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Posts posted by KoreanBiscuit

  1. 1 hour ago, Solois said:

    Re-Create the multiplayer in singelplayer, just like a set of a movie, invite "actors" from the game itself.

    There you get good FPS

    That's a good idea get a good amount of people from the server and recreate a great RP scene that would happen in Police RP in a private Gmod Lobby and record that.

  2. 5 hours ago, Danny Muller said:

    Welcome to a magical place we call gaming light its filled with grown men who haven't seen the sun in years and a god damn hard working staff team with a idiot called danny muller on it

    A Great Idiot named Danny Muller ? You forgot "Great"

  3. What I want Added to Teamspeak: 

    What I would like to see put on Teamspeak would be a set of Tags for NSA High Command, Low Command, and NSA Members

    Why I feel this would be useful:

    I feel this would be useful because if your not in game but in teamspeak and someone doesn't know your from NSA they could see that you would have the NSA High Command, Low Command, Or member depending on who you need to speak to

    I feel since all the other departments have tags I feel NSA could receive tags as well!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Danny Muller said:

    Clubs arnt that big of a thing and probably wont be
    Anyone can create one and leaving it in the open would cause alot of issues with minges and spammers (Unless forum diplomats get access to some how prevent that)
    I use clubs but only to monitor who is active on the forums for dispatch


  5. 10 minutes ago, Voxis said:


    Judging by the video and John's response, I feel that if the situation wasn't handled the way it should have been. Instead of asking him what he's doing (we can't hear your audio so there is no evidence supporting what was said and wasn't said) you tase him, cuff him and proceed to pull him to PD. Now, do I agree that him slaying himself was a bad choice? Yes. However, I am also saying that you should have handled the situation the proper way instead of just tasing and forgetting. Now, as far as this standard, I will be speaking with Walrus about this situation as NSA. 


  6. 19 minutes ago, [GL] Tom said:

    yeh I can see it being a cool thing on the forums but I can also seeing it being a pretty pointless thing and a lot of the just normal donators (non-staff) and even donator mods don't show much activity on the forums in my personal opinion but yeh, I can see why this would be accepted but in contrast I could just as easily see why this would be denied so I really don't know my true personal verdict on this as of right now ?


  7. 47 minutes ago, -Unknown- said:

    I have a gun dealer base, a PD killroom thing, a GL Logo and s GL badge/flag that are mostly the ones worth anything.

    how much for gun dealer base?

  8. 3 hours ago, Matthew said:

    +(HUGE) Support





    +Helps/Trains Officer's

    +App. Has Good Amount of Effort 

    +Deservers Captain

    I believe you deserve a chance as Captain. You have done nothing but good for this Police Department. You active, mature, friendly, and when I see you, your helping officer's to the best of your ability. You deserve a promotion. Good luck!!! And keep doing what your doing. ? 

    ~Captain Matthew


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  9. 40 minutes ago, Cole Phelps said:


    + It is becoming very apparent that this has been a problem lately

    - I personally don't find the word minge "Offensive" in any way

    - In a similar context, Criminals run around harassing police calling them "Pigs" and saying stuff like "F*** you stupid a** Pigs!"  so if "Minge" is seen as harassment, saying stuff like this to a Police Officer that is just driving by should also be considered harassment as well and be treated as such.


  10. IG Name: Korean

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/KoreanBiscuit

    How many warnings do you have: 0

    What departments are you in and what rank: I am Division Chief In the NSA and CPL in the Police!

    Why do you want to be EMS(150 Words Minimum):

    The Reasons Why I want to join the EMS are very Simple!

    I feel that the Emergency Medical Services is the perfect place for me to be apart of as well is because I love helping people and obviously that is what the EMS does most right? Help People!  I feel that Should be a perfect fit with the EMS because I will always respond to every call made for people in need of the EMS in good timing! I am always on the Teamspeak as well if there is ever a need to reach me for anything.  Another Important reason why I feel that I should a worthy applicant for the EMS is a simple yet very important factor to have in many aspects and that is Activity on the game.  I am always around on the server doing one thing or the other!  I would like to thank everyone taking the time reading my EMS application and consider me a valuable member of your live saving team!  

    - Korean

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