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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. I reject this reality and have begun plans to merge it with one where you did not resign.

    See you at work tomorrow 🗿


    (For real though, noooooooooooo, please come around and hang in TS still sometimes!!)

  2. Oh yeah, I remember that hammer promotion... xD


    This really do be times changing before our very eyes. You were always probably the one I followed most while I was in E11, so it's a huge bummer to see you go man

    Hope things are chill for you wherever you decide to spend your time next-- Come back and visit sometime!

  3. On 5/31/2020 at 2:06 PM, Harry S. Plinkett said:

    Im glad Weiss finally commented and I think its a mark of maturity he agrees that disciplinary action should be taken on himself. I think a ban/staff demote is a bit much, maybe just a warn?

    +/- Support the glitch use seems unintentional, but the delay in response was a bit sus. Agree a warn or talking to probably is warranted but not a whole ban

    • Like 1
  4. +Support

    Mainly for the idea of Jans being able to add an occasional one-off extra few minutes to some breach timers or whatever, which both gives them something to do and helps MTF with stopping self-breaches, without totally screwing over how self-breaching works.

    Also it makes jan's role in self breaches much more unique than tech's role, which is only to show up AFTER things have broken out.

  5. -support

    kinda pointless, just form your own d class gang like the other 2 that already have formed using the regular jobs

    I dont think these d class gangster players would all stick together as a unit anyway... d class players are sorta unpredictable in that way

  6. +Support 

    Those teleports were not legit in the video, looks like 106 went up into the air to get higher on the stairs


    Edit: Maybe stairs need to be more clarified on 106 rules for teleporting to avoid this

  7. On 5/26/2020 at 8:48 AM, Jack II said:

    - support

    Server pops been way higher ever since the nerf. keep it that way


    On 5/26/2020 at 1:52 PM, Sinnik said:


    I get it. You paid for something, you want it to be good. I totally understand that feeling, 100%. I bought two knives myself. Part of me wants them to be great too. But numbers don't lie, and server activity / server longevity, in my opinion, is far more important than a strong weapon. 

    Apologies to SMT if I overstep any sort of boundary by saying and posting this, but I think this is irrefutable proof that the knives were not good for us, and that nerfing them was a great decision from SMT. Here is a chart taken from SCPRP's gametracker site. It tracks our server rank over the last 30 days. 


    Knives were released on 4/24/20, approximately 32 days ago. That's when the server began to take a dip in rank. It continued on a downward trend until approximately six days ago. The knives were nerfed seven days ago, on 5/19.  The server is coming back to it's original activity, and I think we need to celebrate that. Not go back to what caused the dip in the first place. 


    Hard to argue with statistics. 



  8. I too had a short amount of time to be aware of the still-ongoing issues with research that resulted in this post being created. (About an hour ago I learned about all these complaints, and learning that RIG was still not an effective solution to the escorting problem.)

    Let's all just keep some perspective now, and realize this letter is written as a result of a compiling feeling of complaint about several aspects of the server, from several people. We will work with Research to make sure their branch can run effectively while addressing these complaints from a fair perspective of all branches. 


    There's no need to all start jumping in on this thread now with retorts to these complaints; Let's all just agree to keep in mind more tactful ways to go about addressing the need for change in the future.

  9. +Support for buffing negev

    I personally think it should get some of the recoil taken off. It's like trying to hold onto a crazy ass bullet firehose flopping all over the place right now when you shoot it.

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