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[AWOL] Jojo

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Posts posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. -support 

    I think the biggest problem with the suggested thing is that it auto-punishes. If I was killed in spawn or right outside I would get in trouble.


    On DarkRP servers I’ve seen some system alerting you when you go to where you died and has a time for how long your your NLR is. I’d like a system without auto punish.

  2. + MAJOR Support

    +Like the Idea

    +Might Bring more roleplay

    -Mingers will easily be able to annoy others.

    I also wouldn’t mind a ”slap” SWEP that does 0 dmg.

  3. Questions

    Your In-game: Jojo Umbrella Corp

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68504929
    The admin's name in-game: Naby
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Number 2 chav 
    What warning did you receive: RDM/Att.RDM/FailRP
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Naby
    Why do you think this warn was false: It was a mistake, he meant to warn another guy.
    Any extra information:
  4. +support

    cant help Gov as a criminal (Naby or nimo or someone got warned for that before)

    They RDM’D

    video 2 they shot u for no reason 

    I just see a Minge fest because if someone Spits on you that’s not RP to kill them 



    if you want to help gov make A government class of your own

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