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Everything posted by Piller

  1. Not seeing a reason here. Going to unban you, just make sure you follow the rules.
  2. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklists are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  3. Piller

    rogu ban appeal

    Deferred to GenSec HCMD.
  4. Completed! This suggestion is now in the server
  5. We just added more pick axe and lumber axe levels last week, so we're up to 7 of each. The ores have been added though.
  6. Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
  7. While we appreciate that this suggestion came from good intentions, it's being denied for two reasons: 1. You did not talk to Research HCMD. When making a suggestion that is directly tied to a branch or its jobs as this is, please talk to the relevant HCMD first. 2. Pretty much no one has heard of this and as such, such a suggestion would cause more harm than good because it would alert people of the existence of such fringe lore. It's best to just let it suffocate.
  8. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 3 months. During this time, you are ineligible to attend staff interviews as well.
  9. Accepted After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you into the staff team! Please speak to an SCP-RP Senior Admin within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started! If you cannot get in contact with a Senior Admin within this time, please message the SCP-RP Head of Staff to determine next steps. Thank you, and welcome to the Gaminglight Staff Team! ~SCP-RP Senior Management Team
  10. Wrong section and no format. Follow what Avalon said.
  11. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  12. There are some good points for both sides and this was something that did require some thought, so after careful consideration and feedback from the people that have interacted with Ignis thus far, it is my conclusion that this appeal should be accepted. With that being said, I have attached the reason for your ban and it is expected by SMT+ that going forward you are to be respectful and not to stoop to the behavior that resulted in your ban in the first place. Should you fail to uphold this condition then you will be rebanned with no chance of appeal.
  13. The Chosen Star Trek (pretty much all) Doctor Who The Rookie Blue Bloods
  14. Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
  15. There's actually no issue with the 610 swep, ET+ were doing an event and were assisting 610 to help the event progress. Sorry about the confusion!
  16. Accepted After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you into the staff team! Please speak to an SCP-RP Senior Admin within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started! If you cannot get in contact with a Senior Admin within this time, please message the SCP-RP Head of Staff to determine next steps. Thank you, and welcome to the Gaminglight Staff Team! ~SCP-RP Senior Management Team
  17. 2/20/23 Mini Update Log Weapon Adjustments: Increased CSGO Deagle damage 71>100. Increased G3SG1 damage from 115>119 and mobility from 86>87. Lowered mag from 20 to 16 and turned on selective fire mode. Increased Rangler stability 0%>50%. Increased Winchester 1897 RPM 70>87 and pellets 12>16. Edit: upon receiving feedback, lowered damage from 16>12. Increased SVT damage 30>45. Increased Browning 5 damage and shells. Increased SVU DMG 93>145. General Updates/Fixes: Enabled daily NPC crafting quests. Allowed D-Class Suppliers/Smugglers to build storefronts in the Casino Lounge. Increased HCMD/SA salaries. Removed file request bug where it requests files that don't exist.
  18. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  19. Tazza, it appears that you were recently blacklisted from a level 100 job for blatantly and openly ignoring the rules of it. This brings into question the genuineness of your appeal and as such I will be denying this. I highly suggest taking some time between now and your next appeal to adjust accordingly. Please keep in mind that your next appeal will be your third and final appeal.
  20. Please try to give actual reasons for your support as what you've been putting does not help make a decision. Please reread rule 14 for clarification.
  21. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
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