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Everything posted by Dj V3NM

  1. This post is stupid, honestly I would be fine if standing on the wall or cutting and pushing in line was KOS. - Support
  2. - Support At just a glance it looks like you just want your own custom SCP.
  3. They can only self breach these ways and pulling any of that cheeky shit with out doing all of the adverts would be warnable. As long as their requirements are met they can not self breach, honestly I dont think it will get too out of hand for staff because they require a staff member to breach them out, before they even leave they have to @ staff to open there cell so staff can check the advert. So again it should not get out of hand.
  4. That is a great idea and if it does get sent through I will go more in depth to give the best roleplaying layout. Also in those cases that is how I planned for it to turn out so if you would like to change your +/- support to a solid + that would be very appreciative. I am open to modify the suggestion in any way to make sure everyone here likes the outcome.
  5. Even if the timers are hard to keep account of there are simple lua addons that can manage this which regardless is not needed cause the time that they have to wait is hard to be mistaken staff are going to remember if the same SCP just breached because the even if the timer was around 20-15 minutes off it wouldn't be too much of an issue and I belive our staff team is ready for the challenge.
  6. Again I made the time limits in a way so it will be hard to be too chaotic and even if the time is not exact staff should know that something happened like an hour ago no one has to exactly time stuff it is just made so no one does it right after another, Also as I have said there has to be ATLEAST 90 people on which can be raised or lowered to a preferred time. Also, I belive this system is well thought out and this is something that the community wants.
  7. Yes that is why it says can only self breach if there are at least 90 people online, Also I trust in the abilities of the staff members.
  8. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - Myself and other community members would like to bring back SCP self breaches system with an altered take on it. SCP’s in HCZ will have certain maintenance protocols or over all rules to contain them and prevent a breakout. For each of these that use timers the timer is set world based rather than player based meaning that if a person self breaches then get recontained the timer is set for everyone on that job so a different person can not breach on the same job right away. ~Can only Self-Breach if there are at least 90 people online ~Does not have to only be Containment Engineers or Containment Cleaner, but any high ranking utility members. Below are my proposed maintenance or rules for self breaches for each SCP I can clarify if their are any inconsistencies, errors, or general questions : SCP-035 ~ Every 60 minutes a Containment Cleaner needs to replace the glass case on the mask’s case. SCP-035 has to advert 15 minutes before they are about to breach their cell they need to give a warning every 5 minutes that pass. The message needs to be along the lines of, (SCP-035’s Glass case needs to be replaced in 15/10/5 min.) In RP sense while the Containment Cleaner is changing the case while SCP-035 is flagged on SCP-035 is not yet spawned in and should be counted as nonexistent. SCP-049 ~ Every 45 minutes SCP-049 can request a D-Class personnel to ‘Cure.’ SCP-049 has to advert a message that needs to be along the lines of, (I require a patient to cure from the pestilence, I need him within 20/15/10/15 minutes) this needs to be adverted every 5 minutes that passes from the original advert. SCP-076-2 ~ This class is just a timer every 120 minutes this SCP can breach. Additional Note ~ Should have some sort of advert warning that it is opening. SCP-096 ~ Every 90 minutes a Containment Engineer needs to check for cracks or holes on the outside of SCP-096’s containment cell. SCP-096 must advert 20 minutes before they breach along the lines of, (SCP-096’s containment cell needs to be inspected for any cracks or holes on the outside of the cell within 20/15/10/5 minutes.) This needs to be sent every 5 minutes after the original message. SCP-106 ~ Every 90 minutes three Containment Cleaners needs to apply a base, (just go to cell and say /me applies base,) to neutralize the acidic property of SCP-106’s cell. SCP-106 needs to advert along the lines of, “SCP-106’s cell is being withered away, apply a base within 20/15/10/5 minutes.” This needs to be repeated after the original advert. SCP-682 ~ Every 90 minutes SCP-682 can request 3 D-Class to calm its bloodlust, it needs to advert something along the lines of, “I request three people to feast on, I demand them to be into my cell within 25/20/15/10/5 minutes,” This needs to be sent every 5 minutes from the original post. Additionally, he can be enraged by any facility member if they insult him in anyway, (actual insults.) Additional Note ~ The last one is just an option. SCP-939 ~ Every 120 minutes SCP 939’s Cells need to be cleaned by a Containment Cleaner and the humidity and pressure levels needs to be regulated by a Containment Engineer. First SCP’s in the containment cells needs to be tranquilized, (Any SCP-939 specimen tranquilized can wake up after they are transferred to adjacent cell or until the other SCP-939 has been transferred into their cell,) Overall this process should require at least one Containment Cleaner, one Containment Engineer, and at least two MTF accompanying them. SCP-939 must advert along the lines of, “SCP-939 containment cell requires maintenance within 25/20/15/10/5 minutes.” This needs to be repeated every 5 minutes after the first advert. SCP-966 ~ Every 90 minutes SCP-966 needs to be given one D-Class for every two SCP-966 active. SCP-966 need to advert something along the lines of, “SCP-966 needs to be fed, bring them their D-Class within 20/15/10/5 minutes.” This needs to be repeated every 5 minutes that pass after the original advert. When attempting to feed SCP-966, Roleplay putting on a lead suit (/me puts on Lead suit) found in their containment cell, (obviously not in their living space but the room itself.) Then someone is going to send frequency waves through their cell forcing them to go into their frozen state by going up to the terminal in the room and saying, “/me plays the frequency.” Additional Note ~ The amount of D-Class is tallied when the first advert is sent meaning if one is on and the facility start bringing one D-Class then four more flag on, the Facility only needs to bring that one and do not have to go back and grab two other D-Class. Why should we add it? - This gives the Utility force more things to do and of course gives SCP’s a reason to actually be flagged on rather than the occasional tests that are almost always SCP-049. Also this allows more Class-D to be used, for they have to wait for a Scientist to perform a test. Overall the server will be more interesting and again gives the utility members tasks. What are the advantages of having this? - Most of the SCP maintenance procedures were taken straight from the wiki following the lore. This again will make the server more interesting for players who mostly have little to do because most of the time players that operate in HCZ do nothing but patrol or make up bullshit role playing situations. Giving people actual mandatory tasks give more of that excitement each server aims to achieve. Who is it mainly for? - Like I have stated this is for the SCP’s themselves, the high ranking utility members, and the people who patrol HCZ.
  9. Name: CPL Kashmir Rank?: Corporal SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155908185 What server is your activity majority based on (EU or US)?: US How is your activity in Gensec (Good, poor, ect): Good Why should you retain your current Rank? (WO+ 150+ Words): I should remain the rank I am currently at merely because of my proficiency while active on the server. While I am not the most active, given that I am currently still in high school and my social life and education precede the server. Although this is the case, many officers above me can vouch for my efficiency and overall tone while active. I strive to be polite to any individual on the server, especially to personnel in my branch. I have proven myself to be a sufficient officer in the server, and I look forward to ranking up in this server. Besides that, I am very passionate about the SCP universe and learn more about the way a facility would run; this understanding helps me in my other projects that are on the matter. To conclude, I believe that I should keep my ranking for I have worked hard and hope to one day revolutionize my branch with new tactics and formulate training procedures.
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