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Retired DoTF Daedran

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Posts posted by Retired DoTF Daedran

  1. I can say proudly that you are a Commander in which I respect highly along with everyone else. You remind me of myself in some ways, and I don't usually say that to other people. You have done a damn fine job not only leading your regiment, but also respecting them and bonding with them. 

  2. What is your in-game name?: MTF A1 CMDR Daedran CO64/Security CS SFTO Daedran 1A08


    What is your steam name?: Daedran


    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:191338037


    Do you have any other experience with staffing? (If yes, explain): I have not had any past experience staffing on Gmod servers.


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): 2/27/2019


    What date did you make your forums account?: 4/1/2019


    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?: Platinum


    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?:


    Have you donated?: No, the donations I have received were from Fireman as an 18th birthday present on May 31st.


    What rank are you applying for?: Trail Moderator


    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?: No, I am not


    Have you read the staff guidelines?


    You will be tested on it: Yes, I have read the guidelines


    Timezone: EST


    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe that I would be a valuable asset to the staff team on the Gaminglight SCPRP server, and I would assist in any way that I am able that is within my rightful jurisdiction. I believe in fair play and respect, being as how I possess and express both of these I believe that I would be quite effective in not only guiding players that may need assistance with how the SCP community works, but also assisting those in need of help due to a disturbance in the community, punishing those who do cause a disturbance fairly if a punishment is needed, or otherwise advising them as to what they did wrong. Not only that but I also want to be able to assist the community in which I have come to grow attached to in ways that I wouldn’t be able to before, and I believe that making the Gaminglight SCPRP a better community to be in one step at a time would make it not only more enjoyable, but also fair and justified.


    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Tell them not to swear in a sit as it is highly disrespectful, and gag them if they do not stop for the duration of the sit (or warn them for disrespect depending on what they say, i.e player/staff diss or otherwise). Then I would tell them why they are being warned for Mass RDM after evaluation, and refer them to the MOTD if they are confused in any way regarding RDM. I would then administer the warning for Mass RDM and wait for an Admin+ to administer the 10000 second minge on the player, as I cannot do that myself as a Trial Moderator.


    • Like 1
  3. - Support 

    Realistically the SCP's aren't getting paid to be there in the foundation, much like the D class, hence why they are receiving $50 per payday in most cases. On top of that $200 is way too excessive for an SCP even if they were to get a raised payday, I would say 75-100 at most, considering that 200 would be more pay than most of my, and all the other operative jobs including CI, make in a payday


    This would also encourage more people to go AFK on SCP slots, or otherwise minge on the class and not participate in RP because they want to get the payday, and that is not fair to those who want to actually roleplay. 

  4. On 6/28/2019 at 6:56 PM, Nexieys said:

    Job Update
    Name of Job: Officer / Commander / Coldsilver (REDACTED)

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): Replace tfa_csgo_nova with : tfa_jackhammer

    -Support: Jackhammers are not allowed whatsoever do to them being severely overpowered in both accuracy and damage, on top of the fact that it is a fully automatic shotgun, not a semi-auto.


    Other than that I truly do not see a reason as to why you need a branch update, everything in regards to your weaponry or otherwise seems to be perfectly fine. I personally think that you should just keep the things the way they are because not only are they fine the way they are, but it kind of seems as if this update is trying to make yourselves even more powerful than what you already are, whether it be you swapping out the M249 with the PKM on a job that already has a rather ridiculous amount of health, or otherwise making revisions. I understand the notion behind wanting to be powerful, but there is also a fine line between powerful and overly so, and it seems that this update would make it overly so. Not only that but it just seems as if some of the job additions would take away from the specialty of other regiments, whether it be Nu7's Sniper or my Special Forces, it isn't special if everyone has the same thing and that isn't fair. I know E-11 and I have played on many of the jobs through updates in the past, and in comparison from then and to now, your regiment is well off, and you should be thankful for it. It is not like anything is broken on the classes, but more of people not wanting to profess the weapons that they are given on the classes provided to them, not everything needs to have a PKM or a M4 Iron or some other insanely powerful gun, you need to keep things balanced not only with your classes, but with the other regiments as well, and take into consideration the weaponry they have, and WHY they have it. Further discussion can take place in PM's if you so desire to talk about more reasonable weapon updates, but until then I am going to have to leave a -Support for this.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. 12 hours ago, steppy said:

    - I think that having the armor further away from D-Block makes more sense that being right next to it.
    - D-Class can't access the armory that easily.
    - It would be easier to defend or clear the area in case D-Class
    overrun LCZ.
    - There are no real problems about the swap, besides GenSec being further away from the armory.


  6. -Support 

    Being as how there have already been changes made to the way E-11 does things in regards to deployment, I do not think that Nu7 needs to be changed in regards to the way they are being deployed as well, especially due to the fact that this is only benefiting hostile personnel even more than they already are. The Gaminglight SCPRP server is a "semi-serious" RP server, not a "full-serious" server, and being how it is that not everything is going to be performed as it would according to said lore. While it may be a decent proposal, it is one that is unnecessary, and one that I would heavily deny despite it's possible decency especially since it doesn't benefit the cause of the SCP Foundations purpose, and seems more as a push for hostile advantage.

  7. Name (as it is on the roster): Daedran


    FTO Rank: SFTO


    How Active Are You?: I'm around most days


    Any Concerns?: War Gamer keeps turning into an SCP in the A1 channel

  8. Your criticism has been noted and will be looked for and observed. I will be sure to improve and assist in any manner that i am able within my jurisdiction. While Alpha-1 is constantly improving, we are and never will be perfect, but we've come a long, long way from the past when it comes to activity and overall behavior. We got at least 5+ people on everyday and we aren't what we used to be looked upon as a long time ago.

