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Everything posted by Spice

  1. ACCEPTED! Please contact a JMT+ for staff training whenever you are available
  2. ACCEPTED (already been promoted to NCO before lol)
  3. ACCEPTED!!! Congrats!! Speak to a Maj+ for thy training...
  4. ACCEPTED Please Contact a Major+ on discord for your training(me)
  5. Denied Unfortunately At this time Pyke command decided to not accept your officer application, feel free to re apply in 2 weeks though.
  6. Spice

    Grubs NCO app

    ACCEPTED speak to enforcer+ for training
  7. ACCEPTED SPEAK TO ME when you are available or message me through discord for your Officer training.
  8. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Pyke Sentinel ESR Spice 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Pyke VCMDR 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to become a VCMDR so that I can enhance the Pyke Syndicate as a whole and contribute to others' enjoyment of their stay there. There are still many areas that need to be improved upon because Pyke was only recently added. So that one may understand the meaning of the word "improve" (d). To "accomplish or generate something greater than" or to "make or become better" is what it means to "improve." According to my perspective, there will always be room for improvement. For Pyke's, for instance, activities, assistance with paperwork, suggestions for upgrades or ways to enhance the unit, further tryouts, simulations, training, etc. All of these would be ways to contribute to the overall improvement of the battalion. Additionally, I will be able to fully utilize my former knowledge and leadership skills to assure the Pyke Syndicate's success. In light of that, one must also be careful to make it enjoyable for other people. ensuring that you also award prizes like weapons, cash, promotions, or perhaps even the chance to do things that they wouldn't otherwise be able to. Allowing a subordinate to take charge or simply doing something to raise Pyke's morale overall are two examples. "The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf," declared the Marines. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Around 5k+ hours 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? As a Commander of said branch, you are what I would like to call one of the Head Honchos. One of the Main Purposes of a Vice Commander in a Branch is to ensure that the Branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential. Now I know you are wondering what I mean by this. Well, I will now dive deeper down into what I mean. When I say, “ensure that the branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential”, this means a multitude of things. The first is ensuring that the overall performance of said branch is up to standard and is outstanding. When I say performance, I mean the following: Naval Tryouts, sims, training, and performing normal duties as naval. I would be ensuring that these duties are being performed at 110%. Why 110? At 110% YOU are ensuring that the task(s) are completed not to just perfection but to beyond perfection. Secondly, what I mean by “ensure that the branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential” is making sure the battalion's overall morale is high! As you know, a battalion with a low morale is not good. You would essentially be working with people who hate their job and most likely wouldn't like to even be in said battalion anymore. Henceforth as the U.S Marine Corps MARSOC says “The Strength of the Wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the Wolf” ... Lastly is being the leader that the battalion needs…. As a Commander or Vice Commander, you are the Person that Majority of the battalion will be looking up to, as you are most likely going to be said role model. Your job is to overall make sure that your battalion is doing outstanding. At the end of the day, if you look at it…. your battalion represents yourself and your leadership skills. If you want a battalion to strive, prosper and succeed and grow. You need an outstanding Commander and command team. I know I said this already and I sound like a broken record, but I will sum this up in a sentence or two… As a vice commander of a branch your job is to ensure success, outstanding performance and to ensure that your battalion grows and succeeds 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I know I can be trusted because I am already trusted by pretty much all. What does it mean to be charged? To be trusted is to be regarded as reliable or truthful. To start with, I was a CMDR for 3 branches of 1 battalion I was CMDR of for close to 1 year and a half. If I were not to be trusted then, I don’t I would have been a commander in the first place. I also have been SMT for the server as well for close to 2-ish years. As well as in real life (As Stated before) I was the ℅ of my NJROTC battalion that runs close to 300+ people as well as a Supervisor/Head Lifeguard for the Job I use to work at. Overall, with all the experience I've had and all the positions I’ve been in. I would not be in them If I were not to be trusted. You can also trust me for my prior experience as stated before. 7. How often can you be Online? : Everyday except during mornings. Im usually free after 4:30pm est I have school usually from 9:30am-1:15pm and on wednesdays I work from 3:30 to 6:30pm but besides that pretty much everyday Im able to get on 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Nope
