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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. What are you suggesting? - Reverting the G3SG1's ammo back to 35 

    How would this change better the server? - Makes the gun more reliable as  an auto sniper

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It might push the gun back into the front of the meta and we might see 2000 CCs with the gun

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Snipers

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://imgur.com/a/smLYTlc <- the weapons current stats

  2. On 6/28/2020 at 12:10 PM, MiniLeopard said:

    Kami would make a great LCMD member for Omi9


    On 6/28/2020 at 8:52 PM, Thomas The Thermonuclear Bomb said:

    Bruh didnt Kami snitch funny chat and get nae naed from HOR?


    +/- I see no reason why she couldn't be LCMD, but it's important that we consider previous issues as well.

  3. Hey guys.

    Along with my Staffing position I’ll be leaving my High Command position. I no longer feel as if there is anything else I can do for Gaminglight, and I feel comfortable leaving my positions right now.

    I joined with a shitty background from SCP-RP, and I really couldn’t have gotten to where I am today if it weren’t for people like Armor, Beckett, and Nimo. Thank you guys so much for believing in me when there wasn’t anything to believe in.

    Thanks for everything y’all.

    -Grand General BadAim

    • Sad 6
  4. In-Game Name: BadAim

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702

    Rank: Super Admin

    Reason for leaving: I joined Gaminglight a year and a half ago on SCP-RP. I was noted for being a minge, and I was generally disliked by the community at the time. Around 3 months later, I got banned. I then realized what a terrible legacy I was leaving on the community, and I decided that I should revert this by making a name for myself in a positive way. I tried my best to do so on SCP-RP for quite a while, reaching the position of Admin and also Low Command in E-11, but after awhile I started to lose interest in the server, so I looked for alternatives inside of GL.

    In late December I decided to join ImperialRP, since a few of my friends from SCP-RP (Arium, Nimo, Youtube) had joined the server. It turned out that I joined at an excellent time, as Purge Troopers were being released, and I was one of the first to join the battalion. In the beginning it was hard, as I was still marked as a minge from my days on SCP-RP, but I refused to give up as I saw this as my best shot at redemption in the community. It didn't take long for me to move into a CMD position, and when I was, I set to work immediately on the battalion, ensuring that it would become something special. Some of the best memories I’ve had in GL happened in Purge. I'll never forget the friends I made and the things I learned from my time in Purge, which helped prepare me for the position I am in currently. I also excelled in staffing, handling things such as server raids with ease. This all brings us to today. I've been Super Admin for 2 months, and those 2 months have been an absolute blast. I’m now more than happy with the impact I’ve left on the community and the example I’ve set to those who feel like they can’t come back from the situation they’re in.

    I’ll 100% be sticking around with GL as it was the first Gmod community I joined and it’s the best I’ve seen, however right now, it’s a good time for me to resign, as I know those below me can fill my shoes with ease.



    Zeeptin: Thank you for the amazing community you've made and for the friends you've helped me make from GL! While we might not have talked a lot, I always enjoyed the times when we did hang out!

    Hotshot: Thank you for all the work you've done with ImperialRP, the server and community you've built is amazing!

    Igneous: SCP-RP is still one of my favorite Gmod servers and honestly is one of my favorite gaming experiences out there, you've done amazing work and you were loads of fun to hang out with! Good luck with SCP-RP!

    Adam: I mean he's not even gonna see this since he's MIA

    Beckett: STUPID! STUPID!!! STUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-                                                    Thank you for always being there for me Beckett, whenever I didn't know what to do in a situation you were always right there ready to help me. I can see you going far in GL! Keep up the awesome work!

    Hunt: I only really started talking to you after we got Super Admin (That night's still crazy to me). but when I did I learned that you're an amazing person and a blast to hang out with. Thanks for the great times! I hope you get Head Admin!

    Luci: It looks like the apprentice has become the master! I still remember when I got Purge CMDR, and when I was asked who I want as VCMDR, I immediately said you. Good luck as Vader, and I hope you get Super Admin!

    Bakka: Good luck on Grand General!

    MiKeY, Jayden, Snar and Calaminge: Whenever I didn't have anyone to hang out with you 4 were always there. Y'all are some amazing people, good luck with PoliceRP!

    Scoot, Emoo, Win RJ, Bar, Hobbs, Fisheyes and Talila: You are a special bunch, lmao.

    Pentagon: PENTAGOOOOOOON! Don't give up on 501st man! You've done an amazing job with the battalion!

    Frost: Good luck with IQ!


    ight that's it cya guys 😄


    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post?: Yes.

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes.

    • Laughing 1
    • Gaminglight Love 3
  5. If a Game Master doesn’t want you as an actor, they don’t want you as an actor. Continuing to remain on an event job after a GM tells you to get off of it is warnable (Not Complying With Staff).


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