  9. 22 hours ago, Chief_ said:

    I thought that 035 could only buy a keypad cracker.

    You are right when you say that.



    I personally believe that SCP-035-1 instances should not have a level 2 keycard, mainly due to the fact that personnel that interact with the mentioned SCP are D class, or are made out to be as such. While I can understand the concern for being "underpowered" you must also understand that the SCP-035-1 instance (that being the host) is but a braindead human, which, like mentioned is presumed to be a D class, and I do not think that they would have a Level 2 clearance Keycard.

  10. That is for DoC to discuss

    1 minute ago, [icOnic] BonkBoeink said:


    Broad as daylight, not following FearRP Because he's angry his actions failed.

    -I feel like he should even get a strike in A1 Because of this, due to the fact of that's minging and breaking ingame rules. 


  11. Name: Daedran

    Rank: SGT JFTO

    Why should you retain your current rank? (SGT+ must answer this): I have a dedicated attitude and I'm willing to help out in any way that I can that is within my boundaries. I also find enjoyment being a JFTO,  as it gives me something to do when there is nothing to do

  12. 51 minutes ago, Berserkrpups said:

    If SMT chose to remove things then it won't be added back. but if it was a mistake it is possible you might get this but that is up to them.

    Yeah I was talking to Th3 in TS about the mistakes that were made and whatnot and he said it's all good. Just told me to find all the proper weapon codes for all the jobs and post it here since some of the codes were mixed up.

  13. The following are most of the bugs that were noticed in the Alpha 1 regiment jobs yesterday, whether it be the jobs themselves, wrong/mixed up equipment or missing utility/weapons. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U7ijVl23qvaV9LVDbDDfQ9sduDzxlX_vvCJsWhBBzHk/


    MTF A1 Special Forces


    What we already have (Keep)

    What is needed (Need)


    Payday: $200

    HP: 225

    Armor: 225


    Primary: tfa_honeybadger
    Secondary: tfa_csgo_g3sg1

    SMG: tfa_mp9

    Camouflage: weapon_camo
    Utility: fas2_ifak (Infantry medkit)

    Grenades: tfa_csgo_smoke (1), tfa_csgo_flash (1), tfa_csgo_frag (1)

    Tranquilizer: weapon_m9

    Radio: dradio

    Non-Lethals: weapon_cuff_elastic, stunstick


    MTF A1 Shotgunner


    Payday: $170

    HP: 185

    Armor: 185


    Primary: tfa_csgo_mag7, tfa_csgo_nova

    Secondary: tfa_tec9

    Utility: fas2_ifak (Infantry medkit)

    Grenades: tfa_csgo_smoke (1), tfa_csgo_flash (1), tfa_csgo_frag (1)

    Tranquilizer: weapon_m9

    Radio: dradio
    Cuffs: weapon_cuff_elastic


    MTF A1 Heavy Gunner


    Payday: $170

    HP: 200

    Armor: 200


    Primary: tfa_pkm

    Secondary: tfa_csgo_usp

    Utility: fas2_ifak (Infantry medkit)

    Grenades: tfa_csgo_smoke, tfa_csgo_flash, tfa_csgo_frag Tranquilizer: weapon_m9

    Radio: dradio

    Cuffs: weapon_cuff_elastic



    MTF A1 Operative


    Payday: $125

    HP: 175

    Armor: 150


    Primary: tfa_csgo_aug

    Secondary:  tfa_csgo_usp

    Utility: fas2_ifak (Infantry medkit)

    Grenades: tfa_csgo_smoke, tfa_csgo_flash, tfa_csgo_frag.

    Tranquilizer: weapon_m9

    Radio: dradio

    Cuffs: weapon_cuff_elastic



    MTF A1 Commander


    Payday: $300

    HP: 300

    Armor: 250


    Primary: tfa_honeybadger

    Sniper: tfa_csgo_awp

    Secondary: tfa_csgo_sawedoff

    Tranquilizer: weapon_m9

    Utility: fas2_ifak (Infantry medkit)

    Grenades: tfa_csgo_smoke, tfa_csgo_flash, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_incen

    Radio: dradio

    Cuffs: weapon_cuff_elastic

    Keycard: Level 4


  14. +1 support 


    I think it looks pretty good! The only thing I can really object to is the Stealth Operative being added as a class due to Nu7 not being a "Recon" based unit. In lore they are more about infantry and being foot soldiers, not stealth operatives used for recon scouting. I don't really see a need for it in this specific branch of MTF because the main priority of Nu7 is re-containment, not scouting.

  15. Name: Daedran 

    Rank: MSGT

    Any Concerns?: Newly enlisted personnel shooting at Mobile Task Force units. Along with that, pretty much the usual Trigger Discipline concerns that arise every few days along with friendly fire. 

    Another huge issue is when 95% of GENSEC leaves D-Block emptier then the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, and is nowhere to be found when called. I really think that the rank restriction on who should leave should be enforced more.

    Also if I may mention, there isn't a whole lot of respect going on right now within the regiment. I understand that the workplace may be frustrating, and you may not like the people whom you work with, but that's something you're going to have to deal with. You need to be respectful and you need to be appreciative of the brothers that you have standing in D Block instead of yelling at each other like I witnessed a few times this week. Respect your higher-ups, and they will respect you in return, and vice versa.

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