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Posts posted by KoreanBiscuit

  1. 1 minute ago, Shooter32073 said:

    Gah chill bro

    I just said one thing


    2 minutes ago, Boonie McBone said:

    An ambulance skin? How does that effect roleplay? It doesn’t. 

    Woah yeah! Let’s get a cool skin so we can look at it while our screen is frozen from the lag! Great suggestion. I think you’re right. 

     Come on guys no need to fight over this, there are ways both sides can win in these situations!

  2. 6 hours ago, ArmyGuy said:

    I hope now, people'd look at this post and just copy and paste it, instead of having one person say, "lag command" and then the whole chat starts to spam it 

    That's why I put this on here I know a lot of people spam the chat for the Lag Command and unless they dont have a google document they can get it from here!

  3. 6 minutes ago, th3 said:


    -Evidence fails to provide any adequate timeline of events. The staff member in question could easily have been preoccupied with something else or even tabbed out. 

    -When I was a staff member I cant even list off the number of times I missed a call or didnt see something because I was either dealing with something else or tabbed out and doing something there. 

    -For the convenience Ill assume Kiki is a staff member. As a staff member he could join the staff channel or whatever channel Millip was in and let him know. Then it would be more conclusive for that to have happened.

    -If at the very least no further attempts were made then KiKi could have easily switched to staff to handle the situation.

    In conclusion would be nice if Millip responded to provide his pov. 

    I understand where your stating this and I used to miss Admin calls before as well so I feel like I blew this out of proportion and I apologize.

  4. 1 minute ago, Toaster Strudel said:


    I feel like this should be a demotion. Due to the fact that he is purposely ignoring a call or AFK while on duty. Its either one of those. 

    To add to that he brought them randomly and didnt do anything after that. 

    I would like to hear the staff members side of the story but from the looks of this. Its straight up staff abuse and needs to be handled.

    Kiki was already at the bottom of the ravine Lol It was only me I happened to find Kiki down there.

  5. Your In-Game Name: Korean TZ ( NSA Agent Korean 4D4B at the time)

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66388539

    Staff member's In-Game Name: Millip

    What did they do? They Brought me to my car that was ditched at the bottom of the ravine which was Unusable and then proceeded to leave me and Kiki at the bottom of the ravine and I made 2 calls requesting him to come back and bring us back on the map.  Kiki also confirmed there were NO other admin calls at the time as well except for my @ calls

    Evidence (REQUIRED): 


    What do you think is an acceptable punishment?

    Whatever everyone deems necessary but I feel that this is not right at all to do I tried to catch everything in video wasn't able to catch him bringing me to my car I apologize!  
  6. I know a lot of people keep asking regarding the Lag Command For the Console so here it is if you want to save it somewhere for yourself to save you from asking in game whenever you need it!

    gmod_mcore_test 1 ;mat_queue_mode 2 ;cl_threaded_bone_setup 1;r_3dsky 0

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