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Alton Lewis

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About Alton Lewis

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  1. +support Amazing staff member, who's move then qualified for Tmod
  2. We used to have a similar system that was implemented, however it was removed for some unknown reason, however i'd personally love this
  3. - support I think it's a semi-serious rp server however unless you stick a sock down their through or your tie how else would you gag them? it's a nice idea but there are other options
  4. I have NEVER seen you before, it may be due to time zone difference however people from the US seem to of not seen you before so I am doubting that, if you want to become staff you wanna be active, mature, have interest in the community as well as know the server rules and ye you can even follow a basic rule stating do NOT respond you your application :/
  5. There is a difference from saying You're a F***ing C*** to saying This is f***ing amazing, knowing the difference will prevent you from being warned. Either way however if you could prevent from searing in ooc/advert, that would be good it general
  6. I honestly thought you left the server, give it some more time and prove you're worthy before applying
  7. After you make that statement I check to see if what you're saying is true, and after killing myself 3 times in a row and clicking "call ems" i didn't have an issue this is showing me that it was working at the time I had no evidence to support your claims apart from your word. I don't know you too well and I didn't have a reason to believe what you're saying is true so for that reason I warned you for "respawning when EMS is online" I'm more than aware that it doesn't always work however that doesn't mean it never works and I have had issues in that past when people have used that excuse. P.S if you wish to continue the report on me I suggest you try to get this one remove and re-post it on the correct section.
  8. Also this warn isn't needed as Tcoops did the exact same report with the same vid for the same reason,
  9. "Honestly if you're going to attempt to target me, it's cool man. Just shows a bit of immaturity and it sickens me that you'd even try this. but thanks for the lies and not full story. Also, a recording would've been better my dude. Cause this just shows and makes people think i was doing something wrong xD, and by saying only accessible by staff, how'd you get up there ;)))"
  10. I'm not going to give a plus or minus support, however, Nimo at the time wasn't talking to anyone and wanted to be left alone, according to Nimo this was going on longer than the video shows and his reaction when we started to run away shows that he didn't want to rp this situation out. I'm my opinion you shouldn't have continued to follow him when he didn't want to rp that situation and I feel it is unnecessary.
  11. + Support -Friendly -active - well respected -I'm getting lonely as the only COL - Wouldn't expect any mistakes or mess up with the new rank.
  12. I was on the server at the time and minges James for multiple reasons, reasons I'm not going to go into over the forms however James is a donor mod and warned Tcoops was being minged as well as once being un-minged and was going to be spoken too by SMT he then instantly left Anyways + support
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