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Retired DoTF Daedran

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Posts posted by Retired DoTF Daedran

  1. +Support
    Being as how MTF is also having issues in regards to the involved weaponry in question, I can support nerfing these weapons to a more reasonable degree, perhaps arms reach is more reasonable and realistic.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:


    I had told you that it was 1 silo per base and that I was checking with SMT to see if it had changed. Since @Jayden told me otherwise, I allowed you to have more than 1 for the time being. Eitherway, you were told by Rocco to remove one of the silos in which he had to do. In my mind, seems like a valid warn.


  3. 11 hours ago, Bionicle said:

    -support, this is extremely unessescary to be in MOTD. If you are unsure if a price you are selling/buying for is unreasonable, then ask a higher up.
    Personnaly, when I sell an SCP, i go like this for prices:
    Safe- 5-10k
    Euclid- 10-20k
    Keter- 30-35k
    682- 35-40k
    Up to MTF Command if they want to add this to SOPs, but gensec shouldn't be doing deals, and has no use in their SOP.


  4. +Support

    Respectable and hardworking from what I have seen, not a minge in any way, takes RP seriously. Was previously in Omi-9 and from what I can see they are trustworthy enough to be in the O5 Medical team.


  5. +/- Support
    I believe that this would be a good implementation to have, whether it be dealt with in a staff scenario or more along the lines of a regiment specific punishment. Being as how people do have lives, myself included, I can completely understand how it can be inconvenient to need to leave in an RP scenario, although there have been instances in which people just leave to avoid the consequences. I would like to see this implemented for more RP related scenarios in the server to avoid a possible "upper hand" being given to an opposing person or force just because someone committed Alt+F4 with the intention of not participating in an RP scenario. My standing remains neutral.

  6. On 4/19/2020 at 10:13 AM, TheBrigand said:

    So since my last comment on your previous application, I had my first actual interaction with you which unfortunately confirmed my -support. Yesterday I was trying to do an SCP-035 test and when the whole thing kinda fell apart as often happens with tests involving dangerous SCPs you said to me in OOC "That whole test was so low IQ". I think that's a pretty rude thing to say to someone and shows me that you aren't ready to be part of a team like this. You didn't offer any constructive criticism or anything - you just called it "low IQ", which considering I don't know you at all is pretty disrespectful. I also saw you minging with vending machine later on with a couple JRs and one of them drank "Igneous".

    You're also lying on your application.  You say all of your strikes were from 5-9 months ago, but you literally received a strike 2 days ago for missing your first command meeting without filling out a LOA form. I also think that in your application you're trying to give the impression that you have been active for like a year and a half which isn't true - you took a really long break and just came back.

    Lastly, you would think that if someone from the O5 gave you a second chance to reapply, you would put a bit more work in your application. But there are tons of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and isn't written very thoughtfully. I mean if you can't be bothered to spellcheck your application just once to remove simple spelling errors like "throughly", "stil", "wont", "confimrations" etc., I think it shows you aren't actually serious about, at least not enough to put some work in your application, and you are only relying on what you perceive as massive community support. As someone who is on the O5-Research team, I personally don't think you would be a good fit for the team and there are others within research more deserving of the role.



    -Lied on application

    -Lazy application 

    -Rude in game



  7. On 4/18/2020 at 4:42 AM, [GL] Zeus said:

    You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

    You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

    The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

    Application is wrong and is very rushed 



    On 4/23/2020 at 8:22 PM, Gasss said:


    No effort in application

    You are applying for a very important position, put forth effort


  8. On 3/21/2020 at 4:54 PM, Timm said:


    Could function similarly to Taliban on MilitaryRP. Creative idea, I like it.

    And I think the rule should be that they can raid CI every like 30 minutes, and the raid can last 5 minutes with them having no NLR until the raids up. Also, same rule for the Foundation but they cant come back after being killed, and have to advert when the raid is over for either a F raid or CI raid. When inside raiding the facility, they are hostile to everyone.


  9. On 4/21/2020 at 4:00 PM, The Light said:

    If this change was Recent then give it more time because tbh I don't have any problem with it not going into D-Block and from what I have seen there hasn't been really much complaints about it 😕


  10. 8 hours ago, Bread said:

    A whole 30 seconds



    6 hours ago, Sixx said:

    It can be very hard to take back control of D-Block as it is. With the recent addition of these CSGO knives and more custom class activity it could be over an hour until we take back D-Block. Our job is hard enough as it is and thats a reason why our NLR was lowered to 2mins. 


    7 hours ago, MiniLeopard said:


    Security all ready have to deal with lots of people with guns/knifes

    I think you can wait the 1 minute 30

    I wouldn't mind them making it 2 minutes/s 🤔


  11. On 4/24/2020 at 9:22 PM, Jakub said:

    -support stupid and un needed regulation that would intrude on peoples roleplay.

    i don't want to be dragging my d class through all of lcz and hcz just to let them see everything and then breakout because of ci or anyone else.

    let people have fun and stop restricting things that don't need to be restricted


  12. 7 hours ago, Falxen said:

    -Support, this would make it impossible for SEC to call in MTF on early mornings where CMD often isn't on.


    6 hours ago, Gunther said:

    -/+Support, obviously if we're not on or dead, and we need MTF, our SM or next highest on should be responsible enough to know when to call for backup. Obviously if we lost D-Block, calling MTF would be a good plan. I wouldn't be against having a talk with our NCO's about when to call for MTF and when not to.



    16 hours ago, Gasss said:


    Just because they have one on the surface doesn't mean they wont run out of supplies and need to resupply at the armory. I don't see why something equip with guns and medical supplies in Entrance Zone wouldn't have at least some sort of security to get through in a real foundation

    It makes sense to have a secure armory in the EZ area +support


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  14. On 4/24/2020 at 6:19 AM, [GL] Zeus said:

    You have very recently just returned to the server, so I suggest building a reputation with the community and then applying

    Could have gone into a bit more detail on the last question (ie Admin+)

    Pretty active from the moment he returned. 

    +/- Support


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