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[AWOL] Jojo

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Posts posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. We don't have you down as blacklisted from EMS, Therefore you can join the department!

    I'm whitelisted as EMS but everyone said I was blacklisted, I was never told by an actual EMS tho.

  2. Be aware you aren't allowed to have those. I suggest you get rid of it.

    Zeeptin said that he doesn't care if you have the items, the items are too valuable to be used so dosen't really matter anyways.

  3. +support 

    I think there should be a GOOD car at like 50 million since that would add more of an endgame.

    These cars would be cool tho.

  4. I dont really like the idea of players selling guns that only SA plus can spawn in.

    Honestly? It’s the only endgame for me. There aren’t that many that exist so..,

    I dont really like the idea of players selling guns that only SA plus can spawn in.

    Honestly? It’s the only endgame for me. There aren’t that many that exist so..,

  5. Was this message incorrect? 

    Snarlax said:

    My bid: You dropping it for me next time you are in game

    You obviously know selling this is wrong, as you have emphasized that it can only be spawned by super admins and above. You shouldnt even have it still. You should be informing a SMT member to remove it from your inventory

    Failure to contact me in game within the next 48 hours will result in your inventory being wiped

    Go to this post

  6. I Got money i am really bored so i alreayd have the only nova in the game that i got from killing MR.Valkirye #R4KT So my bid is 2,5mil

    Nova isn’t rare AT ALL. I’ll just bid 2.600.001

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