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Posts posted by Tomato

  1. 3 minutes ago, Rangiatea said:

    Right ive finished off reading that and edited the original reply I made with it all, next time actually bother to talk to HCMD/site admin instead of just making a random post from nowhere, if you dont bother talking to us WE DEAL WITH ANYWAY, it just shows that you guys dont want to bother telling us until things start stacking up in stupid quantities, this is the SECOND TIME out of the 2 TIMES ive received a complaint from research. Next time it stacks this high or you choose not to tell us for a 2 weeks+ im not dealing with it.

    Fair enough. I appreciate you reading the document and giving a response. Its much appreciated. Whenever you want to talk im open


  2. 2 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    About the part with MTF, we are probably dealing with breaches or d class in EZ/HCZ or a CI raid as they happen almost all the time during peak hours. You can’t expect us to be there all the time, you gotta look at it from the other side as well.


    like i said. not all views are expressed by me

  3. Lore: 20/20

    No issues here

    Creativity:  15 /20 

    Not the most creative test in the world


    Presentation: 20 /20

    I like the document.  Its well designed and has lots of info.

    Writing: 40/40

    No issues here.


    TOTAL: 95/100

    Grade: A

    Overall: Quality

  4. Lore: 20/20

    No issues here

    Creativity:  20 /20 

    We dont see enough 079 tests on the server


    Presentation: 15 /20

    Rather basic document. Nothing really special here

    Writing: 30/40

    No issues here. other than length. its a bit short


    TOTAL: 85/100

    Grade: B

    Overall: Standard

  5. Lore: 15/20

    I doubt all the scp's would work together like this but ok.

    Creativity:  0 /20 

    Plagiarized. You cheater


    Presentation: 15 /20

    Rather basic document. Nothing really special here

    Writing: 40/40

    No issues here.


    TOTAL: 70/100

    Grade: C

    Overall: meh

  6. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity:  20 /20 

    I personally have not seen this done before, so good job there


    Presentation: 15 /20

    Rather basic document, lacking in details.

    Writing: 40/40

    No issues here.


    TOTAL: 95/100

    Grade: A


    overall: Quality

  7. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity:  15 /20 

    This test has been done plenty of times before


    Presentation: 20 /20

    This is what i want to see in documents. Images and content that makes me think someone really put alot of effort into it. Well done.

    Writing: 20/40

    No issues here. Well redacted 🙂


    TOTAL: 95/100

    Grade: A


    overall: Quality

  8. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity:  20 /20 

    Very creative. Not much else to say here


    Presentation: 15 /20

    Standard document. There could be some images or diagrams or something else. This document is begging for a photo of some kind. Other than that its just plain text on a white background.

    Writing: 35/40

    No grammar issues or spelling. Im taking points off for how short it is. There is lots of room to expand here but the length the document is now i cant give it full points.


    TOTAL: 90/100

    Grade: A


    overall: OwO

  9. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity:  10 /20 

    Not the most creative test in the world. This has been done before


    Presentation: 15 /20

    Standard document. Nothing really stands out

    Writing: 35/40

    Some grammar issues


    TOTAL: 80/100

    Grade: B


    overall: Standard

  10. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity:  15 /20 

    Not the most creative test in the world. However this could be expanded on. Test out D-class with different mental illnesses and report the results


    Presentation: 10 /20

    Very basic document. Not alot of detail. There is room for improvement here

    Writing: 40/40

    No issues here


    TOTAL: 85/100

    Grade: B


    overall: Standard

  11. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity:  10 /20 

    Not the most creative test in the world. All these items have been dispensed before and tested.


    Presentation: 10 /20

    Is this a test or an incident? Incident logs are not tests.

    Writing: 35/40

    Some grammar issues


    TOTAL: 75/100

    Grade: C


    overall: Standard

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