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Posts posted by GLaDOS

  1. Research Branch Update

    The majority of the changes made are due to how out-dated most of them are.
    It’s also to be known that this is more of a “Quality of Life” update, so things run smoother and to add a little variety back to Research.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Research Trainee
    Removing: high_five_swep
    Updated Job Description:
    Newly recruited scientists to the Foundation, the Research Trainee Must pass the training session before pursuing his career within the Research Department.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Junior Researcher
    Adding: tfa_csgo_p2000
    Removing: tfa_csgo_fiveseven
    Removing: gmod_camera        
    Updated Job Description:
    Junior Researchers are among the Level 2 Personnel of the Foundation; they are mainly composed of the newest recruits to the Research Department and ready to build their new career with the SCP Foundation.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Researcher
    Adding: tfa_usp
    Removing: tfa_csgo_fiveseven
    Updating Job Description:
    Researchers are Level 3 personnel tasked with the experimentation of on-site SCPs; they are granted clearance to the Heavy Containment Zone.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Senior Researcher
    Adding: tfa_csgo_usp
    Removing: tfa_csgo_fiveseven
    Updating Job Description:
    Senior Researchers are appointed to perform testing on higher priority items.
    Their work is seen as essential by the Foundation, which is why they are granted Level 3 clearance.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Research Command
    -No Weapons Changes
    Updating Job Description:
    Research Command members are known to oversee the day-to-day operations and experiments conducted in the Research Department, guiding and supervising the other Researchers to ensure everything runs up to standard.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Foundation Doctor
    Adding: tfa_magpulpdr
    Removing: tfa_uzi
    Updating Job Description:
    Foundation Doctors are among the most accomplished and esteemed Research personnel the SCP Foundation has to offer.
    They are extremely well known in the SCP Foundation and are among the highest in recognition; therefore, they have much authority within the Research Department.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Research Field Agent
    Adding: weapon_doom3_flashlight

    Job Update

    Job Name: Hazardous Materials Researcher
    Removing: Hazardous Materials Researcher Job

    Note: The job of Hazardous Materials Researcher is being removed as part of a rework to the whole Sub-Branch.
    As per the rework the job is no longer required and will be removed.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Research Recruiting Agent
    Updating Job Name: Research Recruitment Agent
    Increasing Armor: 25 → 100
    Removing: gmod_camera

    Job Update

    Job Name: Research Diplomatic Committee
    Updating Job Name: Research Diplomatic Committee → Research Professor
    Removing: tfa_honeybadger
    Removing: guthscp_keycard_lvl_4
    Removing: weapon_m9
    Adding: guthscp_keycard_lvl_3
    Adding: tfa_tec9
    Updating Job Description: 
    The Research Professors are among the most critical personnel involved with the Research Recruitment Agency.
    They are Senior Agents and are known to be very resourceful.

    Note: The Research Diplomatic Committee (RDC) is being repurposed to better suit the Seniority of our FTO command.

    Job Update

    Job Name: Research High Command
    Removing: tfa_browningauto5
    Adding: tfa_ithacam37

  2. 5 hours ago, Right Twix Bar said:

    Like Phill has said, a nerf to the cloaking jobs would be required. I honestly feel something like 150 | 50 would be the max for normal cloaking jobs. Two exceptions being 966, who should probably have something like 250 - 400 health, and Dolos, which should have something like 200 - 300 | 50 - 100 (because of the teleport and insta-kill). 

    Overall, this would make cloaking jobs much more interesting.
    And add the possibility for a TF2 Spy type job



  3. -Support

    Over the course of SCP-RP there have been many weapons, damage and health nerfs. They've all lead us to this point where combat kept feeling a little dull in a bit of areas, while a great some of us don't like or agree with the nerfs made. I believe change is healthy for the combat meta and the server itself, and thus I believe it should be given more time to adjust to the changes before we outright reject them.

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