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Posts posted by KoreanBiscuit

    1. What is your in-game name?:  Korean TZ

    2. What is your steam name?:  [GL] KoreanBiscuit

    3. What is your steam ID?:   STEAM_0:0:6638853

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)  Yes I do, I have been a Moderator all the way up to a Super admin on an old DarkRP Server

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August 29, 2018

    6. What date did you make your forums account? September 7th 2018

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+

    8. How many warns do you have on the server?  0

    9. Have you donated? Yes currently for a total of 40$

    10. What rank are you applying for?  T-Mod (Trial Moderator)

    11. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it:  Yes I have multiple times.

    12. Timezone: Eastern Time Zone

    13. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A

    14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

      I Will be separating this question into a few sections to further detail why I feel that I deserve this rank.  Some Side Notes here as well! Ever since I joined from the beginning I fell in love with how serious everyone went with the Role playing on the server whether it be the police team or the criminals, no one breaks RP that much unless it is for a serious reason and I feel this is what makes Gaminglight an amazing server to try to be a part of the Staff Team so that I may be able participate in any way that I can to help keep the PoliceRP Server clean from Minges and Trolls!

       One of the reasons that I deemed to be important in deciding if I deserve to hold a staff rank in the server is Maturity. Due to the fact that it takes a bit of professionalism to be able to make the hard final call on certain scenarios through the daily tasks in being part of the server staff whether it be during an admin sit, or it being someone is needing help with something in the Out Of Character (OOC) Chat.

    Responsibility & Honesty

     I feel that these traits that I feel are also very important due to the fact being that, If you are given the Trial Moderator role you will need to be very responsible with using the commands given to you at the appropriate times or it will result in Disciplinary Actions.  I also feel that being an Honest person when it comes to conflicts possibly between players in game or between staff problems and issues I feel like being someone that is very Honest and truthful is very important to have around, so you know that He/She is a person that you know is worth trusting.

    Willingness to listen and learn

     Some people may not understand why this is an important deciding trait to me deserving a spot on the staff team and that is completely understandable.  I feel that this is an important trait to have because if someone isn't willing to sit down for lets say...  Maybe a few hours here and there to understand when to do what when it comes to staffing and being an Admin on Duty in the server, than why did that person ever apply?  I am always willing to learn something new, so this makes me willing to sit down for hours on end and learn the ins and the outs of what to do in certain situations when being an on duty staff member!

    15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

      If this were to happen when I am Administration Job on the Server, I would "!bring" the person that is mass RDMing to an area away from all the other players role playing, and then proceed to ask the person, "Why did you decide to start Mass RDMing?" If the player being questioned constantly is being disrespectful again towards me I would proceed to either mute his voice chat or his ability to type in chat and proceed to briefly explain that what he is currently saying towards me counts as Staff Disrespect.   Also if the player being punished at the time attempts to try to shoot at me, I would then proceed to "!jail" him.  After I finish talking with the guy and explaining that what he was doing was wrong, I would give him a warning for the reason "Mass RDM / Staff Disrespect" I would also minge him for 300 Seconds (Reasons Being thats the Max Trail Moderators can Minge For) for the reasons: RDM and Disrespect. To end the sit I would then unmute his Voice and text chatting privileges


    Thanks for everyone  taking the time to read my application and I hope you all have a lovely day!

    - Korean

  1. 1 hour ago, Dane said:


    • Active in-game and in TS.
    • Very active on the forums.
    • Application is really decent.
    • Mature and professional.
    • Attitude has improved.
    • Friendly and nice towards other.
    • Active on staff.
    • Has been a Senior Moderator for a while.

    Overall Munchies is fit for the Admin rank! He has been showing great work to the staff team and I think that he is ready to move up to the Admin rank! Best of luck, Munchies!

    -Senior Moderator Dane


    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, penguin said:

    What you want to see? - add a rule of minimum # of pd to be online for major crime to be allowed i personally think there should be 5 more than the number or raiders  

    Why should we add it? -i stay up late with that being said i see a lot of silos , bank raids happen when there are simply not enough police to deal with major crime situations 

    What are the advantages of having this? -helps balance server in night time and helps balance the in game money i mean if you rob a bank when 0 cops are on that is easy money 

    Who is it mainly for? -everyone 

    Links to any content - 


  3. On 9/9/2018 at 4:27 AM, ? BrycE ? said:

    Not true, he jsut came back and now can access his warns (proof) so hes appealing them

    +Support Combat healing doesn't have a rule against it, all you know is that you cannot do it



  4. On 9/10/2018 at 11:39 PM, Logan said:

    + Support

    - Adds RP

    - Stops scamming

    - Gun dealers can make a set price and sell those weapons for that price 

    - No one can pick up the minty when doing the exchange

    - Eliminates FailRP of other people picking up the weapon the gun dealer spawns. 





    I am currently looking for more people to play with on league of legends that would enjoy playing every now and then if you would like to play some good old league of legends with little old me add me on League, my name is ehatu

    Looking forward to playing with all of you league players out there!

  6. 14 hours ago, [GL] Tom said:

    whi play fortnut when we have the ROBLOX NIGHT?!?!


    6 hours ago, [GL] Wolffe said:

    Hey bois there is League 

    Add me On League!!!!! ehatu need more cool people to play with ❤️

  7. On 9/8/2018 at 7:09 PM, [GL] Tom said:


    I personally have heared Darkspikers side and I do think mervin should of gave him time to dupe his props then delete them instead of being impatient as hell

    Shouldn't Of been a warn


  8. 7 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:


    Making 9/11 jokes is NOT funny. Respect the people who gave their lives for it and respect the family's who lost mom's dad's brother's and sister's. I honestly think this ban should have been longer than an hour. Its disgusting how you joke about people's lives.


  9. I participated in this event for a short amount of time Much Respect for the people that attended in Remembrance for the Event that was 9/11 I love you all and Hope to see you in the server!

  10. 13 minutes ago, Roleplaygod said:


    9/11 is something you do not joke about. I am disgusted to even think that you did such thing when people were paying their respects in a moment of silence and I am even more disgusted you had the audacity to come here and make an appeal about it. Not only is this useless because the ban time would be done before this but it only shows your immaturity and your ignorance towards the subject. You have no idea if someone here has a family member or someone close to them that died that day. Many innocent people lost their lives and many hard working Police Officers, Fire Fighters and EMTs also lost their lives and friends because of this tragedy. What you did was completely unacceptable. There is a place and time for everything. What you said is not too bad but the moment you chose to say it was. 

    Please take the time to educate yourself on the topic and maybe then you will realize your ignorance. This is not a light subject and many people these days take it lightly. Educate yourself and think before you act. Your actions today 2,996 innocent people including first responders died that day for you to come here and make such comments in a moment that we are dedicating to them.

    It is not about the comment it is about you making it at the time that you did. You did not only disrespect the people in that room but the First Responders and their family members who lost their lives due to this tragedy.

    A 1h ban was completely unnecessary. A 1-week ban fits more the crime. I am disgusted that you take it upon yourself to RP as a cop and make such comments at such a sensitive time.


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