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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. On 5/28/2020 at 4:53 AM, Felix said:


    • Telling someone to kill them self come on man
    • Tbh lucky it wasn't longer
    • Unacceptable choice of words

    I understand that at first it doesn’t seem like you’ve done something that substantial but comments like that towards people who may be actually depressed go a long way and can be enough to push them over the edge. I think in this case 3 weeks is fine.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jakub said:

    also I would like to point out that in this screenshot you can see that he broke nlr, at "9minutes ago" he died to d class and then at "8minutes ago" he is in the doorway of his bunks as seen in the screenshot.


    4 minutes ago, Jakub said:

    As you can clearly see on the screenshot he doesn't have a keycard in his hands which he need to open/close the door but rather a ump and is aiming down the hallway to the armory, idk about you but normal people don't walk sideways but forwards.


  3. -Support

    -175 HP and Mac-10 on LCMD pog champ

    -AUG has mega range and giving it to the army of 100 SMs doesn’t sit well with me. I appreciate that you’re getting rid of the HK though so its a step in the right direction

    -If you want to give RC a pump then you need to lower HP or shield.

    This is a step in the right direction and should balance things out a lot more but because of the issues stated above I can’t +support this

  4. What you want to see? - A buff to tfa_bizonp19

    Why should we add it? - It does 19 DMG, has 700 RPM (Which makes it bugged out to act like a 3 round burst), and high recoil.

    What are the advantages of having this? - People will use it

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content -  N/A

  5. Your Name : BadAim

    Your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:81238702

    Your  Rank : Exp. Janitor

    What is your Level? : 103

    Which command member gave you permission? :  Inaccurate

    On a scale of 1 - 10, How active are you? : 8

    Are you a Containment Cleaner, and if so, What Rank ? : No

    Why are you  fit for MMF (The longer the better) ? : I believe that I am fit for the position of Mobile Mop Force because when I applied for DOU back in the day, one of the first things I considered adding as a donator rank was MMF. My initial plan for janitors was to have them sectioned off into certain zones of the facility, and it's been great to see this goal being met. i'd love to join the Mobile Mop Force team and due to my past experience with janitorial I think I am an amazing candidate for the job

    What do you believe MMF's Purpose is? : Being janitorial's presence in EZ/HCZ and also dealing with biohazardous cleansing.

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