  9. What is your In-Game name?: Pyke Muscle II Spice What is your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:149556730 What is your rank?: Muscle II How long have you been in the Pyke Syndicate?: Since the Launch date. What leadership experience do you have?: In the Naval/RG/IQ I've been a CMDR or VCMDR, as well as in DT I was a COL. I also do have real-life experience as well. I was also SMT on IMPRP and CWLRP and JMT on JVS. I was the Supervisor/Head Guard at the Pool I worked at. I was also the C/O of the NJROTC battalion at my high school for 2 years. Why do you want to be a Pyke Officer? {As always I'm not one to BS on my application with unnecessary information so I will keep it straight to the point.} I want to become a Pyke officer so that I may improve the Syndicate as a whole as well as to help make others' time in the Pyke Syndicate enjoyable. Since Pyke was recently added, there are still lots of things to improve on. So one may get the connotation of the word improve(d). To improve would mean to "achieve or produce something better than" or to "make or become better". The way I see it is, there will always be things to improve on, no matter what. For Pyke's for example; activity, helping with documents, getting ideas for updates or how to improve the battalion, doing more tryouts/sims/training etc... These would all be forms of helping improve the battalion as a whole. I would also be able to use my prior experience and leadership abilities to my fullest in order to ensure the success of the Pyke Syndicate. With that being said, one must also ensure that you are making it enjoyable to others. Ensuring that you also give out rewards like guns, money, promotions or maybe even giving people opportunities to do things that they normally wouldn't be able to do. An example would be letting someone of lower rank take control or just doing something that will improve the overall moral of the Pyke's. As the Marines stated, " The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf". Why should you be trusted with this rank? I know I can be trusted because I am already trusted by pretty much all. What does it mean to be trusted? To be trusted, is to be regarded as reliable or truthful. To start with, I was a CMDR for 3 branches of 1 battalion I was CMDR of for close to 1 year and a half. If I were not to be trusted then, I don’t I would have been a commander in the first place. I also have been SMT for the server as well for close to 2-ish years. As well as in real life (As Stated before) I was the ℅ of my NJROTC battalion that runs close to 300+ people as well as a Supervisor/Head Lifeguard for the Job I use to work at. Overall, with all the experience I've had and all the positions I’ve been in. I would not be in them If I were not to be trusted. You can also trust me for my prior experience as stated before. Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of a Pyke Officer you may be removed from your position? Yes, I understand that if I fail to meet the expectations of a Pyke Officer I may be removed from my postion.
  10. What is your In Game Name/Steam ID and Discord ID?: Spice/STEAM_0:0:149556730/Spice#5517 Why do you want to become a Member of the Pyke’s?: Mainly I would like to become a member of the Pyke's to have fun and to help IMP RP. I also really wanted to be part of the Pyke's because it's also one of my favorite character/people in Star Wars. To explain a bit further, fun can be described as many of things. One can believe sitting down and doing nothing is fun while other would think not. For myself having fun would be Role Playing and overall helping to ensure that other players do enjoy their RP experience as I like seeing other people succeed and have fun because if someone is having fun and I'm in the position of which that I can help this happen then I feel like I've done my job well. As for me seeing others successful and others having fun makes me happy. This also ties in with helping Imperial RP as well. Since this would be new, joining the Pyke would help overall with not just boost Pyke player count but also helping battalions like Tank Troopers as they would end up seeing more action now as well as overall just boosting the player count! I see that myself and other's joining would very much so helping increase fun, rp, and overall, just help the server in general. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: I would say that one major factor that sets me apart from others are my assets/skills. For reference, skills/assets can be defined as someone's ability to do well;expertise. I'll make sure to try and keep it short and sweet as there is no need for me to give unnecessary information etc... As of today, I have been CMDR/VCMDR for RG and Naval and a COL in DT. I also have experience in the servers CW Life RP and Jedi vs Sith when it was out before they were sadly shut down and I was SMT for Imperial RP before I had to resign. This means that I have experience in rosters, tryouts, leading and much more... I also have real life experience as I was the Commanding Officer of my NJROTC battalion back in High School (Which had around 300 Students in the JROTC). I also was a in a supervisor position at my old job. I also have my overall Positive Reputation to bring and have my drive to ensure that I can help others enjoy their time on Pyke. Overall put together one can infer that I have the skills/assets and experience that is needed for this job/ for the Pyke syndicate. What is the biggest thing you would bring to the Pyke Branch? (Please explain): As said above I would be able to bring my overall experience, skill, assets, expertise. As stated above I have been CMDR/VCMDR for RG and Naval and a COL in DT. I also have experience in the servers CW Life RP and Jedi vs Sith when it was out before they were sadly shut down and I was SMT for Imperial RP before I had to resign. This means that I have experience in rosters, tryouts, leading and much more... I also have real life experience as I was the Commanding Officer of my NJROTC battalion back in High School (Which had around 300 Students in the JROTC). I also was a in a supervisor position at my old job. I also have my overall Positive Reputation to bring and have my drive to ensure that I can help others enjoy their time on Pyke. Overall put together one can infer that I have the skills/assets and experience that is needed for this job/ for the Pyke syndicate. List a few achievements you have accomplished in the server: As far as achievements goes, I've been CMDR/VCMDR for a few battalions, I've also helped fill/help/revive a battalion as well. until I was able to get a suitable replacement. I have also been JMT/SMT before. As far as other's go their outside of IMPRP and more or less happened a long time ago. How often can you be active in-game?: I can be on everyday just more toward nighttime as I am currently a college student as well. So 5pm EST+ Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): 0
