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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: Level 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: MTF Nu7 Agents Snuffels & Phasorb Level D personnel involved: D-Class Personel: Vaurien C & Afton SCP: 096 Errors and/or safety hazards: Both D-Class were terminated by 096 after being designated 096-1. Question: What would SCP- 096's reaction be if a subject were to make eye contact with SCP- 096 if they were to be looking from Night Vision or Thermal Goggles. Background Research: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-096 Hypothesis: It was my hopes to be able to eliminate the possibility of death from 096 entirely. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): [PHOTOS REDACTED] Analysis and Conclusion: It was not a complete failure, while both subjects were terminated by 096, observations suggest that Night Vision preserves life longer to those near SCP- 096. While thermals were almost an immediate failure. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Nearly, as it was discovered that Night Vision works better, the subjects were still terminated.
  2. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: MTF A1 WO Ace █████ Level D personnel involved: Cloud Still hunting Ace SCP: 999 Errors and/or safety hazards: The class D was administered pain and had to be unrestrained to have to be healed, security detail much recommened during this procedure. Question: Are our ways of healing wounds better, identical or worse than that of SCP- 999 and could we possibly use 999's tactics to upgrade our current medical equipment. Background Research: SCP- 999's File Hypothesis: I believe if we were to administer pain to a subject enough to wound him and test both our medical equipment and SCP- 999's 'ability' than we could find ways to harness SCP- 999 to better our medical equipment. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): When using our standard med-kits it took longer to sew the wound back together and properly avoid infection, when SCP- 999 was shown the wound it seemed as though the wound put itself back together very much quicker than using our medical supplies. Analysis and Conclusion: It seems as though that SCP- 999 administered some sort of rapid healing agent when it was his turn. He seems to produce it on mass levels, so there is potential to at some point safely extract the agent. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: I'd say the results align well, we found out possible ways to harness the healing agent and found that SCP- 999 is a better alternitive to modern medicines and equipment.
  3. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: Just Me Level D personnel involved: No Class D Involved SCP: 527 Errors and/or safety hazards: None Question: What results would a blood and tissue sample show if cross referenced from SCP- 527 and a regular fish? Background Research: 527 was found in 2002 by Foundation agents and has since then been moved to Site-19 in 2004 and is currently held in SIte-05. Hypothesis: I believe that SCP- 527 is a product of human experimentation with cross DNA, in other words trying to create human animal-hybrids. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): Encounters confirm that SCP- 527 is capable of normal verbal interaction and can speak and comprehend proper English. It was found upon examining 527 that there was a small tattoo at the bottom of his left foot that reads "Mr. Fish, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment". Analysis and Conclusion: Upon the blood & tissue results coming back in it is confirmed that the species of fish most similar to SCP- 527 is known as Puntius semifasciolatus otherwise known as a Golden Garb fish. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: While the identity or whereabouts of this "Dr. Wondertainment" is still unknown to us, it matches up that this could be a product of human experimentation to create human-animal hybrids, it is still unknown of the reason why it was done in the first place. Other than the unknown I'd say the results lined up. Notes: While capable of speaking english, throughout the experiment, 527 refused to speak in anything other than 'blubbing' noises.
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