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Everything posted by Piller

  1. It's 7 seconds while not being in an active shootout. Given that they're actively shooting at you, this is valid.
  2. JMT+ can issue warns without being in sits if the evidence is clear. Not to mention this was reported by other people and the warn itself was approved by SMT.
  3. While I hate to respond to my own thing, player report warns are not eligible for appeal. Neither are warn threshold bans.
  4. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  5. This was an unnecessarily loud report. Anyway, it's staff discretion to give a verbal or a formal, but seeing as how one of the staff member's somehow thought combat healing was allowed, I'll up it to a formal.
  6. Tank has supplied sufficient evidence, so this warn will definitely stand. Though to be honest, the burden is up to the person making the appeal to supply the proof. Going forward, please keep in mind that without evidence, it is extremely unlikely that a warn will be overturned.
  7. Piller

    False ban

    Please screenshot the message that it gives you.
  8. We don't unban people because "they can just be banned again", there's no point in opening ourselves or the community up to that kind of risk. Also, ban appeals are case by case, so just because someone else got unbanned, that doesn't mean that yours will be too. Given the extreme nature of your actions and a lack of, by your own admission, proof to prove you've changed for the better, this ban holds.
  9. Piller

    my warn app

    For the record, "app" is short for application, not appeal. So unless you're applying for a warn, please redo this with the proper format.
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Take care Moon!
  11. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  12. Piller

    Phill Ban Appeal

    Well you were removed before all of this, so that's a bit hard to do twice. Heck, you even were saying how we're going to get mad for removing you from ET. You then proceed to spam NPCs, spawn a bunch of C4 and blow people up, and abuse other powers. Seems like you knew exactly what you were doing.
  13. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept your promotion application. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  14. This is SCP, so I'll go ahead and move this to the right section. One thing I'd like to say is that going forward maybe you should try to not be so rude to people. Food for thought.
  15. Stop arguing on this post. Further arguing may result in a warn. Upon review of this, I do not feel that sufficient time has passed to warrant a removal of the ban. I would recommend playing on one of our other servers and showing the greater community that you have in fact changed for the better.
  16. Woefully unhelpful. Please refrain from commenting if you can't be productive.
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