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Posts posted by Tomato

  1. I wish there was more detail to this. I know you were probably limited by the answers given by 035 so i cant really fault you there but i wish there was more to it. Overall the presentation is fine and the content is good. Next time see if you can get more detail out of the scp you interview. Overall good job.

    Grade: B+

  2. Overall, a very good test. A great idea coupled with a lot of detail equals a quality test in my book. A few things I want to point out. One is the grammar. It could be a little better. There are sentences that don't start with uppercase letters and sentences that start with the word "but". That's not proper grammar. Other than that this is a good test and a great starting point for a Junior Researcher. Keep up the good work!

    Grade: B+


  3. This document gets a 100/100 for me. Very detailed and extremely well written. It's clear alot of effort went into this document. Well done Saw. I think it was very clever to tie in the game lore with your test and to leave a slight cliffhanger at the end. I want to hear more about what was in the hole.

    Final grade: A+

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. Ok i know this is a really bad idea but.....

    im already here so....

    he we f'n go......



    X3 nuzzles pounces on the server its so warm.

    Couldnt help but notice your test from across the floor

    Nuzzles your testy-westy ~murr~ hehe

    unzips you baggy ass test log baby is so musty


    Take me home, test me, make me yours, and dont forget to log me

    See me wag my little testy clearence  all for your loggie-woggie

    Writing and writing this test, i hope starstep likies

    Nuzzles and wuzzles your test, i be getting promoted


    Hey i got a little test log you think you can help me?

    only 7 pages long UwU PLEASE TEST ON ME

    Paws on your test as i lick my lips (UwU test on me please)

    Bout to hit them with this research shit (they wont see it comming)


    Pls no ban this is just a stupid joke. im not even a furry

    -love, Tomato




  6. Honestly this is very creative and well done. I would have never thought of this idea. The only thing I want out of this is more detail. Like what would have happened if you sent a rescue party down the stairs? Also, more explanation as to why it sounded like there was water down there. Also also, you don't have to redact the class d names. Save that for the 05 and such. Over all very good just wish it could be longer.


  7. What are you suggesting? - Give SCP-999 a Santa Hat for the holidays

    How would this change better the server? - It would put everyone in a festive mood and make SCP-999 happy and warm

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that i know of

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - The players who get happy when they see SCP-999

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2311638884&searchtext=santa+hat

  8. Hello Foundation.

    My name is Dr. Robert 'Tomato' Peterson, and I am the leader of the Site-10 chapter of the Global Occult Coalition. 

    For months, I have operated a small but growing GOI under the noses of the foundation, and now we would like to make our presence known.

    We do not wish to harm you or your people. We only wish to remove those pesky SCP's from their dreadful captivity and end their pitiful lives.

    My agents have been operating for months, slowly chipping away at the various SCP's on site.

    We have operated in secret out of fear of the foundations wrath, but now me and my members wish to make ourselves known.

    We want to be an actual part of the foundation. A class, if you would, similar to your foundation's research division.

    We do not wish to hid in the dark any longer. We want to be apart of the light.

    I await your answer.

    -GOC leader Tomato




    OK. RP over, now on to business.

    Howdy. So a few months ago during my retirement I made a small discord for the Global Occult Coalition. This was just meant as a fun small side project and it has had no meaning on my actual research career. However we slowly grew in size and now have over 20 members, all from different branches of the foundation.  We have ranks, an SOP, and our own logging system for the destruction (in RP) of SCP's.

    As of late, members of the group have expressed wanting the GOC to be a part of the Gaminglight SCP-RP server proper.  I have decided to take it upon myself to make this suggestion.  We would like to introduce the GOC as a small branch you can play as on the server.  Here is the structure of how we would like these classes to be set up.

    GOC Recruit (Silver +)
    -A new recruit to the GOC. Will wait to be trained at our spawn.

    GOC Physics division (Silver +)
    -A member of the GOC proper. There are three separate ranks you can reach.
    1.) You start out as a JR researcher, able to only attempt to destroy safe class SCP's.
    2.) Once promoted, you would become a Researcher, able to attempt to destroy Euclid class SCP's. Can train new GOC Recruits.
    3.) Promoted again? You become an Advanced Researcher, able to attempt to destroy Keter SCP's. Can train new GOC Recruits.

    Please note, these are not separate classes you can flag on to. It's just one class with a different name. Similar to how CI RND do their levels.

    GOC Command (Silver +)
    -A high level member of the GOC. Oversees day to day operations in the GOC and assists with grading the destruction logs.

    GOC High Command (Silver +)
    -The leader/high command of the GOC. Responsible for the Division as a whole and maintaining relations with the Foundation

    How we would work.
    Depending on the spawning location of the GOC, we would either have to sneak into the foundation or we would spawn in the research bunks. That is up to you guys to decide. Once inside we will have to (in RP) attempt to destroy any SCP's we come across that is within our rank to destroy.  We would do this by RP acting out the destruction and rolling. If we fail the roll and the SCP is capable of killing, they can kill us. If we succeed the SCP will "be destroyed".  The foundation members, upon entering the containment of the SCP, will act out finding the SCP dead. Afterwards, the SCP will reset. If caught, we have the opportunity to take cyanide with a roll of 50 or higher. If we fail we can be interrogated/killed by the MTF.  The member of the GOC will then write a destruction log based on their experiments. the format for the log is as follows:



    SCP attempted to destroy:

    Method chosen:


    Members will be graded on their log and the creativity of it. The more creative the better.

    We would have a meeting in the LCZ meeting room every two weeks. During so we would give promotions if need be and talk about the group as a whole. Standard GL SCP-RP stuff.

    Members will be required to follow all gaminglight rules/server rules when on the job.



    Of course this is all down to whether or not you guys accept the suggestion.  I of course will be willing to assist and help in any way I can. For further details please reach out to me on teamspeak/discord and i will be more than happy to assist. Thank you very much for taking the time to hear my suggestion.   Have a great day.



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