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About Lorenzey

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Name: Cortez Rank: SFC Current FTO Rank: FTO Current RCF Rank: JRCF Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I'm active when i can be, and work to improve every time I get on. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:
  2. -Support Seeing as there is no medical staff on, me being low on money, and that I am not in a combat situation, I don't see how it is an invalid way of regaining health. The Jump shows how low my health was, and the low number of Gensec on at the time means i would easily be one shot, leaving the only other person at D-block alone to fight . [Edit] Also there is no context of what happened before I fell off, thus we don't even know the full story.
  3. One of the biggest things I have noticed in my time playing is the lack of decency towards the members of Gensec and the branch as a whole. This isn't just a ci, d-class , and gensec issue. Its server wide and exists in every branch, of course you'll think your main branch is best, that's why you chose it. It drives us to do better, but that doesn't mean we have to bitch about everything that happens . Its annoying as fuck seeing chat blown up about people minging and being disrespectful. I am not saying that it only goes towards Gensec , as its a two-way street. However, often times, it seems as though it comes from a minor complaint that both sides have been guilty of. People need to relax and not take words so literal and personal, also people make mistakes its okay.
  4. I am above the required level 15 on the spc server, but it says I am not whitelisted, even though I level 18.
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