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Posts posted by GLaDOS

  1. -Support

    There isn't really a way that this could be done, with my experience with LUA, It's either just completely impossible due to incompatibilities from the SCP-12 script, or you may just end up rewriting the entire 012 entity script. You could alternatively just, not fly too close to SCP-012. Its only in one place on the map at one point and doesn't move, so you could just not fly close to it when you're on duty.

    So TL;DR, I believe this is an unnecessary change that would take a serious amount of work from the development team, for an issue that is so easily avoidable.

  2. Applications are to be their own separate forums post under the Research section of the forums, following the format below.
    The title of your thread should be <Your Name>'s Junior Command Application.

    Only Senior Researchers and above are to apply for Junior Command, and all applications are due by 8/22/21
    Do NOT post your application on this thread.
    Good Luck to All Applicants!

    Application Format;

    Current Rank:

    Time in Research (Estimate):

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): 

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

  3. +Support
    I've found too many people on SCP- 066 with a donator gun, and have used it with the excuse, "If I'm not allowed to use it, then it shouldn't be on the job."
    Also, I generally think that most of the SCPs shouldn't have them anyway, but I can also say we have a good system to deal with it now, so it wouldn't be too terrible if this suggestion got denied.

  4. Name : GLaDOS
    ET Rank : A-ETL
    Donator Rank : Platinum
    How Active are You? (1-10): Yes.
    Are you Interested in being an SET : Perhaps

    How do you intend to bring more RP into Events? : Using role-play and good balancing mechanics to develop a good situation for combatants and non-combatants alike.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Dedmemes said:

    Number 2, I am event team so am familiar with administration job rules, commands and am trusted by many people on ET and staff.

    On behalf of the Event Team, I'd like to say for the record, we have no actual record of you ever being a part of the Event Team.
    So that being said, -Support, because the fact you lied on your application.

  6. 50 minutes ago, recon said:

    +/- Support for a Formal warn

    + Support for a verbal

    As Zombinator said I believe that this was kinda a victimless crime at a time where the server pop is low. Light has apologized about the situation and understands what he did wrong. It's not like you could have even fearRPed him and interrogated him since R.I.S units can't be fearRPed.


  7. Grade: 75/100 (C+)

    In my opinion, there is a lot of unused potential to this test. Sure we got to see how fast he goes, but it wasn't even recorded, calculation or measured. The test log itself is a bit short, could use some more detail in other spots. A couple grammatical errors here and there, but nothing too notable. I like the addition of video evidence, it's always nice to see that.

    Overall, I believe this is a note-worthy test, definitely could be better.
    I'd say you've got good potential, keep at making tests!

  8. Name: GLaDOS

    Rank: Senior Member

    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 6/26/21 -> 7/4/21

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Will be heading off to an area without any cell service of any kind, needless to say will not also have access to my computer.

  9. +Support

    Server rules exist for a reason, despite the myth of this "minge hour" as stated above; a broken rule is a broken rule, and that is unacceptable. I do agree, however, that there was no disruption of role-play due to the imminent restart, so I could agree to a verbal warning instead of a formal warning. In either scenario this is down to staff discretion and under the current circumstance of the report, the actions of the individual do go against the servers rules.

  10. 1 hour ago, Şişik Dalak said:

    I wanna apply to any job but says me "You're not whitelisted!" what is it and how to get whitelisted?

    It's most likely because you haven't been trained for the branch in question. You'll have to find their "Trainee" job, it could be labelled under a different name such as "Recruit" or "Cadet" depending on which server you are playing on. I might also suggest asking the rest of the server population or requesting staff assistance while you're in-game for a more in-depth explanation. 

    Hope this helped.

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