reasons but it seems it's hard for you to understand. You were removed for basically Minging and you haven't improved since than actually i would argue that you got worse but the problem is that you don't even see it as yourself minging. You need to improve yourself if you really would like this position. Reapply in 2 weeks.
  9. Accepted Contact a V+ to get your training.
  10. Novah

    Wesss GM app

    Accepted Contact a V+ to receive training.
  11. DENIED jk accepted in interviews.
  12. 1:What is your ingame name?: Iris 2: What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:181694738 3: What is your rank on the Naval Roster? Midshipman 4: What specialty are you applying for?: Security Officer 5: What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Ducks 6: What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? When I previously had the position as Security Officer I tried to do some sims but never really got around so I mostly did Naval tryouts and never got chances to do DT or Shock tryouts because they usually handled them on their own, I would like to change that and if I get the position I would do my very best on filling tryouts for all three battalions! Other plans I have are to do MIssions or SIMs with both Shock and DT more frequently as well! 7: Why should you be trusted with this position?: I’ve been in this position before as a Naval Commander, and had both Shock and DT tryout certifications finished. I’ve made a little reputation with DT and it’s very common that I still hang out with some of the DT command. So, in short.. I’ve been trusted with this position before and left on a good note. 8: Why do you want this rank?: I’ve honestly missed being Security Officer and I wanna come back again but this time with more dedication and activity. 9: Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: I understand. 10: What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: The purpose of a Security Officer is to monitor Shock and ensure that they’re arresting and enforcing laws on the ISD correctly. A security officer’s job is to also host tryouts for both DT’s and Shock if none are done or if a battalion needs help on hosting one for activity or other. SO’s also can host SIMs or trainings for specific battalions and get activity going by keeping a branch active. SO’s job is to also supervise both battalions and make sure they’re also being productive.
  13. Unfortunately I cannot force GM's to remain up late nights or wake themselves up very early so unfortunately I can't exactly help with this suggestion. The very best thing I can say, is if you're really that interested in more events during EU timezones and would like people to be interested in them than possibly you could make that happen by applying for Gamemaster. 90% of my Gm's are around EST and even the ones who aren't are still busy so, EST fits right for them. Sorry I could not get a more elaborated answer. - Head Gamemaster Emily.
  14. What is your in-game name?: Emily What is your steam name?: [GL] ❤ -Emily- ❤ What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:181694738 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I do have experience. When I originally came from SCP, I retired as a Senior Moderator with 3-4 months of experience as a staff member. However I have plenty of years of experience from many other servers as well. I am 20 years old and have been playing G-mod for a few years so I even have experience I wish I didn't have... (Dark-RP) but I do have a lot of experience staffing different roles and have even managed my own server (but it died) and Co-owned servers. What date did you start playing in the community? (roughly) 1/26/2020 is when I first touched Gaming Light on SCP. About 6 months later, I started to play on ImperialRP. What date did you make your forums account? I have no idea but, roughly around 1/30/2020. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gamemaster (I am a Head Gamemaster.) - (Donation rank: Lord) How many warnings do you have on the server? None on Imperial RP. 1 on SCP for RDM. Have you donated? Yes, I am a Lord. What rank are you applying for? T-mod. Have you read the staff guidelines? Yes I have. You will be tested on it: I understand. Timezone: Central Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) Maturity: I’m 20 years old and a lot of maturity comes from serious moments such as serious roleplay or other. However sometimes I am silly but a lot of different people are silly. I’ve proved myself to a few other battalions of how serious I am and how serious I could be depending on the situation. I've also spend most of my life doing roleplay like this so I've obviously gain a little knowledge on how certain things work and when to not be an idiot or silly! That doesn't mean I can't have fun though! Activity: Lately I’ve been active and have been on almost everyday however before a week ago I was a bit inactive and I am starting to prove myself to be active again like I was a few weeks ago. When I am, I try to be productive but sometimes I just relax. I wanna improve my activity on being a little more productive plus I love hanging out with a ton of peeps on the server and I wanna continue hanging out with them. Leadership: I’m a Head Gamemaster and I’ve been managing the Gamemaster team the best I’ve can. I’ve added and changed things for Gamemaster and I’ve been making sure Gamemasters stay up to date on events. I’m not good at going into detail on this but, I believe I have leadership skills to fit as a T-mod to spread knowledge and assist. Improving: I wanna improve myself a lot and I believe that the more I put myself into the community so I can better myself as a person and the better I am as a person the better I can do to this community. I love working along with the people in this community and I cannot count on how many people I can trust and how many friends I’ve made while playing on these servers. What can I bring to the Staff team?: I believe I can bring a helping hand! I wanna assist on helping staff members answer sits and I’ve always liked helping people about questions or situations that require a little knowledge to help plus I’ve worked alongside staff already and I enjoy being around them so I believe if I'm accepted as T-mod I can become a bigger help to them than I am currently. I love being alongside the staff team and I'm excited to be alongside them even more if I'm accepted! How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Very straight forward but, I would bring and freeze them. I would than look over logs and determine on how many people he killed and the more he probably talked or not, I would request for a (I think) Senior moderate to assist me and ban the person for Massrdming. Blatant answer but, its a pretty straight forward sit. PS: This application is colorful and weird. I wanted to make it look exotic so, enjoy the rainbow.
  15. Denied Please reapply in 2 weeks.
  16. Accepted Contact a V+ to receive training.
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