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Posts posted by Tomato

  1. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 5 /20 

    This test has been done to death


    Presentation: 10/20

    This document is really short and lacks any real detail

    Writing: 30/40

    No obvious errors, just lack of detail


    TOTAL: 65/100

    Grade: D


    Notes: Do not be upset. Try to come up with more detail's next time

  2. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 10 /20 

    Not exactly the most creative test in the world


    Presentation: 10/20

    This document is really short and lacks any real conclusion.

    Writing: 20/40

    You could have at least tried the test again to get conclusive results. 


    TOTAL: 60/100

    Grade: D


    Notes: Do not be upset. Try the test again and come up with quality results

  3. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 15 /20 

    This is not the most original test idea.


    Presentation: 10/20

    Very basic document. Nothing really stands out

    Writing: 35/40

    Minor Grammar errors. Also be sure to write your SCP's as SCP-###.


    TOTAL: 80/100

    Grade: B


    Notes: I enjoy a quality cross test. Well done.

  4. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 20 /20 

    Very creative. Well done


    Presentation: 10/20

    The document was a bit short. You could have added a lot more to the actual test log.

    Writing: 30/40

    Minor Grammar errors. Also some inconsistencies in your SCP naming.


    TOTAL: 80/100

    Grade: B-


    Notes: I enjoy a quality cross test. Well done.

  5. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 20 /20 

    I do enjoy a good cross test. Full points there.


    Presentation: 10/20

    The document was a bit short. You could have added alot more to the actual test log.

    Writing: 35/40

    Minor Grammar errors. 


    TOTAL: 85/100

    Grade: B


    Notes: I enjoy a quality cross test. Well done.

  6. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 20 /20 

    I really enjoyed the concept behind this test. It's gross what happened but it's also funny.


    Presentation: 15/20

    Make sure to bold the different sections of your test, otherwise it all just kinda runs together into a long sentance.

    Writing: 35/40

    I only took off points here because the document is a bit short and there are very minor grammar errors.


    TOTAL: 90/100

    Grade: A-


    Notes: Very creative

  7. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 20 /20 

    I really enjoyed the concept behind this test. It's silly but thats what makes it fun


    Presentation: 20/20

    I couldnt open the document but if its anything like your other test im sure it was fine

    Writing: 35/40

    I only took off points here because the document is a bit short


    TOTAL: 95/100

    Grade: A


    Notes: Very creative. I enjoyed

  8. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 15/20 

    This test has been done before

    Presentation: 20/20

    I can tell you put alot of effort into this document. Well done

    Writing: 30/40

    I took points off here because the document is rather short. there could be alot more in the observation section.


    TOTAL: 85/100

    Grade: D-


    Notes: The style of the document is nice. Keep up the good work

  9. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 10/20 

    This isnt very creative. This test has been done before

    Presentation: 10/20

    It's a basic document.  There isnt much too it.

    Writing: 30/40

    Rather short document. There could be alot more written here.


    TOTAL: 70/100

    Grade: C-


    Notes:Do not be upset by the grade. Instead learn from it and come back with an even better test. I think more can be done with this test. Come back and try it again. 

  10. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 10/20 

    This isnt very creative. Of course armor would help protect against a bullet

    Presentation: 10/20

    Its a short document. 

    Writing: 20/40

    Some grammar errors in the observation section.  There could have been more in the observation section.


    TOTAL: 60/100

    Grade: D-


    Notes:Do not be upset by the grade. Instead learn from it and come back with an even better test. I think more can be done with this test. Come back and try it again. 

  11. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 15/20 

    Pretty sure this has been done before, however i cant remember where i have seen it.

    Presentation: 5/20

    Pretty basic presentation. Nothing special. Also, you lost points because the observation section is so short. you could have had alot more.

    Writing: 35/40

    Some grammar errors


    TOTAL: 75/100

    Grade: C



  12. Lore: 20 /20

    This follows the lore pretty well

    Creativity: 20 /20 

    I dont remember seeing this type of test before. So you get points for that 🙂


    Presentation: 20/20

    Presentation is fine. Lots of detail.  I appreciate you including so much detail.


