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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    Happy new years!

    Hope you all have a great year this year!
  2. damn i didn't think it would come so soon but here it is, With my promotion into SMT i will have to end my time as FBI Director short but i know that Lime king and who he picks for his Deputy Director will be great for this department. Ever since i joined FBI i never thought that i would make it as high as Director and i appreciate Juan for promoting me to Director. my time as Director and FBI as a whole has been one that i will cherish forever and i can't thank the command team and the agents within FBI for the good times and the memories given to me. like my time as director i'll be keeping this short and sweet and ending with some mentions: @Juanzz - Thank you for believing in me and giving me Deputy Director and then Director i love ya like a brother @Lime King - i know you'll do well as Director, thank you homie FBI Command - too many to mention both current and former command members, you guys are outstanding and i can't thank you guys enough for the work you guys have done and the time and effort put in. To all the FBI agents, thank you again for the time and effort you guys put in, from patrolling to UC busts you guys made me Proud as your director and i know you'll make lime king and his deputy Director proud, keep on doing the good work! I will be retiring the RA3 Callsign, this is FBI Director Phil RA3 signing off for the last time.
  3. +support i think this would be good for a update for the VP and President
  4. sad to see you leave the event team homie, still remember getting trained for event team by you
  5. Goddamn bozo thanks for your time and effort in FBI raven, best of luck in your future endeavours
  6. Your In-game: Phil The player's name in-game: Fuck caps The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:580974217 What did the player do: reached over 20 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199122214162 What do you believe should happen to the player: week ban as per staff handbook Any extra information: User was also banned for 3 days for LTAP
  7. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  8. +support Yeah shouldn't of been perma if anything a day ban
  9. +support however this could also be sorted out by using balance the guns in discord as well if your talking about buffing the guns to it
  10. damn brodie this will be sader to see you go this time, wishing you all the best man
  11. Your In-game: Phil The player's name in-game: SNR NBAYB The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:160009426 What did the player do: Reached 20 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198280284580 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 week ban as per staff handbook Any extra information: N/A
  12. +support pretty clear he used prox chat to locate and talk to reporter
  13. Damn sad to see you go again drake, thanks for your time in FBI!
  14. +support you put your discord in which was N1GHT but chat filter autobanned
  15. damn sad to see you go dark, thank you for your time and effort you put into both FBI and HRT!
  16. thanks for letting me come out of reserves these past few months have been great with Delta force but ever since i got made director in FBI its hard to put time into Delta force and has left me with having no time to play and making me inactive in a department that i cherish, i wish you guys all the best keep up the great work guys
  17. - Moved to Correct Section -
  18. Phil

    False Ban

    Damn caught out, yeah not the best to lie on a appeal -support
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