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Retired DoTF Daedran

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Posts posted by Retired DoTF Daedran

  1. 18 hours ago, Hoovy said:

    Events in D-block where we smuggle stuff in are banned and will be staying banned until D-block calms down consistently enough. Mass Containment breaches are also hard to do since SCP's tend to be already breached. 



    On 8/5/2019 at 11:50 PM, Berserkrpups said:


    -D-Block is almost on a constant riot having event team stop it would most likely draw people away through the mustard gas

    -Personally, I don't think giving D-Class or to have D-Class smuggle weapons into D-Block is breaking lore in quite some ways as the foundation would most likely check every crack and corner within their staff and or shipments several times before passing them through.

    -Would innovative although the event team from my past knowledge of event team stopped working in D-Block as it isn't that immersive to have a guy give weapons and gear out to D-Block that could potentially override every bit of GENSEC there is which wouldn't be fun and would thus drive more people away. 

    =The list could go on although from many points D-Block isn't perfect and it will never be, for the most part, giving people things to do is the event teams job and I don't want to see D-Block riots like they use to happen as it was legit an all-out war which got boring real fast. For the most part, D-Class keep things eventful enough for D-Block to sustain itself. People already make "Gangs" within D-Block and some have discords from what I've been told which cause enough problems as is, for the most part, we need to fix balance issues before doing something like this in my eyes. 


  2. I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to meet such a fine friend such as yourself, all the Alpha-1 regiment stuff aside, you're up there with some of the best people I have met on this server. Me reading this makes a tear well up to my eye, but I know that in the long run, despite you not being on the server, I will always be here for you. Take it easy man, love ya (No homo) <3 

    • Sad 1
  3. On 7/26/2019 at 10:24 PM, Ron Swanson said:


    This whole report is unnecessary in my eyes. Also according to Jeffe you stripped him BEFORE cuffing. And were shooting them while saying fearRP. This could have been dealt with in game perfectly with you talking to Jeffe instead of taking it to the forums.


  4. 2 hours ago, Skela said:

    +/-. Support

    Generally from the past of the Fubar. I heard that it was used only for NU7 for the use of destroying 173 (This was a while ago) so I could be wrong.

    but I do agree the fubar is overpowering. The range, and the attack speed is slightly lowererd. Hence I believe it’s actually a little balance . From my combat experience against. You could easily stay away from a fubar, but simply crouching and stepping back.  


  5. Name: Daedran

    Status on Roster: Active

    Reason For LOA(If Private then put as N/A): PC issues which I am fixing, assisting with my aunt moving due to an eviction, need to find a job. Life stuff atm. I won't really be in game, but I will be able to assist with documents and whatnot when I am able. It is not often that I need to take a Leave of Absence, but I do need to put one in due to it's necessity.

    Duration of LOA: 7/28/2019 to 8/1/2019


  6. In-game Name: MTF A1 XCMDR HoSF Daedran EC98 or Security SM SFTO Daedran


    In-game FTO rank (JFTO/FTO/SFTO): SFTO


    What makes you a good trainer?: I am elaborate with my training along with retaining the ability to be patient with my trainee's, should they need assistance, it is my job to assist them in any way that I am able. 


    How many training sessions have you had approximately (JFTO only):


    Suggestions: Could use a little more activity across the FTO board when there is 1 trainee, but other than that no. 

  7. On 7/22/2019 at 2:49 AM, Hang said:

    +Application looks good, nothing wrong with it

    +Never had a negative experience with you

    +Pleasant player in game, never seen him diss anyone

    +Only one warning.

    -Lack of experience on both the server and forums

    -Unknown how good your activity is, I personally never see you

    I personally haven't seen you at all in a long, long time

  8. 12 hours ago, Rangiatea said:

    Time for me to put my 10 cents in, 

    Ok so you guys have been putting TONS of posts about nerfing Reznov to make thing easier for GENSEC. 

    In my mind you guys are trying to nerf the wrong things (things that just wont change)

    His spawn wont change, it complies with the requirements

    You cant give him new weapons as they paid for it 

    Now my idea is either A nerf his weapons (The fubar is quite OP for a D class to have) 

    B Buff ours (Currently being done dont know why we cant wait for this) 

    C Improve your abilities at holding D block 

    Now i really like that last idea myself, I have seen the skill of GENSEC and have found it Heavily lacking multiple times. 

    Now that might be because ive had 7 months experience in D block, but i think that making a training day might help GENSEC deal with D class. But you would need to have MTF online to hold D block or take small groups of people at a time 

    Couldn't have said it any better Rang

  9. +Support 

    I think the current settings are fine, although a change would be nice. I just don't want people to start complaining, despite it being a server wide change should it be implemented. Not that it would be an issue, but more along the lines of departmental conflicts saying that they're "Too OP" which is a phrase just thrown around across OOC like candy. 


    I think that the weapons that should be buffed are the ones that are reasonable, because I know that a select few as of recent were nerfed due to them being way too broken in regards to combat such as the Combat Shotguns or a few rifles from the AR pack. 

  10. On 7/18/2019 at 10:44 AM, Breen said:


    He killed you in your spawn as a class d, which would not get you nlr because class d are not allowed in there, then he obviously proceeded swap to SO to rage RDM you MANY times. He clearly had no intent to RP and dissed you multiple times. He was also doing this on a barely populated server with no staff(with the exclusion of Zeeptin, as he is usually busy working on stuff for the servers). I do not believe this guy should remain in our community, as he would just pollute it and make it less desirable to be in for others.


  11. On 7/19/2019 at 2:05 PM, Dr. Ternith Plague said:

    + Support

    I can understand the 'I can't spawn a heli off-duty", but...

    Really, mate? Is it that hard to spawn a helicopter by getting on duty? You're Event Team. You know how to do it.

    In all, I'm honestly disappointed. Just a warning will do with this, though.


  12. -Support

    --> You aren't the commander of the regiment

    --> The regiment update requesting more jobs was denied due to there being too many as it is

    --> E11 is a specialized breacher REGIMENT, there is no need for a class. (On top of that you don't need every job)


    Also something I would like to add, breaching is something that is done in training, not specified by a class.

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