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Dr. Whale

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Posts posted by Dr. Whale

  1. hi everyone, the activity never happened. I'm really sorry, real life kind of took the wheel from me. but I figured I'd let you guys in on a whale update part 2. We have a Mrs.Whale, its official! for all of the homies rooting for me, I appreciate it heavily. other than having some issue in life, I'm pretty good. also phil can I kiss the beard? but I digress, I might pop into your TS channels may not. but i hope you goblins are doing good here on the front. 

    sincerely, señor whale.

  2. as some of you know I've been visiting more than often, with this info this is a whale comeback event. School is beginning to get good and now I have some time to play this game. and i've proved all wrong by saying ill never get a girlfriend. (I'm asked her out and she said yes so hopefully your boy whale finna be ballin)so with this coming of activity I guess see you guys around 🙂

  3. yeah I'm back, and yes I said I'd never come back in my "final resignation" I did not write that, it was wrote by my brother wail. heh lasted long didn't it.

  4. Well if only it were April 1st. To put it first thank you to the departments that have let Whale in, yes Whale the Whale. But the reason being that I have no time to play Garry's Mod anymore, as well as getting a Roofing job for the summer, and overall just am spending more time with family and friends because the state is beginning to open up and more vaccines are coming out.  And in the short time of achieving Senior Mod I need to leave. SO to list the people that I've kissed   I mean met and hung out with.

    -All of SCO19 and SRT: I love you guys, and girls y'all've been the best to me and letting me into your department(s)
    -Secret Service: Me thinking I'd get removed 1 week after being accepted, turned into being a supervisor and having a Seb run the department is quite the funne moment.
    -Soul, Drippy, Conrad, Cammy, mikey, Jamie, Tactical, and the list goes on and on: Thanks for being there for me, I'll miss you guys especially even on staff, Crim, or on gov, and maybe even on COD.
    -Everyone else: Either I honestly forgot you because of all the time I've been gone.
     Thats it folks, and no I wont be coming back like all the other times, see you in the future and a final goodbye from the largest mammal on Gaminglight.


    • Gaminglight Love 2
  5. On 5/1/2021 at 9:16 PM, SGT. Nick Hunter said:


    SupremeChow is an effective, consistent, disciplined Senior Admin. He has proven himself countless times through his professionalism and everything stated previous. If you are looking to fill the JMT, Supreme Chow, Drippy, and John would make a trio that we have never seen before in this community. Through their skill in the duty, Gaminglight will forever be top tier.


    • Like 1
  6. On 5/1/2021 at 12:36 PM, Mag1c said:

    Drippy is a very cool dude
    He has worked his way up to HC (CoCMDR) in Swat
    He is very Trustworthy
    He is also on the server everyday, also afks every night
    He is very respectful and very responsible
    He also knows what to do in every situation 
    He knows all the rules
    He is great at training staff
    He knows the guidelines for staff
    He doesn't minge or break the rules
    He only has one warning


  7. Rank You are Applying For: Captain


    In-Game Name: Whale

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95082301

    Current Rank: LT

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 Weeks

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 3

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I believe I should be promoted from Lieutenant to Captain is for a multitude of reasons. For one I'm very active and am on usually every day and ready to deal with command problems. To continue, I'm well-liked by my fellow command members and when they need something I'm always there to help. Secondly, I'm very responsible for working inside of PD helping supervisors as well as enlisted with any questions, recommendations, and or people misbehaving on the police job. To clear anything up I'm applying for captain because I believe that I'm ready to deal with more command duties than what LT's handle. I have all the experience that I need to apply for captain and I feel I'm ready for the step up. With me being active is I can further better the police department because when I'm on tac, or crim I can use all of the things the PD are doing right and wrong and correct them or reward them. To sum all of my reasons up, I want to be promoted to Captain because I feel I'm ready, and more than prepared to take on the roles of a Captain.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

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