  11. Sorry to hear that this has happened to your brother. Stay strong my friend.
  12. 1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name) : Spice 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Rear Admiral 3. Why do you want to be a Rear Admiral of this branch? I will keep this short and sweet. As a Rear Admiral, you are taking a step into furthering the battalion as a whole. As well as you are being entrusted with a lot of responsibility. You must be highly dedicated and disciplined to fulfill the duty of Rear admiral to the fullest potential. I would love to be Rear Admiral because I feel that I would be able to not only just fulfill the Rear Admiral to the fullest. I will do it further than this. I will go above and beyond to ensure that the naval battalion is performing at its fullest potential. Ensuring us the best performance of the Naval Battalion. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 18 weeks = 3024 hours I believe. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a Commander for a branch? As a Commander of said branch, you are what I would like to call one of the Head Honchos. One of the Main Purposes of a Commander in a Branch is to ensure that the Branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential. Now I know you are wondering what I mean by this. Well, I will now dive deeper down into what I mean. When I say “ensure that the branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential”, this means a multitude of things. The first is ensuring that the overall performance of said branch is up to standard and is outstanding. When I say performance I mean the following; Naval Tryouts, sims, training, and performing normal duties as naval. I would be ensuring that these duties are being performed at 110%. Why 110? At 110% YOU are ensuring that the task(s) are completed not to just perfection but to beyond perfection. Secondly, what I mean by “ensure that the branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential” is making sure the battalion's overall morale is high! As you know, a battalion with a low morale is not good. You would essentially be working with people who hate their job and most likely wouldn't like to even be in said battalion anymore. Yes Naval is a serious battalion but at the same time you have to make sure that your Naval personnel are also having a good time. As there can not be a battalion if there are no members. Henceforth as the U.S Marine Corps MARSOC says “ The Strength of the Wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the Wolf”... Lastly is being the leader that the battalion needs…. As a Commander you are the Person that 90% of the battalion will be looking up to, as you are most likely going to be said role model. Your job is to overall make sure that your battalion is doing outstanding. At the end of the day, if you look at it….. your battalion represents yourself and your leadership skills. If you want a battalion to strive, prosper and succeed and grow. You need an outstanding Commander and command team. I know I said this already and I sound like a broken record, but I will sum this up in a sentence or two… As a commander of a branch your job is to ensure success, outstanding performance and to ensure that your battalion grows and prospers. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : There are many reasons why I should be trusted to be a commander; but Ill only list a few to keep things short, sweet and simple. The reasons are as such; I have many recent experience as command and being a VCMDR/CMDR of a branch, I'm extremely dedicated and a high performing person, and I held a form of CMDR Position in real life. Let me explain more in depth… As stated in my first reason, I've held many command/VCMDR/CMDR positions in my past. In which none of them I was removed from, I just decided to transfer from position to position. For the command positions I've been in, I have been a CPT in IC, a LTCOL and COL in DT. I was also the Vice Sov and then soon became a Sov of RG, in which I then transferred to IQ to become the Eighth Brother. The main reason I decided to mention this is to bring up the fact that I do have prior experience and to show that I indeed know what I am doing. Secondly when I say that I am seriously dedicated and a high performing person I mean exactly such. If I am given a task and find it hard, I'm not just going to give up, I'm going to go and complete said task no matter what and as I said before I will complete it to 110% ensuring that it is completed beyond perfection. Lastly to further enhance the fact that I have the experience and I have what it takes to be a CMDR. I've had experience in real life I guess you can say as a Commander. In my high school there is a NJROTC (Naval junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) in which on my last year I achieved the rank and position of the battalions Commanding Officer meaning I was First in Command of our unit's battalion. The reason why I include all this mainly is to just shows once again that I have the experience and leadership it takes to be a Commander as well as I have the trust to be a commander. As if I was not trusted then how would I have achieved these positions. In which this shows how I am trusted. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on every day, however I do have school from 9:30 am - 4:20 pm EST 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 0 warnings P.s I just wanted to say that no matter the outcome, I am extremely grateful for having the chance to even apply for this position and I am overall extremely grateful. Poll should be up if not pls lmn.
  13. ACCEPTED Thank you for your report! The specified member will be punished accordingly by an SMT member
  14. ACCEPTED To get the warn removed, navigate to the 'Bans' button at the top. Once you have the ban panel up, select 'profile', then click 'appeal' next to the warn that is needing to be removed. For the reason, enter the link to this topic!
  15. ACCEPTED Please be more careful next time! To get the warn removed, navigate to the 'Bans' button at the top. Once you have the ban panel up, select 'profile', then click 'appeal' next to the warn that is needing to be removed. For the reason, enter the link to this topic!
  16. STAFF REPORT ACCEPTED Said staff member will be spoken to and will be punished accordingly
  17. ACCEPTED Please allow up to 2 hours before your account is unbanned. If you wait 2 hours and no unban has occurred, please contact one of the servers Head Admin's
  18. DENIED Your account will not be recieving an unban, either because you are a blacklisted member, or because your ban is deemed valid by SMT
  19. ACCEPTED Please allow up to 2 hours before your account is unbanned. If you wait 2 hours and no unban has occurred, please contact one of the servers Head Admin's Please be more careful in the future
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