    Writing: 40/40

    No obvious spelling or grammar errors


    TOTAL: 100/100

    Grade: A+


    Notes: Keep up the good work. I see great things in your future.

  13. Lore: 20 /20

    This follows the lore pretty well

    Creativity: 15/20 

    This test has been done plenty of times before. that is the sole reason for point loss.

    Presentation: 20/20

    I love any test that has a video accompanying it. It just shows you went the extra mile for your tests.


    Writing: 40/40

    No obvious spelling or grammar errors


    TOTAL: 95/100

    Grade: A


    Notes: Love the video. Keep up the good work

  14. Lore: 20 /20

    This follows the lore pretty well

    Creativity: 15/20 

    Not the most original test idea in the world.

    Presentation: 10/20

    There could be a lot more detail in this. There isnt really any detail in what SCP-173 did to the class D

    Writing: 35/40

    No obvious spelling or grammar errors. I took points off for the short length.


    TOTAL: 80/100

    Grade: B-


    Notes: You mainly lost points for the lack of detail. Don't be afraid to add more detail to your test logs.

  15. Lore: 20 /20

    This follows the lore pretty well

    Creativity: 18/20 

    I took two points off because i am pretty sure this test has been done many times before. However, i am a fan of 173 cross tests so i added back a few points.

    Presentation: 20/20

    Going the extra mile to do a video warrants extra points in my book. Well done.

    Writing: 40/40

    No obvious spelling or grammar errors


    TOTAL: 98/100

    Grade: A+


    Notes: Well done. I love the video portion

  16. Lore: 20 /20

    This follows the lore pretty well

    Creativity: 15/20 

    While not the most creative test,  the idea of studying the subject after getting the stone disease is neat.

    Presentation: 10/20

    There could be a lot more detail in this. Having just one sentence for your observation is a bit too small of an amount.

    Writing: 40/40

    No obvious spelling or grammar errors


    TOTAL: 85/100

    Grade: B


    Notes: You mainly lost points for the lack of detail. Don't be afraid to add more detail to your test logs.

  17. Lore: 20 /20

    I'm not sure this follows the lore. SCP-008 has a 100% infection rate so for the class D to not experience symptoms right away is bizarre.

    Creativity: 10/20 

    Not the most creative test. Pulling out items from 1162 is the basis of every test.  Dont be afraid to think outside the box on your tests.

    Presentation: 20/20

    I like the time log style for what happened. Over all very well designed.

    Writing: 40/40

    No obvious spelling or grammar errors


    TOTAL: 90/100

    Grade: A-


    Notes: Not bad for your first test. Dont be afraid to be a bit more creative with your tests. Overall well done

  18. Lore: 15/20

    I'm not sure this follows the lore. SCP-008 has a 100% infection rate so for the class D to not experience symptoms right away is bizarre.

    Creativity: 20/20 

    I like the idea of doing essentially three tests at once. I also like the idea of studying prolonged exposure. Well done there.

    Presentation: 15/20

    I feel as though the document kinda cuts off in the observation section. I felt as though there was more to be said about what happened. I could be wrong but a little more detail wouldn't go amiss. That being said the document follows the proper presentation procedures.

    Writing: 30/40

    Some grammar errors. No obvious spelling errors. Make sure to capitalize at the beginning of your sentences.


    TOTAL: 80/100

    Grade: B-


    Notes: Try redoing this test and see what else you can find. I am interested to see what other results you can gather.


  19. Lore: 20/20

    Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

    Creativity: 10/20 

    Not the most creative test. We knew SCP-173 would kill the class D. I dont think the insult really changed that fact.

    Presentation: 18/20

    Its a short document.Granted there isn't much to be said but a little more detail never hurt. Exactly how SCP-173 was insulted could have been said.

    Writing: 30/40

    Some grammar errors in the observation section. 


    TOTAL: 78/100

    Grade: C+


    Notes: I expected a bit more out of this test. I felt there was some room for improvement and more detail. Dont be afraid to be more creative with your tests. Having 173 snap someones neck is very basic.

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