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Posts posted by GLaDOS

  1. 1 hour ago, Your Local Soviet said:


    Now hear me out. Alpha-1 was such a cool and creative branch, and I believe we could improvise it and add more to it. It doesn't just have to be security detail for higher-ups, we could literally make it into anything that requires high-clearance. I personally believe there's a lot of potential for Alpha-1 if it was brought back, and could possibly make the server even more active with some OG's coming back and making certain events even more fun.


    Also yes to PK's, thought they were a cool concept even if they were rarely used. Doesn't hurt to still keep them around and give more of a purpose to that super scary room lurking in LCZ.


  2. What was done right;
    Interesting test idea.
    Visual Stimuli (Picture)

    What could've been improved;
    More detail could've been added to add length.
    Grammar and spelling could use a little work.
    Sentence structure is a bit off.
    Punctuation was not always present in each sentence.
    Was a little hard to read due to everything said above.

    What was done wrong;
    There were 3 different SCP numbers listed, 963, 939 and 936.
    Leaving me to search through three wiki pages to figure out what was actually done as the only SCP listed in this test was "SCP: 035"

    Final Grade: 76/100 (C+)

  3. What you did right;
    Nice color scheme.
    Background research and Observations are very well detailed.
    Minimal grammatical/spelling errors.
    Use of Visual Stimuli (pictures)
    Decent test idea.

    What you could improve;
    Nothing notable.

    What was done wrong;
    Nothing Notable.

    Final Score: 100/100 (A+)

  4. What you did right;
    Creative test idea.
    Good utilization of SCP- 294.

    What you could improve on;
    Some of the sentence structuring is a little off, making it semi-difficult to read.
    This test feels like it has a lot of room for more detail and role-play.
    Could've used more colors or fonts to make it a little less bland.
    Great job despite these.

    What you did wrong;
    Nothing Notable.

    Overall Score: 85/100 (B)

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/5/2021 at 12:19 AM, DooM Guy said:

    Dude we need a trading system for this server. Think of it like CS, buy and sell skins.

    Trust me, my net-worth would be double of Zeeptins if this was a thing

    For this to work, we'd need a buying system based on random chance, sort of like unboxing if we took it that far.
    Which Im not too sure how well that'll tide over everybody.

  6. What was good about the test;
    Good color coding, really makes the wording stand out.
    Decent test idea.
    Fairly descriptive observations and good sentence structuring.
    Generally well done and good looking.

    What you could've improved on;
    Nothing really note worthy.

    What you did wrong;
    The background research is a copy and paste of the SCP wiki page for 513.
    Typically we like to see creativity and researchers using their own words when it comes to test logs.

    Final: 90/100 (A-)

  7. What was good about the test;
    Liked the color scheme used.
    The organization of the Questions and Answers.
    The transcript was a good addition, especially since it followed the script exact.
    The video was a neat addition, you don't really see that too often.
    Good questions asked.
    Overall well done.

    What you could've improved on;
    Some minor spelling and grammar errors, but nothing too major.

    What you did wrong;
    Nothing really.

    Final: 98/100 (A+)

  8. Initial Grading Process;
    The color coding and aesthetics really allow it to stand out.
    The test was well conducted and thought through.
    Very descriptive wording and well structured sentences.

    What you could've improved on;
    There was an opportunity for some visuals/photos.

    What you did wrong;
    Nothing Really.

    Final: 95/100 (A)

  9. 13 hours ago, Starstep said:

    The effort you have put into making SCP-RP the server it has become is absolutely impeccable, and you have my utmost gratitude for assisting this server reach the place it is now.
    I wish you well, and I hope your future endeavors are spectacular. You most certainly deserved the position you got up to, and I am very glad you were a member of the O5 Council.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. 
    Best wishes.

  10. In-Game Name: GLaDOS

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89411271

    What is your ULX Rank?: Platinum

    What is your RP Rank?: Keter Class Manager

    What is your timezone?: MST

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8-9

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Was previously Event Team on this server for around the better part of 4-6 months, and a decent portion of that as a Senior Event Team Member as well.

    How Active are you? (1/10): Near 5-6 but improving daily.

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 0

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: See ever since I left a while back I kept having moments where I'd think of a really good event idea but couldn't do it because I resigned. This would happen every couple of days or so and I've been dying to do more events for this server, not only because they are fun to perform but because of the enjoyment I get to share and provide for the other players who participate in them. That to me is a feeling above all else when it comes to role-play; an enriching lore-bound fun experience for everyone to share. With my knowledge on LUA commands and experience with Garrys Mod in general, I can be a great addition to the Event Team here to stay for a little while longer to spread that fun experience once again. Provided I get the chance, I cannot wait to get started and work with my fellow ET once again.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): Alright, so I had an Idea for a mysterious anomaly event where different people of importance (or anybody you'd know for sure would participate in this event) who could report mysterious sounds of footprints but no explainable source to them. Research/MTF/Anyone Really would have to locate the source of the Footsteps and figure out what it is. Throw in some mysterious music from time to time or maybe an unexplainable moving object. This event could go so many ways, because if it's invisible and making noise then you could literally make it anything you want and make a story for it. Afterwards you let MTF/Site Admin decide what to do with you, termination trials, containment testing or just site transfer.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Many times.

    What is your favorite SCP? Why?: 

    SCP- 106

    This thing is so entertaining to read and learn about for me it's insane. You don't even get to understand 100% of the story behind this dude, you really only understand that he was a soldier in WWII and then some black goo showed up and started swallowing people. Along with his absolute difficulty to explain I love his other interactions with SCPs in the Foundation. If you have the time, I'd sincerely recommend reading his entire case file and maybe looking up some animated story tellers on Youtube and see what they have on SCP-106, because it is quite fun to watch or read.

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