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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. Back when I played on SCP-RP I was planning on making a suggestion similar to this (the Internal Security Department), but I decided against suggesting it for 2 reasons: It would give the Department members an insane power trip that could only end horribly wrong, and it also would just make people more mindful of who they are talking around which would be nearly impossible for the department to counteract. Basically, it sounds good on paper but just doesn’t work in reality.

    Also this sounds like a bootleg ISB which will never be added as long as GMs are a thing.


  2. New content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2133627443 and https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1872564472








    Job Name: Imperial Commando Trooper

    Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_icbasic/swbf2_icbasic.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Same

    Health: Same

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Imperial Commando Scout Sniper

    Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_icsniper/swbf2_icsniper.mdl

    Weapon Kit: adding weapon_bactainjector, cc2018_dc17ms_red buffed from 150 DMG to 200 DMG (IC is currently struggling to get people into the subdivison and a buff might help get people into it.)

    Health: Same

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Imperial Commando Demolitions

    Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_icdemo/swbf2_icdemo.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Adding cc2018_dc17maa

    Health: Same

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Imperial Commando Officer

    Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_iclead/swbf2_iclead.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red

    Health: Same

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Sev

    Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/sev.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, alydus_fusioncutter, zeus_thermaldet, weapon_jew_det

    Health: 650

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Fixer

    Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/fixer.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, zeus_thermaldet, weapon_jew_det

    Health: Same

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Scorch

    Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/scorch.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, alydus_fusioncutter

    Health: 650

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    Job Name: Boss

    Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/boss.mdl

    Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, rw_sw_dual_e11

    Health: 700

    Armor: Same

    Description (Optional): N/A


    This update was made with ICs 1st in command and both subdivision heads.

  3. 3 hours ago, Hunt said:

    This is an unneeded battalion if it did get added no way would they get arrest batons like people have said this is basically the exact same thing as DT but witch different people protected.

    overall a big old - support from me 

    it’s a dupe of a pre existing battalion 

    and it is all around not needed 


  4. I would be fine with perhaps an EE-3c replacing the E-11 (with nerfs and reworks to the weapon of course) since Scout Troopers DID use the EE-4, however the A280 makes little to no sense for a scout trooper to have as it isn’t lore friendly. 

    5 hours ago, Nap said:

    in Battlefront 2. Scout troopers were using A280'S 

    And in BF2 Clone Troopers were using first order weapons.


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