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Posts posted by KoreanBiscuit

  1. 1 hour ago, Pliskin said:

    -1 Support

    "I cannot remember" is a bad dispute just because you cannot remember does not mean management should unban you. If you truly wanted to appeal your ban but could not remember why you were banned you should have went on the Gaminglight Teamspeak server  and spoken to support staff to see if they could tell you why you were banned. Until more information is brought forward I am going to have to give you a -support.


  2. Hey Guys if anyone is anime fans, Lil Uzi's new song intertwines an Anime Opening Song Called "Death Parade" by Yuki Hayashi from the anime Death Parade

    also he makes references from the anime Naruto comparing himself to Pain.

    Just a little thing I wanted to share thought it was interesting!





  3. 5 hours ago, Rhenic said:

    SMT doesn’t  allow staff members to be staff on other communities. Technically by taking a position as a developer, he became “staff” for another community. 


    This is is a clear violation of the staff handbook. Sorry, Finch, but -support.


  4. If it's limited to one Camera and one TV I don't believe it will cause too much lag seeing as the things that cause the most lag currently is the cars lying around I feel like 1 TV Entity and one camera won't cause too much lag seeing as this is mainly for criminals and gun shops I feel.

  5. What you want to see? -  The Addition of RT Camera

    Why should we add it? -  It will add a much more advanced and fun RP element when basing or having a Gunshop even or when guarding the President

    What are the advantages of having this? - You can have a Security camera linked to a TV Screen and have a realistic Security System in your bases

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone if possible!

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=106944414


    Leave your Opinions Below I believe this would be a great Addition!

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