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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Have a good time away!
  2. Curtis

    ROBB's LOA

    Enjoy your time on LOA!
  3. Forum Diplomat Message This is going to be a hot topic. Keep this thread to a +Support/-Support basis only. Arguing between each other is prohibited Failure of not leaving a +Support or -Support will cause the thread to be locked until SMT Reviews it. This can also result in a forums warning/restriction being handed out. Thank you - Curtis
  4. Curtis


    Enjoy your time at the beach, do not forget to wear some sunscreen!!!! Have fun!
  5. Welcome Back! Hope to see you on.
  6. Curtis

    Dutch LOA

    Welcome back dutch!
  7. Curtis

    Crimson LOA

    Thanks for letting us know, hope these three days serve you well!
  8. Curtis

    BlackWing's LOA

    Good luck at band camp! Drink lots of water, do not want you passing out!
  9. If you feel you have been wrongly striked by a command member, please fill out the format below. You can find the reason for your strike on the main Gaminglight SCPRP Official Roster in the Punishment Sheet, here is a direct link. Please give command/hcmd around a week to make a decision. Topic name should be "YOUR NAME Strike Appeal" Name: Rank: Date of strike: Who striked you: Reason for the strike: Why should it be removed:
  10. All LOAs from here on out should be posted onto the Roster directly https://tools.gaminglight.com/rosters/scprp/e11 Make sure you are signed in, click on your name, request LOA. Thank you, Commander Curtis
  11. All of the following documents are exclusively related to Resignations within Epsilon-11 Only Applies to Sergeant Majors and below. All officers are required to message Epsilon-11 High Command directly regarding Resignations before posting a topic, all NCOs and Enlisted are requested to fill out the below format to make it easier to track resignations. If you leave the discord or resign from the branch without submitting a resignation in this channel you may be placed on a DNT. Topic name should be "YOUR NAME Resignation Notice" Name: Rank: SteamID:(STEAM_0:1:0000000) Reason for leaving: You may add anything extra to your resignation as well. For example special mentions, a farewell message, etc, etc.
  12. Good seeing ya yamato, be good out there! Hope to see you around!
  13. While this is not a bad suggestion, I am going to shine some light on this. For our server, not all servers (to my knowledge). When you download addons from the steam workshop it puts them in a separate file location compared to when you join the server. The server has to send you the files anyways so it does not matter if you download the content or not. Downloading the addons does not make you load in faster. This suggestion is more focusing on the issue of people not getting the textures it seems however, this is still due to steams bug with the way content is downloaded. Some ways around it are going to your Gmod properties > betas > and pre release, this may NOT fully fix the issue, it really depends if steam works and downloads everything, sometimes it doesn't, it is just the best of luck. As well as this was said today at our staff meeting. "The workshop collection does not get updated; Any custom made packs by users are not optimized for storage. It's advised you download the content due to joining the server. Due to Steam issues it may take multiple joins to download everything. If you're having repeat issues with a specific pack; Make a bug report so it can get fixed." I had Kiwi help me out with some of the more details of it all, but if I am incorrect I am sure I will be corrected.
  14. + Support While I like this idea, the only issue I could see arising is right now it is coded to when you die, so long they are able to code it to say if infected then start timer then, I think it would be a great QoL update, but if causes too many issues I can see it bugging out.
  15. I do think this is the reason why people don't play it as often. + Support
  16. + Support I like the idea, It would definitely give 354 some uniqueness to it. 354 I feel is a strong SCP, a little rework with the stun I think is needed, and the changes just seem good to me!
  17. I am with Fool on this one, I don't think that removing the cloakers is the solution, but if we went back to the old way where if you switched off the cloak item it would uncloak you would work wonders, you still have to be tactical and not get caught but if you want to kill someone you gotta either do it right in front of their face or sneak attack them. I think it would add more instead of someone hiding in a corner and then mowing them down while they shoot, if it is adjusted to how fool suggested +Support if it is fully removing I do not agree with that.
  18. I think if we did 1.25 and see if it is good is the best idea, so that ONE gun isn't used the most, other gunes should be used as well I think the 1.25 would be a good compromise. + Support
  19. I have seen the discussion around the removal of jobs, and to be fair I think removing the jobs will have others play those other branches and get them active as well, medical, research, and maint before I went on LOA was hurting pretty badly and could hardly get a medic because every branch had a medkit, maybe this is for the better. + Support
  20. In-Game Name: Curtis Steam Name: [GL] Curtis SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154342364 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin SCPRP How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community Roughly June or July 2019 How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight? I was first staff back in 2019/2020 (forgot the date) but recently again in January 27th 2023 How often are you online on the forums? 4/10 to be honest, I go on sometimes to look over applications but I definitely need to be more active. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I should be a forum diplomat because I have good judgement, in a long lasting member of the community, and I want to give back to the members of the community by helping not only moderate the forums but also have a deeper understanding of the forums for my other duties working the community as a support member. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? I would consider myself to have good judgment, I have encountered several real life and in-game situations where I had to use difficult judgement. The number one thing I feel is that one person is not the most effective way to deal with a difficult situation, it’s to bring someone in for a second opinion. A real life scenario is I work at an airport managing roughly 100 people, with that many people not everyone is going to get along with one another, in this situation it was two fellow employees having a disagreement where they were both in the wrong but also a little in the right, I turned the situation into a learning experience I spoke with both employees individually and let them know what was wrong in both of the views and what was right and how to correct it in the future. I’d do so the same on the forums I’d hide the posts and contact the individuals separately to let them know why and what happened in the situation and what they can do to improve on it in the future. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would first hide or delete the posts they made on the topics and message the individual the proper place to appeal the ban, if they continue then further action would have to be taken. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? If there are two users that are aggressively arguing I would ensure they do not have any previous infractions on the forums and I would hide the posts, remind everyone that there are absolutely no fighting on the forums and remind them to only leave + or - supports, depending on the severity I would give each individual a warn on the forums. I would also lock the posts until SMT reviews it per the handbook. Please Note I have been on LOA since June 5th until June 22nd due to being out of town. I have responded to a few posts but have not had time ti make an application until now! Thank you for reading.
  21. + Support but give it would probably be LVL 4 + also has access and such!
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