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Posts posted by GLaDOS

  1. Applications are to be their own separate forums post under the Research section of the forums, following the format below.
    The title of your thread should be <Your Name>'s Safe Class Manager Application.
    Only Senior Researchers and above are to apply for Junior Command, and all applications are due by 6/20/21
    Do NOT post your application on this thread.
    Good Luck to All Applicants!

    Application Format:

    Current Rank:

    Time in Research (Estimate):

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): 

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

  2. This is definitely a branch suggestion, however, I'll respond here now that it's posted.

    The rule you are referring to is under the section General Rules number 10;
    "Never under any circumstances should you conduct ‘Mad Scientist’ experimentation. i.e. creating hazards, anomalies, weapons, etc. "

    The reasoning behind the initial implementation of the rule is as follows;

    #1. We're Foundation Researchers, our job is to Secure, Contain and Protect. Not Create, Weaponize and Destroy.
    #2. The act of creating hazards or anomalies can be abused significantly, and I'd rather not allow for the creation of potential problems among other players or staff members.
    #3. While I understand it encourages RP, but the most I've seen is harming RP. Every time somebody has "created" an anomaly or monster, its always some obscure 'serum' that has no role-play behind it; example: How was it created? How does it work? What reactions happen within test subjects. Not to mention, it also slightly breaks RP seeing a giant ogre or a spider running through LCZ all of a sudden.

    I still stand by the decision, and I will not be removing this rule any time soon. 
    For the future, please use our discord suggestions channel for any branch related changes, as this sub-forum is used for changes to the server.
    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    • Like 1
  3. I'll say this Phill, it was always a pleasure having you around.
    There was never a dull moment in Utility, your leaving is a huge loss for Site-50, never-the-less I wish you the best in your endeavors.

    Now just one question;
    Do we get paid now?

  4. Associate Researchers+ are required to respond.
    Failure to respond will result in removal. 

    Roll call submissions are due by 6/20/21

    Format (Copy & Paste Below);
    Lore Name:
    Steam ID:
    Activity Level:

    • Like 1
  5. So the only thing I could find as far as, well, anything helpful is that you were blacklisted for "Mass Disrespect, No regard for SOP, Minging".
    There really wasn't very much effort put into this or anything really to go off of to support your case. However, this was months ago, so it could still be considered.image.thumb.png.e3714f391338abc8aaf957d5f46aed12.png


  6. In-Game Name: GLaDOS

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89411271 

    What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Platinum

    What is your time played on the SCP-RP server?: The tab menu says 6 Weeks, but I could bet it's more than that.

    What is your RP Rank?: Deputy Head of Research

    What is your timezone?: Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7)

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8-9

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Prior to this I spent an estimated 7-8 months in the SCP-RP Event Team, at least 3 months as a Senior Member.

    How Active are you? (1/10): An Easy 6-7 recently.

    How many warns do you have?: 0 

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: Currently, I am fairly active, currently the Deputy Head of Research, former Senior Event Team, former Admin on the staff team, and have been around since early 2020 / late 2019. I can be as active as need to be as my schedule is very flexible compared to others, as my schoolwork can be done quickly, and I would be free the rest of the day afterwards. I can dedicate myself to anything I find worth my time and will be highly proficient in efforts to make my work beneficial. I have many hours of experience with ULX, which I can use to better port Ideas into an actual event. Furthermore, my creativity has allowed me to create multiple events that span between a couple of days to weeks, including but not limited to my; Zenoth Grimm storyline, Midas the Blob events and the Church of the Black Klok storyline. In my past I have been known to be very helpful when on the Staff/Event team affairs, I can assist in many things when given the opportunity or requested to do so. In conclusion, I believe that I would be a valuable asset to the Event Team due to the reasons stated above.

    Describe an event you could create: Typically when I make events I would want to create my own entity from an inspiration of some sort. I would start with an ability of some sort, in this case I wanted to create something hard to recontain giving MTF a challenge to increase the fun of it. So In this case I want to make something "too fast to see", giving it a unique look to stand out compared to any other SCP on the site. I would start by introducing it on the surface where CI has a chance to acknowledge the entities' existence, it would gravitate towards Gate A slowly trying to make an appearance. It should definitely draw attention, due to the flashy model and color/effects. Once I've gained the attention of MTF, it's game on to attempt to kill them within a reasonable set of rules I'll follow to keep it fair for myself and the MTF involved. Once they have whittled my health down, typically I'll give them a choice; full termination or capture and contain. At which point the event will either end or the entity will be placed into Temp/Euclid for experimentation. With this method I tend to involve most of the branches around the server, whereas to not leave anybody out.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes.

    What is your favorite SCP? Why?: SCP-106 still is the most interesting to me to this day. His history and how he became to be is just an excellent read. I couldn't recommend it enough. Also, his interactions with other SCPs such as SCP-096 are very interesting to see how they react to each other. Also, funny femur go brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  7. This was test, log was interesting to read, done very well and looks very professional.
    Quite impressed with how this turned out, however, I will not be leaving an official grade on this test log simply due to the fact that had this been an official test it most likely would've gotten a harsh grade because normal researchers wouldn't be doing that to SCP-999.

    Overall this was a good reading experience and a fun read.
    Good job Jummy!

    P.S SCP-999 isn't fat he's just plump and squishy 😞

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